Monday, December 21, 2020

T Stands for Christmas-Almost

Hi everyone. 
Tuesday is here again. I can't believe the Christmas holiday is just about here also. It is definitely going to be a bit more low key for me, as this whole season has been. I am guessing  that is true for many of you who celebrate also. I am happy my daughter is coming home on Thursday, and since she is on vacation until early January, will to be spending a few days with us. 

I think of this page as my Christmas card page for each of you. 
The background was some paper marbling I did this summer, and light colors spoke to me to keep it light. I stenciled the poinsettias with some pink paint.
I kept my stamped imaged in black (and white) as I just love how delicate the background is. 
As I once again never got Christmas cards made, this is my Christmas card to you.

FYI. I used to get brutally criticized for my penmanship on my Christmas cards every year by a cousin, my mother and a couple of other relatives. I know I have bad penmanship, but it wasn't funny even if they thought they ( my dear relatives) were just joking around. I swear I am scarred when it comes to Christmas cards. I just see a box, never mind making them, and get the cold sweats. Not joking  either. I keep saying I am going to make them, and then just can't do it.  Sorry to go on about one of my phobias. I wonder if there is a word for Christmas card writing fear. Smile.

I am my journal page linking up to Tracey's, the meaning of challenge at Art Journal Journey.

For T this week I am sharing a new tea I ordered off of Amazon while doing some holiday shopping.

Has anyone else watched the Mandalorian? My daughter is totally taken by the child (Grogu), and this tea came up when I was searching for some little fun "toy" for her. It is green tea with a slightly "floral" scent. Very nice. 

Don't forget to visit with your T day drink at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.

I've also done a bit more baking, so please, enjoy a non-calorie, no fat taste. I made some sugar cookies and also some gingersnaps or the Swedish word pepparkakor as we have always called them.

I just sprinkled some colored sugars on my sugar cookies instead of frosting them, and I like my gingersnaps plain. I'm not a big frosted cookie person.

It was a fun afternoon rolling and cutting my cookies. Something good to do on a snowy afternoon.
I also made a few other cookies as well as some holiday sourdough bread. You should have seen the mess my kitchen was in after a day of baking.

The kitchen is now clean; baking pans are all put away, and good thing I have extra freezer space.

 I will be posting tomorrow and Thursday, but I know some of you are only by on T Day. 
Sending you all the happiest wishes for the holiday.



  1. Hi Erika, The Christmas card you made for us is beautiful-I love that you shared this with all of us-a really great idea I need to remember this for the future.
    sorry about being a bit scared to make your christmas cards. My writing is really awful too, I still want to try calligraphy soon I bought a pen and a couple books. I usually try to print in my cards a little more readable lol
    Merry Christmas to you are your family and Happy T Kathy

  2. What beautiful cookies! I think I would also like to eat them better if they had sugar decorations, not icing. Your pinwheels also look very successful in terms of shape and color -- I bet they tasted good too.

    be safe... mae at

  3. Loving the Christmas poinsettia on your background. So pretty!
    That makes me so sad that you were made fun of for your handwriting. Handwriting is a lost art form and people should encourage others to use it, no matter what it looks like. It can't be that bad as you are a teacher. I have never met a teacher that didn't have very neat writing.
    I have never seen the Mandalorian but I love Star Wars. I saw this tea as I recently purchased from Republic of Tea. I like how they have pretty themed tins.
    Your baking looks delicious! I love the pretty and colorful sugar sprinkles on top of the cookies. Those spiral ones look very interesting.
    Happy Tea Day and Merry Christmas,

  4. This is a fabulous Christmas card, Erika. I had NO idea you stenciled the poinsettias. They turned out great. I also love the black and white stamped portion. Thanks for sharing it with us at Art Journal Journey using Tracey's theme.

    I don't know what to call your phobia, but it sounds real. You at least posted something on your blog. I've had my tip-ins finished for nearly two weeks and was so ashamed of them, I almost didn't send them. I finally sent them to people in the states today. With any luck, and fast postal service (JOKE), you should get yours on Boxing Day or later.

