Wednesday, December 16, 2020

The Time of the Year

Hi everyone!  It may not be officially winter yet, but it certainly seems it here in New Hampshire.  It is a COLD morning, well below freezing, and I am suppose to go walking.  Guess I better bundle up. Tonight a big snowstorm is predicted. Earlier this week they said we weren't going to get much snow, but yesterday the weather folks changed the predictions and now  it sounds like we are going to get a big dumping. Maybe a foot  (a little over 30 cm) or even more. Guess we will be having a white Christmas.

I am back again today with another page for Tracey's The Meaning of challenge at Art Journal Journey.

This page really makes me happy. I think it is the blue background, as well as the images. Although this page may be about the cold and snow, it still makes me smile.
I started by collaging various scraps of paper on some water color paper, and then I put some  watered down white gesso over them. Once dry I used this happy robin's egg blue paint and a stencil. The stencil isn't really clear because I used a paint brush with the paint.
I stamped the winter scene, used a TH found relative, and I also cut out this little winter bird from a Joggles collage sheet that was in my stash. Finally I added a stamped quote and some gem stones snowflakes. 
Even though I must admit I am not a huge fan of winter, I do like a white Christmas as well as vintage images. Plus as I wrote before, I love this pop of springtime blue.

Last weekend I took a  walk into my mother-in-laws home with my husband. He wanted to check out to be sure no trees had come down on his boat (he stores it there) during an ice/snow storm we had earlier in the month. My mother-in-law has moved to Maine to my sister-in-laws house for the winter so with no one there, the only way to check his boat is to hike into her place.

I did notice there were lots of branches and other things down on the snow. They must have fallen in the winds we had during the storm. I thought their colors were striking against the white.

I definitely have a thing for lichen!

The boat  survived the storm too.

The dogs got to walk and run around.

I went down to the water's edge. The sun was very filtered behind some incoming rain clouds.

It left a great reflection on the still water.

Hope day is going/ or goes well! Thanks for visiting.



  1. How wonderful to have a white Christmas, everything looks more magical with a layer of snow! Your walks looks wonderful and I love the contrasting green foliage against the white snow in your photos perfect 😁. Maddie and Pete seem to be enjoying themselves too 🐶. Stay warm and safe! Hugs, Jo x

  2. Mountains, Christmas cards, and your pretty journal pages are the only place snow should be. I'm still hoping this storm turns out to be a dud.

  3. Oh dear Erika! I swear I thought that very first Lichen photo was a painting! The vivid colors!!! It's so beautiful! Thank you for sharing your beautiful floras in your part of the states :)

  4. Beautiful snowy photos Erika, and I love your page! Gorgeous colours! xx

  5. I agree -- it is a VERY happy piece and of course it is my favorite color so all the more reason to love it!

    Your photos of the downed branches against the snow are stunning. It really will be a white Christmas for you. They are threatening snow today. So far, it hasn't shown up.

  6. It's Winter here, because I observe the meteorological seasons ;) but it's not nearly as cold here as there. A white Christmas would be fun :) The lichen colors and texture and the white snow makes a lovely image.

  7. What a gorgeous page, love the cool and fresh colours. Wonderful photos, too! It all looks so pretty! Hugs, Valerie

  8. I often associate blue with winter, so this journal entry is wonderful. I loved how you treated the background, and I love how you added the little girl with her tree in front of that mountain cabin. It's a great entry for Tracey's theme, too.

    It was good to read the boat is OK, and the photos of the dogs and your walk were beautiful.

  9. Thank you sharing the beautiful photoshop. You have real winter. And I love your stylish beautiful page. On my eye it's colors are near turquoise and I love it
    Wishing your days are full of happy things ♥️🕯️🙂

  10. I love your winter landscape page with the girl. Great photos from your visit to the boat. Oh gorgeous this winter landscape which has become way too warm for me.
    The green on the snow looks greatand and the water reflections are beautiful!
    I wish you a happy Christmas time, hugs Elke

  11. Beautiful page - love the colors and the details. Delightful. Enjoyed your pictures too! Hugz

  12. That lichen was very colorful against the white snow and you may be using it for future art projects, I suspect. Glad that Dave's boat was unharmed in the recent storm. The dogs sure enjoyed the romp.

  13. I love this page too Erika, not only with the wide smile from the child but for all the hidden layers on the page, great style and technique and those blues are always refreshing.. Love the colour.
    Beautiful to see thick fresh snow, I glad to read the storm did not cause any damage, what a stunning place to live.. like Christmas on tap!
    Hugs Tracey xx

  14. How lovely is it where your mother in law lives. Truly gorgeous photos you share with us and I too have a thing about lichen. Those pictures of it are amazing and would make beautiful backgrounds for various works of art.
    Glad the boat wsas safe.
    Love your page too which has a lovely old fashioned look about it with that child and the pretty scene behind her. The blue you have chosen looks chilly and is perfect.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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