Wednesday, December 30, 2020

A Winter Walk

Hi everyone. Hope the last few days of this year are going well for you.  

While my daughter was home over the past weekend, we went out for a couple of walks. One morning we checked out the Great Bay Wildlife Refuge. It is about 30 minutes from the house, and I have been wanting to walk this trail for awhile now. 

I'm glad we  went early in the day because when we finished there were several cars that  had just arrived in the parking lot with big crowds of people. We only passed 2 couples during our time walking, and I enjoyed being able to walk in the quiet of nature, not the chatter of people.

Our Christmas rain got rid of the snow down here by the coast, so except for a bit of soggy ground, it made nice walking.

I discovered there are 2 trails. The first one we walked  is a 2 mile loop.

The trail meandered through some woodland, by a large field, and then we ended up on the shore of Great Bay. 

The tide was up. It looks cold out on the water. Although it was around 40 degrees  (just over 4 degrees C), it was cloudy, damp and raw feeling.

It was a beautiful place to walk. 

The trail was a bit damp, and in some spots there were some cool ice fragments forming on the ground..

I get a childlike thrill from stepping on this kind of ice and hearing it crack and crunch, but I left it for the next walkers to find.

When we got back to the parking lot, we noticed there was another trail. This one said it was only a half a mile, so we decided to do this also. 

This one was completely a boardwalk trail. It meandered through the wood and down to a small wet area.

There's been some busy woodpeckers I think.

And there was some nice reflections at the  wet area, which I think might also be tidal.

It was a great walk, and I burned off some of those holiday calories too.  Smile!
It is also hard to believe that all this beauty sits behind this former weapon storage area. The area is now known as the Pease Tradeport, but use to be Pease Airforce Base, an offensive air base that closed in the late 1980's.  Since this base used to have nuclear weapons at it, I bet this area is capped underground and why it is fenced off.  To get to the trails you need to walk around this huge fenced off  section. 

I think it is fitting that it is   now a wildlife natural sanctuary. 
As it once was, or as the quote goes, "What goes around, comes around."

Happy second to the last day of 2020. We're almost done!


  1. Glad you were able to have some lovely walks outside. Good to hear that the air force base is gone. The great Bay looks wonderful and the ice looks pretty. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. That looks like a beautiful area to walk.I love your photos. I am with you, I love the crackle and crunch of ice.I will bet you love kicking up a pile of leaves too. Some things never get old no matter how old we get. Happy holidays.

  3. Thanks for the photos. It's nice to see trails of difference lengths and difficulties.

  4. I loved walking with you today and exploring those new trails! The icy photos look gorgeous - brrrr 😀. Happy Holidays, enjoy the rest of the festive season and all the best for 2021! Hugs, Jo x

  5. Sadly Hubby refuses to walk with me and to be honest I´m afraid to go by myself.
    So thank you for sharing your wonderful walk! :-)
    Well, the weapons, oh, my...
    Last day, will it be better next year? I hope so!

  6. What a wonderful walk and, as always, beautiful photos. I have no idea why but some pics of the lake and the one path walk, near the beginning felt eerie to me...ghostly.

  7. That looks a lovely walk and nice that you had the company of your daughter, love seeing the reflections of the tree line, looks so peaceful.
    Best wishes for the New Year and lets hope that 2021 is better.
    Avril xx

  8. It looks like a wonderful walk. Loved the last photo!

    Happy New Year!

  9. Thanks for that. I thoroughly enjoyed the walks, both the 2 miler where we got to see the lake and the shorter board walk with the woodpecker signs. I have only ever seen a woodpecker for real once. He was in our garden and I wondered what on earth it was as it was the first time I had seen one - only a few years ago too. Not seen him since.
    I think I would have had to crack that ice - I too love the sound.
    Hgs, Neet xx

  10. the first bridge photo is noteworthy!!! they are all inviting and pretty. happy new year my new friend

  11. I am running SO far behind. You definitely found a great place to walk, except I;m not sure I'd want to have to walk around the weapon's site.


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