Tuesday, January 19, 2021

The Winter Blues

 Hi everyone.

I'm here today with a new challenge at Try It on Tuesday . This time our challenge is the Winter Blues. 

We're NOT asking for sad art!

For the next 2 weeks we're asking you to use the color blue in your challenge. Add a bit of winter, and you have the Winter Blues. 

I don't know about you, but if January had a color, I would have to pick blue.  Maybe because I am living here in New Hampshire where the only real outdoor color at this time of year is the bright blue sky.

That blue winter sky inspired my art. My journal page started with some shades of blue watered down paint on my background. I hope the middle doesn't look to streaky, as I wanted the sky to have some depth and motion to it. 

 I added some printed blue paper to create the land. I tore it to so that edge would look similar to the an actual horizon. On the paper I added some scraps of printed tissue paper as well as some stamped snowflake images and also some painted stamped circles.  The fox and the mostly circular images setting from left to the right on the page are from a pack of Stamperia winter images.  Notice the sun is smaller and has set. (Oh I  miss  the amount of it we get in winter. Smile.) 

I also added some tiny metal bits from my stash.

I  stamped this winter quote from a Paper Artsy set by Alison Bomber to finish off my page.

Be sure to also check out all the inspiration from the other designers!  There are some great Winter Blues pieces there.

I am also linking up my page at Art Journal Journey and the latest Favorite Things challenge. 
Blue is one of my favorite colors, and circles are a favorite shape. 

Thanks for visiting. I look forward to seeing your winter blues creations over at Try It on Tuesday!


  1. Wonderful journal page, great colours and a fantastic quote! Hugs, Valerie

  2. Oh my gosh Erika.. LOVE all your elements on this amazing art journal spread! Perfect blues and love that little fox! Have a super week! ((HUGS)) Helen

  3. Such a beautiful page! Loving the blue background, it's my favourite colour too and the fox contrasts so beautifully to give the whole scene a warmth and richness - love it 😁. Wishing you a wonderful week! Hugs, Jo x

  4. Oh, we have but grey skies and rain today. So much better to look at your art!

  5. Lovely artwork. I agree: if January had a color, it would be blue.

  6. Lovely page Erica, our skies are just grey and miserable inJanuary so a splash of colour is welcoming

    Joan x

  7. Lovely page Erica, our skies are just grey and miserable inJanuary so a splash of colour is welcoming

    Joan x

  8. Love That Fox - The Stamped Quote Is Way Cool


  9. You had me at blue and I like the fox and that sun sticker. A little bit of sun today, but brrrr. I’d rather stay in and have a cup of tea and one of your awesome bagels

  10. Always love shades of blue, and I love your background. All of you who make these pages are very creative and imaginative!

  11. This is really a beautiful piece, Erika -- a nice mix of well chosen quote, beautiful colors and when there is a fox, I'm a happy soul!

  12. Lovely artwork.
    Blue can be so beautiful :)

    All the best Jan

  13. Wonderful journal page and quote! Great idea! Have a good day, hugs Elke

  14. A fabulous journal page and I love the verse that you've used. Looking out of my window today, my word for January would be grey! x

  15. I swear, I was SURE I had been here to see this yesterday, but it must have been a figment of my imagination. Taking a break from the events of the day and loving this blue entry you created. I especially like the center circle. I love the blue background, too. It's also great for your theme at Art Journal Journey, dear.

  16. This page is gorgeous Erika! I love the blues!
    Alison xox

  17. A fabulous page Erika, loving the icy blues you used on the background. The fox is magnificent and I can just imagine him standing proud on his perch in the frozen hills.
    Avril xx

  18. I love your composition and those lovely shades of blue.

  19. Love this page Erika. Very inspiring and the fox is soooo cool. After seeing all the great pages you all did, I did this challenge too. You have been so busy creating - I need to catch up. Hugz


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