Monday, January 18, 2021

T Stands for the Baking Bucket List

 Hi everyone. Happy T day.

Last week  I  was checking out the baking blogs that I occasionally stop by and read. One of these blogs had a 2021 baking bucket list. I thought this was a great idea because just like with art, there are always new recipes and food  you think about trying. Having a bucket list also means there are things you are looking forward to in the future, and so it is a hopeful thing. Plus, I must admit, I like to write lists.

I had some fun and wrote my baking bucket list.

One of the things on my baking bucket list for 2021 was to make bagels. So why wait?  

The dough was pretty tough, not to make but in texture. The recipe said it would not be a soft dough. Amazingly the recipe was  also exactly spot on getting the amounts of the ingredients  correct. I didn't need to add any extra flour and/or water, which (for those of you who don't make bread) is   fairly common  when making yeasted breads. 
The bagels were then shaped and refrigerated overnight.

Once out the fridge the next morning,  I put them in boiling turned down to simmering water  briefly. The recipe recommended you not let them warm up or they would rise too much and close the hole.

Then I baked them on my old and  well loved pizza stone at 500 degrees F. Ten minutes on one side, then flip them for another 2-5 minutes.

They looked pretty good when I took them out of the oven. Would you like to join me for one?

You can see the cookbook I used for the recipe. It's called the Jewish Baker by Shannon Sarna.  It's an interesting book as it only has recipes for 5 main items, but many variations for each. 

For lunch I toasted one, added some light cream cheese and made a cup of green tea. 

This is my link for T this week over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog

And for those of you who may want to know what else is on my baking bucket list for 2021, here it is for now.
1- brownie ice cream bowls
2-a vertical layered cake (where the layers are flipped so they go up and down on their thin sides, not flat on their horizontal side like is usually seen) 
3- a mirror glazed cake
4-Madeline cookies, as well as/or some other French treats
5-a braided Scandinavian pastry and maybe some other Scandinavian treats
6-more non-white bread loaves- more rye, spelt or other grains
7-expand my sourdough repertoire
8-a savory British style meat pie
9-a Mardi Gras/carnival King  cake
10-Japanese milk bread
11- a babka loaf of bread or other filled bread loaf

And who knows what else might tempt my fancy. I'm always on the lookout for new treats.

I also want to share a big thank you to Mia. My gift I won for her birthday giveaway arrived this past Saturday.

I won this cool mask mold. Thanks Mia for having your birthday giveaway!

To everyone else, thanks so much for visiting. Stay safe!


  1. Your bagels look fabulous, especially that dark color. Your list looks ambitious but promising.

    be safe... mae at

  2. Hi Erika, that is a very fun idea a bucket baking list. A good way to look forward to something new.
    Your bagels look perfect too Years ago I made all of our breads-and I really enjoyed trying different recipes-I made bagels once-they take allot of time-but so worth the wait.
    Happy T hugs Kathy

  3. Oh, I want to make the brownie ice cream bowls! Can I put that on my list? I would not attempt bagels. The best ones for me are at Panera. I think a Bucket baking list for 2021 is a great idea. Happy T Day!

  4. Those bagels look fabulous, well done! Enjoy playing with your mask! Happy T, hugs, Valerie

  5. A pizza stone! Ohhhh, YUM! I still have a whole package of butter to bake "something" with, looking for ideas....
    Cool gift, will you show what you made? Happy T-day!

  6. Who knew bagels could be so hard to make? I'm glad it was you, because I would have given up quickly, especially since I don't have the "fancy" baking equipment you have. In the end, they look delicious and much like the ones I would buy in the store. The one you had for lunch looks perfect and looks great with your green tea. I like that mug, too.

    I like that you have chosen a bucket list of baking. It won't be long until you can make a King Cake. BTW, congrats on the win of the clay form. I can see making some for Mardi Gras, which I seem to have on my mind today (grin). Thanks for making bagels and sharing them with us, along with your baking bucket list for T this Tuesday.

  7. A baking bucket list sounds like fun and looks challenging, and your bagels look perfect! I look forward especially to seeing your King Cake. Happy T Tuesday!

  8. Your bagels look great! I love bagels, made a batch. They looked awesome until the water bath part and then they deflated. I don’t know if the water was at a boil instead of a simmer or if I left them in too long. They baked up fine, tasted delicious but looked more like those sad, thin, packaged bagels from the grocery store. I bet your house smelled awesome, too. Happy T Day

  9. Looks yummy! Love the faces in your win.

  10. Wow, those bagels look amazing! So professional with the seeds on top and I bet they tasted delicious with the cream cheese too - yum 😀. I can't wait to see more of your baking bucket list makes, that's quite a fabulous list of bakes! Take care and wishing you a very Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  11. what a great idea to have a baking bucket list, and thanks for sharing your very varied list as well! I have baked Madelines and do have the special mold for them, and I have made babkas before. I may make a list of my own-and the first thing that comes to mind for me is not a baked item but a meal-paella. I even have a recipe and know what pan I want to buy for it;)
    And your bagels? Oh yes please; they look fantastic!
    Happy T day!

  12. I am impressed! They look delicious -- love bagels!

    I have a great madeleine recipe if you are interested. Your other things look good and fun, too. I saw them do a mirror glaze on GBBS and it looks so beautiful. I'd love to try the meat pie, too! Can't wait to see more of your projects!

  13. I'm impressed! We tried over and over to make bagels. Maybe we should give it another try. Yours look wonderful.

    We love them, but can't good NY style bagels here. I'm not surprised that you have a baking bucket list - now that you're retired. I joined our local culinary arts society for several years after retirement and had lots of fun there.

    Happy T-day! Stay safe and well. Hugs, Eileen

    P.S. I make a real good babka id you'd like my recipe.

  14. Your bagels look brilliant.
    Thanks for sharing your list.

    All the best Jan

  15. GREAT job on the bagels!!!! A baking bucket list what a terrific idea. Love the face mold you won too, congrats.

  16. Your bagels look beautiful! How wonderful that you didn't wait! It certainly paid off. Bagels are on my bucket list and now I really want to make them. I added that book to my list.
    I love that you shared your bucket list. The Japanese Milk cake and the British meat pie are all things that I am interested in making as well. I can't wait to see what you make. I hope you will share some of the inspirational baking blogs that you enjoy as well.
    Happy Tea day,

  17. Happy belated T-day, Erika!!!
    I am sooo glad that you received my little gift to you and I am very happy that you like it. I am sure you will use the mold in a very creative way and we all will admire your beautiful creations. I send you a BIG HUG, my dear friend.

  18. Wow! I am so impressed you made bagels!!!! I want to try. Wish I could have joined you. Super cool win too. Fun post - now I am hungry! Hugz


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