Thursday, December 17, 2020

Thursday Post

 Hi everyone. 

Hope your week is going well. We are in the snow this morning. The wind is howling a bit, and snow is stuck to window screens. Luckily, it is the light and fluffy kind of snow compared to the last storm that was wet and heavy!

There is so much snow stuck to my kitchen window screen that it looks like we have 7feet/ over 2 meters out there.

But I'd say we are close to a foot (30 cm). Hard to say as it's blowing. Wonder what we'll end up with once this winds down as it is still snowing heavily. 

I feel bad for the birds in this weather. This storm is suppose to wind down mid-day so I'll go out and clear out the feeders for them then.

I know some of you have also been dumped on, probably more than I'll get here. Stay safe is you are in the storm zone.

The hubby is working from home today. The good thing about all these work from home pandemic things is he can do that easily.  He's in a meeting about his big project right now , and it is interesting to hear  what he does.

I thought today I would share some pages from the small and narrow holiday journal I am making. I don't make a page a day, and most pages are traditional collaged or stamped art, with either a seasonal theme or something about our strange times. I add in a page here and there about what's going on in my life. I usually sit down a couple of times a week and make several pages at once. I started this small journal  at Thanksgiving and will finish it with the start of the new year.

Here's some of my pages for the Thanksgiving weekend.

Did you notice the Covid buttons in the top 2 pages? I  made an early morning trip to Target in early November (my only once since back in February) to get a few  needed things. I was so excited to actually shop there that I went up and down all  the aisles. In the dollar aisle I found some sets of these great Covid button pins, and I thought these would be super for this journal (which I was planning on making even then). I ended up getting one set of 4, and you can see a few of them today in my post. 

Here are some pages from early December. 

Whoops on this snowman page. When wiping off the tape I wiped off the paper just a bit too much!

The star might look like a sticker, but I die cut them out of the page and back it up with some plaid paper.

After some stamping I cut Mr. Owl out of a collage sheet and stamped my quote on acetate. 

Another Covid page.

And my final page is paint, tissue paper and some paper images.

If you are wondering about binding these pages, I will do that in January once I am finished with my mini-journal.

Hope you enjoyed the views. And hope your day is brighter than it is here.


  1. Oh, my! The snow scenes are gorgeous...and unimaginable here in the South. Love your tags and pages!

  2. Beautiful snow scenes! I love these seasonal pages. So festive! You'll have a lovely book once you bind the pages.

  3. Good morning, journal is really beautiful I love it allot!
    Beautiful snow photos nice you both can stay home and not get in it-especially with all the winds. good day for baking too Happy Thursday

  4. That's a lot of snow! We didn't get anything like so much. Love your beautiful winter journal, great ideas there. Stay warm and safe! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Yes, finally a decent snowstorm for us in Nashua, NH, where it is still blowing around outside. A couple of hours, Pat told me we had about 12 inches, but we are not going out to measure it ourselves. There's a crockpot stew cooking and popovers will be baked soon. Stay warm and cozy inside as well. The holiday pages were great to see today.

  6. Your view looks like mine. We got a good 10 inches, though like you said with all the blowing and drifting hard to tell. At least we didn't get the 18+ that was predicted. Is Maddie waiting to go outside to play in the snow? I'm glad someone enjoys it. Very festive pages. The Covid buttons made me smile. Hmm, maybe my tree needs a red Covid ornament

  7. I love every single one of these art pieces today, Erika. Holidays are such a good theme to work with. Those Covid buttons are great! And your snow is very pretty but wow -- that's a lot!

  8. I hate snow, but love your works, some sure will be like, hey, remember 2020?!
    Yes, working from home is a good thing! Why risk your life driving somewhere if you have the technology to do it from home.

  9. Goodness! That was quite a snowstorm. It looks really pretty though.
    I love your Thanksgiving pages, they're all beautiful!
    Happy weekend,
    Alison xox

  10. ...the University of New Hampshire's college woods reminds me the the nature center at Paul Smith's College in the Adirondack Mountains. From the recent nor'easter when received 3". Merry Christmas to you.

  11. Love those pages, cannot wait to see them bound together in a journal.
    I love seeing the references to Covid with those buttons, especially '"Do your part - stay apart". Couldn't read the button that starts "Spread Love" but thought how good a slogan "Spread Love, not Covid, obey the rules" would be, or words to that effect.
    Love the flurry of stars you cut out, well done, it looks great.
    Really enjoyed the peek through your window at all the snow, so nice and cosy to be inside warm looking out on that cod but lovely scene.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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