Thursday, December 31, 2020

Saying Goodbye to 2020

Hi everyone.

What a year 2020 has been. I am counting down the hours for the start of 2021 with the hope it will be a much better year, especially once more and more people get vaccinated and the risk of getting sick decreases. As the year wraps up I am trying to focus on the good things in this past year. The pandemic (did you see that is the word of the year?) certainly made this year very different from what I expected and meant many changes of plans. 

I could complain and go on about what I missed during 2020. I could also go on about all the challenges this year brought, but I'm trying to keep it positive. 2020 has meant retirement, lots of art time, lots of good books, lots of  walks, baking and bread making, as well as time with my family and the dogs.  My mother also recovered from covid and seems to have no long term effects. As one of my  friends says, if you focus the good things, the bad don't seem so overwhelming. 2020 has certainly been a year to get back to a simpler style of life.  

It has also been a tough year for others in so many ways that haven't touched me and which I can only guess at.  Let's hope it doesn't take long for 2021 to improve the world even a little! 

Today also Tracey's last hosting day at Art Journal Journey The Meaning Of ... has been a super challenge, and I enjoyed it a lot. Thanks Tracey for being such a great host. 

Here is my last page for the month.

This started with the Citrasolv transfer with an old National Geographic page. You can see that image on the top left side.  The men in the image looked bundled up as though it is cold and wintery. I used blue ink on the page, and I also stamped lots of the little cross details as they looked a bit like snow. 
I used this blue and white paper tape along the bottom, as well as some fabric trim. The  paper snowflakes were some left over die cuts, and I also stamped, colored and fussy cut out the Christmas ornament. I finally stamped the quote with a Paper Artsy stamp from Alison Bomber. 
The meaning of this page is the season upon us. The ornament might be a bit passé now that the New Year is just about here, but I loved the fuzzy effect of the image when it transferred as it has the look you get when you look through falling snow.
I am just hoping that this winter isn't as long and dark as all the health experts are  saying it will be. 

Wishing you all a Happy New Year.
Bring it on!


  1. You have a very happy new year and may we be able to hug family and friends next year at this time. I love the page and think the ornament is perfect for this page. It really fits in.

  2. Your COVIDec-Erie Erie sounds a lot like mine. Brighter days for 2021, but let’s keep baking, making art walking, appreciating nature, and all around us., shall we? Stay healthy, stay well

  3. 2020 will certainly be a year to remember and a year that won't be missed. I like the colors of your page though I can do without the snowflakes 😉. The ornament at the bottom of the page reminds me of the crystal ball that is dropped in Times Square to usher in the New Year. As my neighbor, Prissy used to say, Better days are coming. Btw, did your mother receive the Covid vaccine yet?

  4. My post today also focuses on the good things of this year. I think we'll all be glad to kiss it goodbye tonight at midnight. I don't always stay up that late in recent years but tonight I just might!

    Happy New Year, Erika. You are leaving it with a lovely piece of art -- so graceful and beautiful. So much more to anticipate in a new year.

  5. Wonderful journal page Erika! This year has certainly been different to what we expected, but let's stay hopeful! Have a great 2021, stay safe, healthy and creative!

  6. A lovely page with a carol that I enjoy singing (even though I cannot sing in tune). Love the transfer image and the bauble in the bottom corner. We don't have Citrasolve over here so I have never got around to doing that transfer technique.
    You are quite right to concentrate on the positives and leave the negatives back in 2020 where they belong. Although we are now in Tier 4 it doesn't make much difference to us as we were isolating anyhow and, strange though it may seem, we have not been in a shop since just before the 15th March, so it doesn't bother us like it does others.
    As long as I have my crafting I can stay happy.
    My best wishes to you and yours for a healthy, safe and well new year ahead.
    Hugs, Neet xxx

  7. Have a wonderful New Year’s Eve and a much better year in 2021! Health and good luck to you.

    best... mae at

  8. Your page is so beautiful
    Happy New Year 2021

  9. There is indeed much to b thankful for even in this year of Covid, and while it may take time for things to improve, bring on 2021 because 2020 needs to be in the past. Glad we had the chance to meet face-to-face this year, Erika, and maybe in 2021 we will be able to do it again. Sending best wishes for a Happy New Year to you and Dave from Patrick and myself.

  10. It certainly has been one hell of a year but I know it has made me much stronger on the outside maybe not so on the inside. Thanks so much Erika for embracing my AJJ Theme in full throttle i'm so glad you enjoyed it.
    Your final piece has an air of mystery, like a shadowy figure in the misty. maybe when misty clears it will show us a much brighter future.. Here's to happy days in 2021 Stay safe Hugs Tracey xx

  11. This was a stunning piece for your final page using Tracey's theme. I really like the mysterious way the Citrosolve handled the NG image. It turned out great against the beautiful blue background. I hope you have a lovely, joyous, safe, healthy new year, too, dear friend.

  12. Beautiful page Erika! I love the blue.
    Wishing you a happy new year.
    Alison xx

  13. Beautiful! I have a FB friend who has already received the vaccine, so onwards into the new year with hope. May it bring us better days :)


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