Thursday, January 28, 2021

More From Creative Jumpstart

 Hi everyone. 

 I am really behind with my Creative Jumpstart class. I'm hoping tomorrow when it turns bitterly cold and windy again  (and I can't get outside)  that maybe I will sit myself down on the computer and catch up on some of my lessons. Then make some art. Smile.

Let me head back to January 14th's lesson with  Sarah Matthews.  We were making paper quilts that day, starting with cutting random pieces from scrap paper to make a background. You can see mine above with only one stamped image.
After that we were to hand carve a stamp. You can see my hand carved stamp above also, and then stamped here across the paper quilt in this next photo.

Sarah Matthews used multiple colors to stamp her images, but I kept mine black and created this linear pattern on my page.

I found cutting paper squares and gluing them down with a glue stick very relaxing. I may have to make a few more backgrounds like this. It was also a great way to use up some scraps of paper. 
I am linking my page to Art Journal Journey as making art  and relaxing are both favorite things of mine.
And anytime I get to walk, I love that too.
This past Tuesday one of my walker friends texted me and asked if I wanted to take an afternoon beach walk.  Oh yes I did. Although it was just around 32 degrees F or O degrees C, there was no wind, making it a relatively warm walk.  And Mr. Pete loved it. ( Maddie missed out being at Doggie Daycare. )

The beach was basically empty so Pete got to run. That wore him out. I am grateful for having a beach to walk at during the winter when the trails are snowy, and also for having friends who will walk so we can actually see each other.  It will be nice when we can actually get together and sit down someplace-smile.
Hope your week is going well.


  1. This is a beautifully composed page, and I love the graphic stamp you carved. Pete looks happy at the beach, nice to be able to get out! Stay safe, hugs, Valerie

  2. Looks like a great walk, Erika. If only I were closer to a beach, lol. Lockdown seems endless at times!
    There are some great paper piece techniques. I remember one done by one of the Dutch bloggers, which was to use scraps of paper, then to gesso over before or after inking over, then to draw stitching around some of the joins. It became a favourite of mine for a little while and was a great way of using scraps. I have so many now that I bin them, lol. I think things like that are more useful when you have less. We're so spoiled! I know I am, compared to 20 years ago. In some ways you're more creative when you don't have as much.
    Hope to get back to see some of your workshop results.
    Cath x

  3. You ARE lucky to have a beach to walk on -- it's beautiful and I know Pete had a blast! I miss not being near water. 32 is pretty warm. our temps have dropped a lot here so laying low.

    Love your paper quilt. It's really pretty and I like the stamping on it.

  4. I love your take on Sarah's class Erika, a great selection of papers, and your stamp looks wonderful!
    Great photos too, looks like a really lovely walk.
    Alison xox

  5. Good morning, what a great way to make a background-I need to try that, and I like the idea of stamping over it-would make a nice card too for my slow mail letters.
    Pretty photos always love seeing the ocean
    Hugs Kathy

  6. Very cool and creative page! Love the quilt-ish background against your black stamp image.

  7. Nice work and pics.Yes, it can be soothing at times!

  8. Love your punk type quilted card and it is fun to create especially during these wonky times. I love your doggie! this helps out when you get home because he will just sleep. I would love to go for a walk with my friend and hope to one day.

  9. Now I feel so relaxed in the iddle of my work, thank you so much for the art, cute doggie, and that beautiful barren but peaceful beach! Sending you hugs for the upcoming weekend Erika!

  10. A beautiful page with the quilt pattern made of old paper and the black grid.
    I also like to go for a walk on the beach and the dogs are fun, we also see a lot of dogs now. Little wind is great.
    Have a good day, hug Elke

  11. Wonderful patterns and colors and details on your page! Love the idea and may try it soon. You beach pictures are fun and beautiful. Wow. It is so pretty where you live! Hugz

  12. How good to have all that beach to walk on - and more or less empty. Glad the dog had a good run and you and your friend had a nice long get together 'chatty' walk. During this present lockdown we cannot drive anywhere, to a park, to walk, we have to stay around our own home. Not much fun in that for us.
    Lovely quilt you have made, I think the squares you have stuck together look great and with the addition of that hand carved stamp! Well done you on carving your own stamp.
    Hukgs, Neet xx

  13. Your beach scenes are always a delight to see. What a peaceful scene :)

  14. This does look like a relaxing activity and such lovely colours! love the hand carved stamp!Hugs, Chrisx


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