Monday, December 28, 2020

T Stands for Christmas During a Pandemic

Hi everyone. 

I hope everyone has been well, and if you celebrated Christmas, that you had a wonderful day.

My daughter was home for a few days, and the three of us (my husband, my daughter and myself) had a quiet holiday at home. It warmed up and rained all day, which I think made it a more quiet than usual Christmas. 

One of my family's traditions is that we have a big Christmas breakfast and have a small meal in the evening. This year it was more like a Christmas brunch rather than breakfast because we weren't moving quickly that morning. As you can see,  we also have the tradition of wearing hats around the  house on Christmas. 

For T this week, I want to share my holiday brunch drink. Usually we open a bottle of some kind of bubbly. This year it was prosecco. 

We mix it with OJ to make mimosas. 

I bought this particular brand of prosecco  because I liked the bottle. I thought it was pretty. I'm more of a beer drinker than wine drinker so my wine choice is usually based on the name or the bottle design.

I also did a little holiday baking for our breakfast. This year I made some mini babka buns. Half were filled with chocolate and half with cinnamon. 

Here's our big brunch, which was quite yummy. And a lot of food too.

I received some nice holiday gifts this year (no art supplies-I guess they figure I don't really need any more-which is true-smile) including this fun ornament from my daughter. I've mentioned recently that our family tree is a bit like a yearly scrapbook with ornaments that are memories.

My  daughter also got me this fun one to remember 2020. Right now I might not want to remember the year, but I know down the road these ornaments will be good stories and laughs.

I love how it is the Costco brand which is usually what I buy.
We usually stuff our stockings with a few sweet treats and some useful little items like toothbrushes or toothpaste. This year the big gift was hand sanitizer and everyone got a new mask. Signs of the time I guess.
I also got a couple of bags of M&M's to try out. I got the Sugar Cookie and the Brownie versions. I'm saving them for once all the Christmas cookies I baked are gone.

We have been watching the show the Mandalorian, and my daughter is really taken with the Child named Grogu. For those of you not familiar with the show, it is a Star Wars show that takes place (from what I have been told) shortly after the original film 6, Return of the Jedi.  Grogu is a Yoda like Jedi who is just a child and in the show has been in the process of being returned to his kind by the Mandalorian. 
I wanted to find my daughter a few little the Child/Grogu items as fun holiday gifts. I found this little stuffed one you can see above in her stocking at Target, and I also found this fun ear Pods case from Amazon.

Even the dogs get into the stocking fun. Toys and treats for them, but no pandemic items. 

Since this our last T day post for 2020, I wish you all a happy start to 2021. 
And a happy T day too of course. Be sure to stop by    Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog    to see what the T ladies are up to.

I hope these last few days of the year will not be too dark or dreary for you. Thanks so much for visiting my blog.


  1. Hi Erika, I haven't made us a big brunch in awhile now-yours looks really delicious. I am not familiar with this wine but I am in love with the bottle too. I buy according to the bottle most times.
    cute ornaments-I guess a few years from we can laugh a bit over 2020
    Happy T and Happy New Year wishes Kathy

  2. Thanks, Erika, for sharing the photos of the holiday celebration at your home. it was also nice to see smiling faces not wearing a masks and you all looked very happy too. Sending our best wishes to you and your family for a Happier New Year for us all.

  3. Your mandalorian gifts are very neat.My husband has finished watching it and is going on to other series. Your Christmas looks like it was a lot of fun.

    be safe and have a better 2021 than we all had in 2020... mae at

  4. It looks like you had a great Christmas and a very comfortable one which is the way to go. You had good food, fun and loved ones with you...that is the best.

  5. oh how fun!!! Yum to proseco and that breakfast. We are eating the cream cheese cookies I made, plus the sugar cookies with peppermint hersheys kisses.

    It's so festive at your house

  6. Looks like you had a great time together. Good food, drinks and being with your loved ones, what could be better? Happy T Day! Hugs, Valerie

  7. What a cute, fun pic to start a post - BIG smiles from here! Thank you! :-)
    And more sweet pics, awww... And wow, is that an ice-machine at the fridge?
    I´m so with you on beer/wine. Great idea with the tree (and the ornament is great!)
    I just love your outfits. Oh, so it is Star Wars after all. I think this remake is not here yet.
    To hopes of a better 2021, and a happy T-day, hugs!

