Sunday, January 17, 2021


 Hi everyone. Hope everyone's weekend is going or went well. 

This is the long Martin Luther King weekend here in the US, and it seems especially important to celebrate a man who believed in peaceful protests after so many recent events here in the US. It is also important to celebrate him because Black lives do matter, which is what Martin Luther King was all about. 

I'm not sure how much authenticy I can add to this day. We had a teacher at school who marched with Martin Luther King as a young man, and he could say so much on this subject. This teacher was also friends with Jesse Jackson, another American black leader, and Jesse Jackson came to our school once to speak. My voice is small next to theirs, but I mention this because those stories, like all sorts of people's stories, are impactful. 

On a much lighter subject, two of my favorite things are clouds and color. So why not combine them?

Here's a page for the Favorite Things challenged, hosted by me, at Art Journal Journey.
The clouds are doodled; the background painted and the words are written in by me.  I added a couple of sparkle stars just to finish off the page because I liked them there.
Hope you like my page also.

I wrote this last night (Saturday night), and it was a dark and wet start to the weekend here. Rain, not snow, but certainly a good day to watch tv, read and nap. Hopefully the sun will be back soon so I can find some ambition. 

Thanks for visiting my blog!


  1. Colorful! Helps brighten the gray days.

  2. As a resident of the city where he was killed, I appreciate the lifting up of peace as the way forward. Each person's voice adds to the chorus. We are more powerful as we join with each other in support of the more powerful voices.

    ooo, pretty! Clouds do come in an amazing variety of colors, don't they!

  3. The sun is out this morning! Blue clouds are my favorite, and I love looking for pictures in clouds. In your page, I saw an alligator's head, a lion, a tiara, a loaf of French bread, a shoe, a sofa. Enjoy your day!

  4. Thinking of Martin Luther King's life and accomplishments is uplifting, as you say. I heard him speak on a few occasions -- a great leader and speaker. His death was tragic, and also very American. Having a holiday to memorialize him and what he stood for is one of the encouraging facts of our sad society.

    be well... mae at

  5. I adore your colorful clouds. I like all clouds except the scary clouds that show up right before a tornado. I want a blue cloud, I think, since blue is my favorite color. Thanks for yet another great entry using your theme at Art Journal Journey, dear friend.

  6. Great idea to pay tribute to MLK with your current creation, Erika. He was a great man. While others may have known him, it is nice to hear how his words and thoughts touched others as well (like you and me). I think I am doing to do a page for MLK too. Thanks for the inspiration!!!! Hugz

  7. A beautiful happy page Erika!
    Alison xx

  8. A lovely colourful page Erika, just what I need to brighten a grey day. Hope you get some sunshine soon.
    Avril xx

  9. Fabulous and colourful page, love the clouds. Martin Luther king was a man who is rightly celebrated. Enjoy your weekend! Hugs, Valerie

  10. I do like your colourful clouds, so cheerful looking :)

    All the best Jan

  11. Love your clouds! But.....I can't decide! *LOL* Have niace day!

  12. See.
    At school we learned all sick stuff about Hitl#r, but not about a Martin Luther King day. Why???
    I am so glad I learn history in the blog world now. So sad my Niece dislikes English - she could learn the real life this way....

    Sky full of clouds here :-)

  13. I hope things stay "quiet" today. Yesterday was OK.... I'm edgy.

    Miss the puffy clouds. Just gray overhang here recently.

  14. It was disturbing to watch the tv news just so glad things settled and hope they stay that way.
    Love the idea of the colourful clouds, I would have gone with blue but as the sky is blue (much paler I agree) I chose the next colour and went for purple. No matter really they all made for a happy page.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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