Friday, January 29, 2021

Another of My Favorite Things


Hi everyone. Happy Friday. Another week has flown by very quickly. How has yours been? Mine has been good. I feel like I got out walking a few days, and also accomplished some things I've been wanting to get done. Those are good things to me, and about all I can ask for in this covid world.

I am here today with another page for Art Journal Journey.  For the next few days the challenge is Favorite Things. There's been so much great art this month. I've loved stopping by and checking out all the entries. The month isn't quite over yet either, so feel free to join in if you have a journal page that works.

Today my page started out with some doodles. I like some of them and not so much others. It was a good start for a journal page however, so I added a bit of stamping from a Janet Klein AALL& Create stamp set.  I must say besides baking being a favorite thing of mine, I do like these little folks. They are cute without (in my opinion) being cutesy. 

I haven't done much baking these last few weeks. Last week I  found this recipe for a Bishop's Cake, which was something new for me. It was pound cake like cake (not too sweet, doesn't need frosting, and is a bit heavier in texture for those of you unfamiliar with pound cakes), with added almonds, chocolate chips, maraschino cherries and raisins. I added walnuts instead of almonds because supposedly I am allergic to them (although I have had unknowingly had a few with no reaction, but better safe than sorry), and I left out the raisins as no one else in the house eats them. It tasted great, but even though I buttered and floured my non-stick Bundt pan, the cake still stuck and came out in 3 pieces.

This heart pan is one of my favorite pans, and I've used it a lot without any issues. I think what happened was I dozed off when it first came out of the oven, and it sat too long in the pan. Too bad because it would have been pretty. It was not too sweet either, and it didn't need any topping, which is one of my favorite types of everyday cakes.

Next time I will just have to bake when it doesn't interfere with a late afternoon nap I may or may not want to take. Smile.

We're in the deep freeze again here, so there may be more baking on my agenda later today or this weekend. 
Hope all is well with you.
Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Your page is gorgeous, love all the baking implements. And the cake looks yummy! Your heart fun is great! Have a wonderful day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Fun baking page and cute, little star baker. I have a Bishop's Cake recipe that came from the Silver Palate Cookbook that was popular during the mid-1980s maybe early 1990s. It's a great recipe. Today will be a good day to sit by the woodstove having a cup of tea and a piece of cake. Stay warm!

  3. I can understand a baking disater as the same has happened here, but regardless we always seem to enjoy the treat especially since there isn't any guests to serve it to now!

  4. Great page with doodles and things you love (I love vanilla and my mixer too and your fun girl). Works so well with your baking adventure. That cake sounds fabulous and I love your pan. My cakes never look pretty - something happens to them all (lack of patience). I am getting a convection oven in 15 days so I may try baking some cakes soon. Lovely post! Hugz

  5. It’s tough keeping busy when so cold outdoors. Frigid here too. Baking is a good idea!

  6. The cake looks lovely -- bummer about it coming out of the pan but it sounds good no matter how it ended up. I'm doing my madeleines today and will copy the recipe for you and send it on when I dig it out this morning. I don't think they'll be nearly as tasty as that cake!

  7. Great page Erika, full of fun and lots of character about it. Talking of 'characters' I too have fallen for those JK figures and wondered why as I am not 'cute' in any sense of the word so I like your interpretation. I bought that little cook too but I would love a Little Abs, unfortunately I had some of the stamps in the bundle so couldn't get him.
    Your cake made me smile. At Christmas I wanted some glace cherries for my Christmas cake - weeks went by with the store not having any for delivery (I am isolating) until finally they had them. Imagine my disappointment when I got maraschino cherries instead of glace. Now you have me wondering if I could have used them - I thought they were just for cocktails. Do you get the taste of maraschino cherries in this cake you baked?
    Hugs, Neet xx

  8. I like pound cake, and this sounds like something I'd enjoy. What a shame about how it came out of the pan, but I've discovered cakes taste just as good even so ;)

  9. I love your baking doodles/sketches and of course I love the Janet Klein figures! I too have been baking - don't do it often but when I do I have a good run at it! Your cake sounds to have great ingredients and I'm sure that even in 3 parts it tastes good! Hugs, Chrisx

  10. Great page Erika, I love your doodles! xx


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