Wednesday, December 23, 2020


Hi everyone.  

I am here with another journal page for Tracey's The Meaning Of challenge at Art Journal Journey.
Today I want to share my page that celebrates holiday family traditions.

I started my page by painting some white translucent paint on some black watercolor paper. I then added the candle image, which I colored with markers and paint. The holly is stamped and red paint spots added as berries. The tree is a die cut out of some sueded paper, and then I stamped, colored and fussy cut the Dala horse.
I know these colorful  Swedish Dala horses are not really a Christmas symbol, but I take my collection of Swedish pieces out every year for the winter holidays.
Both of my father's parents immigrated from Sweden to the United States, so that side of my heritage is very Scandinavian. According to my DNA (that I had tested a few years back)  there is also some Norwegian on that side of the family tree. (On my mother's family there is quite a bit of DNA from Sweden and Finland, and also some from Latvia and Poland. My maternal Grandfather immigrated to the US from Finland, but there was also some Swedish in his side of the family too.)

Here's a few of my mostly Swedish decorations.  And you get to see some of the books on my living room shelves too-smile.
You can see some of my horses and also lots of small tomte that I have.

The sheep below \is a souvenir I brought home from when I visited Iceland. 

Many of these pieces were  gifts from my uncle. He used to give me one every Christmas. He has since passed away, but I have these to remember him. A few of these became part of my collection  when I visited Sweden in the 1980's. I spent some time with my great-uncle and his family in the central Swedish city of Ornskoldsvik. (Sorry, no sets of upper dots/umlauts on my computer so I had to leave them off the Swedish spelling.) I bought a couple while visiting and was gifted some from his family.  Although I have traveled to many places, I hope to go back to Scandinavia again, especially now that I know more about my DNA heritage.

That's all for me today. I am off to see a new specialist today about my hives and the joint pain I am getting. Lets hope there is nothing else seriously off in my body, but I can get  some swelling and itch relief. I've been in a bad break out period for the last month, and the itch is driving me crazy. OK, enough said.
 Hope your day is going or goes well! 
As always, thanks for visiting my blog!


  1. I love the feeling of Scandinavian Christmas decorations. that red and white really works for me and I love the small figures especially. It's a wonderful collection but all the more so because of your connection with your uncle and your travels. I'm so glad you shared them with us.

    Good luck with your appointment today. I hope they can give you something to help.

  2. Hope your appointment with your new specialist went well and that you have some relief from those hives soon! Your page looks amazing, love the candle and how you incorporated the Swedish decorations 😁. All your decorations look so beautiful too, they must bring back such happy reminders of your family and travels every year - perfect! Wishing you a safe and happy Christmas filled with joy, peace and love! Hugs, Jo x

  3. First, I absolutely adore your Traditions journal entry. What lovely traditions you have shared. The lit candle, tree, holly, and of course, your Swedish Dala. Thanks for sharing these with us using Tracey's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    It's too bad your trip across the central plains last summer didn't take you further south. Lindsborg, KS is also known as Little Sweden:

    Want to see where Dalas are made?

    Want an original?

    Just scroll down a way and you will find all kinds of original Dalas. I almost purchased one a few years ago (when they were MUCH cheaper than they are today), but felt they didn't really go with my rocking horses, so decided just because they were "horse shaped," didn't mean I should collect them. I couldn't afford to collect them today, I fear, at least from the prices I see on the web site.

  4. Your journal page is wonderful and your decorations are gorgeous! Sorry you are having health problems!Hope you get some good treatment. Look after yourself, hugs, Valerie

  5. Lovely page and the story behind the decorations.

  6. Way Cool - Excellent Post - Happy Holidays


  7. How nice to read about your Scandinavian heritages although I know that it started from our Närpiö aka Närpes in Swedish. You have beautiful Swedish things.
    The page is very beautiful, love it.
    I hope your health problem is solving and wish your Christmas is full of joy and all is well 🎄✨
    Much love 💗

  8. That's a wonderful page Erika! I've been thinking about traditions today. I usually watch the Doctor Who Christmas special with my son, it will be strange watching it by myself, as Hubby isn't a fan. Maybe my son and I can Facetime whilst we watch.
    I love your Swedish decorations, so bright and cheery, and I hope you can get some relief for that itching, and that joint pain isn't anything serious.
    Alison xox

  9. I'm sorry you're having issues with the hives and joint pain and hope your doctor can get to a way to help.

    I love your red horses! While maybe not particularly a Christmas "thing" they certainly add to the festivities :)

  10. This page is super Erika, love seeing the Dala Horses I have a little red one that sits on my craft room shelf a gift from my Daughter and her time spent there. Really lovely to read about your heritage and how each year you take these little treasures out, very beautiful and personal along with your page as the candle shines a light on the past.
    Now it's time to wish you all the best this Christmas, I hope your day will be a happy and safe one. Merry Christmas Hugs Tracey xx
    P.S Hope your irritation and pains will be sorted and eased very soon x

  11. This is bad and I wish that it will get better soon and that you can be helped.
    Beautiful these Swedish items, a nice memory of your dear dad, r I love it too!
    Beautiful your journal and Merry Christmas to you and your husband, hugs Elke

  12. A lovely traditionalfestive page Erika, I loved seeing your collection of Dala horses and so nice that you included it on your page. To me, Christmas is all about tradition and memories.
    I hope your appointment with the specialist was good and you get some relief from those nasty hives.
    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year.
    Hugs Avril xx

  13. I completely forgot to tell you how sorry I was to read you are having another bout of hives. I hope they can finally come up with something that will help relieve both the itching and the joint pain.

    BTW, the horse on the first page that is $48 that hangs was the one I originally was going to buy. It was $26 when I was going to get it. Prices have gone up considerably since then.

  14. Oh, hope your pressie for Christmas was good health!
    Beautiful deco for sure and a sweet story. I nearly want to call my Mum´s oldest Brother but he got Alzheimer´s so maybe in three days.
    HoHoHo and hugs to you!

  15. The festive horses certainly fit the Christmas décor. (Funny-- Google added the accent!) Your bookshelf looks very much like mine. I never crack that big Sibley in favor of the eastern and western guides, but would hate to part with it. I have had a go with joint and muscle pains and was diagnosed with PMR. now trying to taper down off Prednisone but it has certainly helped a lot. Puts me in the high risk COVID category and not sure the vaccine would create immunity. Have a safe and happy remainder of the old and especially for the New Year.

  16. Erica, some lovely pieces in your collection and how wonderful they have deep meaning for you. Love that you included the things you love in your journal page as well. Family and heritage are all a part of Christmas. Lovely post - thanks for sharing this insight into your life. Hope your Christmas was lovely. Many hugz and wishes for a wonderful 2021. Hope you get your health concerns solved soon too.

  17. First of all I hope you get your health problems sorted.
    I love all of your Scandinavian pieces. I once had the fortune to visit Denmark on a Girl Guide International Camp and we stayed with a Danish family. It was lovely to visit all the shops and see their Christmas decorations, even in the summer they had them. I remember buying some but have since mislaid some of them but I do have an angel in a crescent which comes out each year. I love those wooden decorations so much. You ar3e so lucky to have so many.
    Well, I came on here to comment on your page and got carried away with everything else. Love the page though, it would not look out of place displayed with your wooden ornaments. Gorgeous page!
    Hugs, Neet xx


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