    Your cookies look wonderful. I am not a frosting person, either. My friend Sally wants to make peppercorns, that are similar to your pepparkakor, except these are tiny balls. She normally purchases them, but with the virus, there were no places she could buy them this year. She normally gets them from the Amish community. Her recipe requires mace, which is hard to find here. I don't suppose yours does, too.

    The child reminds me of Yoda. It is so cute. Your tea sounds good, but I suspect it is caffeine free (grin). Thanks for sharing your art, your cookies, and Grogu in a tin with us for T this almost Tuesday, dear friend.

  5. Love your beautiful journal page and the cookies look great. I baked scones here, they were good, too! Have a lovely celebration! Hugs, Valerie

  6. Thank you for the card, it´s beautiful!!
    I sent but one Christmas card this year. Bad me. I read you...
    Oh. I thought of what... Star Wars? THat boring green guy (I´m either too young or too old for this).
    I baked too. Hubby says yummy, but our sweet teeth fell asleep! Bummer.
    Happy T-day and merry Christmas!

  7. A gorgeous page Erika, I love the colours.
    Christmas is certainly different for us here in the UK, as we face another lockdown because of the virus mutation. You are so fortunate to have your daughter with you. We'll be celebrating with our children on facetime. Thank goodness for technology!
    Your cookies look delicious, and I love your Mandalorian tea.
    Happy T Day!
    Alison xx

  8. I've been baking too and today is baking deliver day for me! I wish I could sample yours -- it's fun to try others' cookies!

  9. I've enjoyed The Mandalorian. I can't say enough good about it. It's fun to have it to look forward to it. Your cookies look delicious and so pretty :) Happy T Tuesday!

  10. I would never criticize your handwriting... I'd be glad to get the card for sure! DH has very poor handwriting and a brilliant brain! I want cookies...

  11. Thanks for the Christmas card, Erika. I love the soft colours of the poinsettias and the black and white scene is very pretty and beautifully stamped.
    Funny about hand-made Christmas cards, I always think about making them and then suddenly it's Christmas and it's too late.
    Have a great Christmas time. Nice that you daughter is coming to stay for a few days.

  12. Fabulous that your daughter is coming over for a few days and wow, all that baking is amazing! I loved seeing all the different cookies, would be even better if I could reach out through the screen and try them too 😉. Your Christmas shopping gift is such fun and the page is gorgeous! Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x
    p.s. Turkey is only really sold in shops here at Christmastime so we like to enjoy it while we can, I really liked that you could get turkey sandwiches all year round when we were in America 😁. x

  13. Very pretty page and Your cookies look soooo yummy! Blessings & Merry Christmas to you ~ Love, Karen

  14. Thank you for the lovely Christmas card page, Erika. I had a phobia about art for many years because of something my HS art teacher said. It took me many many years to try again. Sad because I now know I love creating more than any other leisure activity. The saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me," is baloney!

    Your Christmas cookies look delicious.

    Happy T-day and Merry Christmas! Hugs, Eileen

  15. I love your page Erika. I have never ordered food or drink from Amazon, I should check that out. Your cookies look sooo yummy. I want to tell you that Winter Sowing works better in snow here is a link Do some looking around about this. It is amazing. There is a group on FB too if you are on that. Sheryl Mann is one of the best at explaining this. Hope you try it. Have a great evening.

  16. Thank you for the lovely Christmas card page. It is beautiful and I like the colors you used for the poinsettias. Scrumptious looking baked goods. I did bake pistachio cookies, and banana nut butterscotch bread. Hubby mixed some Christmas mix, but that is it, because no one here but us. I did give some breads away as gifts.
    Merry Christmas!

  17. Lovely artwork. I didn't know they had Star Wars tea: I would've gotten one for my sister for a gift. Drat. Merry Christmas and Happy belated T-Day! I hope you fare okay with the approaching storm. They're saying many will lose power here in CT, due to the high winds. :-(

  18. All the baking looks amazing! Wishing you a very happy Christmas!

  19. WOW, what a lot of baking - and all looks so scrumptious!
    What a delightful page you have delivered us today - I love the light green with the pink poinsettias on - I often use pink for my flowers rather than the traditional red. I think the b&w image is perfect o good choice and good thinking.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    Cannot think of how to marry card writing/Christmas/phobia either but `I am sure someone will.


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