  8. Oooh.. what a happy family, and yummy, yummy...Erika!
    Happy New Year to you and your family xx

  9. It looks like you had a fun Christmas Erika. I love the Grogu gifts and those baubles are great.
    Happy Twixtmas and T-Day.
    Alison xx

  10. What wonderful holiday photos! It looks like you had such a wonderful Christmas and your breakfast brunch looks so yummy 😀. The mimosa must have been the perfect accompaniment too. Happy T Day and all the best for 2021! Hugs, Jo x

  11. I really enjoyed reading about your Christmas brunch. Looks like a REAL brunch, too. Other than the egg is too well done for me (I'm a sunny side up gal), I would have loved to join you for Christmas. I have to admit, I've never had proscecco, or a mimosa, even though I had a mimosa tree in MO., if that counts (grin). BTW, if you ever want to get rid of the scale shown in the photo with your husband opening the bubbly, you may send it to me (tee hee). Thanks for sharing your Christmas brunch and gifts with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend. I LOVED the decorations, especially the retirement one.

  12. What fun Christmas traditions. I like the idea of wearing hats, having mimosas, and the brunch looks so delicious. The retirement and toilet paper ornaments are a hoot. This certainly will be a year to remember. Next year, we'll be hanging syringes on the tree 😺 Happy T Day and here's to a Better 2021. Take care.

  13. It looks like a wonderful Christmas --warm, happy, filled with good fun, good food and clever presents. I love the idea of the tree as a scrapbook. I think of mine as autobiography and I suppose in a way it is the same thing but scrapbook really works. I am ExTREMELY envious of your toilet paper ornament! (I think I'd love Christmas breakfast at your house -- those bobke look wonderful!)

    Happy In-Between week and all good new year wishes for you!

  14. That bottle is pretty! We do a Christmas breakfast something like yours. Those buns look delicious. I'm impressed with your Grogu. I've really enjoyed the Mandalorian series :) Happy T Tuesday!

  15. What a beautiful family! I am glad you had such a great time at Christmas, Erika! HAPPY 2021!!! and enjoy the retirement!!!

  16. Your Christmas celebrations look awesome. We did mimosas and a big brunch too....but we still had a big late afternoon dinner. It’s the holidays after all. Things have been holiday busy, even though it’s quieter than usual. Scrolling back through your posts today, so much fun and interesting. Love all your bird books, art and cookies. I am not a fan of the taste of iced cookies. They look nice when they are decorated, but sugar and gingerbread cookies stand up well on their own. Yum! Finally got my post feature working. Thanks for all your great posts and visits and comments on mine. Happy 2021!

  17. I love your happy Christmas hats. The brunch looks scrumptious. Your babka buns reminded me that I haven't made my m-i-l's babka for a long time - probably 3 years or so.

    The retirement ornament is really clever and special. Wherever did you gfnd a mini-pack of t.p.? That's a riot.

    Happy T-day and a Happy New Improved Year! Hugs, Eileen

  18. I love a good brunch and this looks like a very good one! Hubby is a Mandalorian fan, I watch occasionally so I am not really following the story. I love your year tree! Happy T Day and Happy New Year, Chrisx

  19. What A Wonderful Post - Truly Filled With Spirits - So Excited For You All - Merry Belated Christmas - Sending Positive Vibes Your Way


  20. It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. I liked the little Yoda. And I'm glad the dogs got treats too. (So did my cat.) Belated Merry Christmas and Happy T-Day. (I might be skipping it this week. I've been mostly offline the past few days.) I hope your New Year's Eve is rain (not snow). It looks like NOAA can't make up their mind what it's going to be. Ugh.

  21. I'd say judging by the smiles you had a great day together, how lovely to share the day with us.. Those new tree ornaments are fab, the loo roll one is so funny.. Cinnamon babka for me please :)) Hugs Tracey xx

  22. Hi Erika. All I can say is that this is a beautiful Christmas. Your family photos are keepers. Your post is simply a record of happiness in trying times. Wishing you and your family the best 2021.

  23. Oh Erika, you gave me a big smile when I read about the `Prosecco' - we had it too with orange juice. I have gone off wine but like a glass of Prosecco - the smile was you choosing wine etc because of the bottle shape/design/name - I do that too! He is a bit of a wine buff so he despairs at me wanting some naff stuff at times but the bottles are lovely!
    Your brunch looks lovely and you look so happy, all of you in your hats.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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