Wednesday, February 3, 2021


Hi everyone. Yesterday's BIG dumping of snow ended up just being a dumping. That is good news. Even though no snow would have been better; less snow is better than more snow. We are supposed to have a storm free day today, and I am going to head out and run errands. That used to be such a chore, but now running errands is exciting. I know for those of you in lock down, you can't even do that.   The refrigerator is looking a bit empty right now. Sounds like Friday there could be a little more snow, and maybe even Sunday. Of course the weather folks aren't always accurate for long term forecasting, so let's see what actually happens. 

Today I wanted to share my tag for the latest challenge at Tag Tuesday.  This time Wendy is hosting, and she is asking for photographs (or part of one) to be included on your tag.

What struck me about this old photo is the dimples and the thick head of hair this girl has. And yes, the crown bottom should have been cut to look like it is actually on her head, but I didn't notice that until now. She's a cutie though, even with crown not quite right.

My background is inked  and stamped. I smudged some pink paint dots so it looks more like a fabric trim rather than paint  (which is what I planned on doing-really), and I added this stitched cloth circular piece (I know they have names, but I don't know what) and threaded button as they add some nice pop to this tag. 

I am keeping this post short because I must admit I am having a hard time writing it. Here's why.

Mr. Pete loves my morning breakfast shake, and he is trying to get my attention in hopes of licking the glass. 
You can see him eyeing it in the last photo. 
Thanks for visiting!



  1. A very nice Tag from you and I am amused by Mr Pete, who knows what is good!
    I wish you good shopping, hugs Elke

  2. Our furry pets are so fun aren't they? I do miss ours at times.
    Love your tag, I did a big food shopping on Monday I was out of all the fresh veggies for salads. Not much snow so far this winter where we live but we have been getting allot of rain instead.
    Happy Wednesday Kathy

  3. Cute tag and until you pointed out the crown, I didn't notice. Pete's a cutie, too and looks like he's trying to show off his dimples. Have a fun errand day.

  4. A super Tag and super photo..I so love vintage photos.
    Thank you so much for joining in with our challenge at Tag Tuesday x

  5. I didn't even notice her crown didn't fit until you mentioned it. She's a cutie indeed. I especially like the colors you chose. And Pete looks up to no good as usual (grin)!

  6. Wonderful tag, love how you added to the photo. Wish I had hair like that! Your doggy is paying great attention, hope it paid off for him. Thanks for joining us at Tag Tuesday, hugs, Valerie

  7. Hi Erika, this is such a great tag and what cute dimples she has. Great pictures of Mr Pete, hope you manged your breakfast shake, he looks as if he's just waiting for you to take your eye off it!
    (We are able to form a 'childcare bubble' and I've been very hands on, which is lovely- and exhausting. They are not allowed any other visitors until restrictions are relaxed)
    Have a great week.
    Avril xx

  8. I'm doing grocery shopping today, too, with a long list I trust I can get quickly. Our weather is typical for this time of year with a predicted high in the low 50s and we have sunshine. I'm forgetting what snow on the ground looks like it's been so long lol

    I'm petting your dog virtually :) I hope you have a good outing. (It's a bit sad that a grocery trip counts as an outing these days, but that's how I've cone to see them.)

  9. Pete looks great! How'd he do with the shake?

    Love the image you used -- she's such a sweet girl!

  10. I hope you don't get too much snow - at least you will have stocked up on food! I love your tag - that photo must have been taken in the 30's because my Mum had that exact haircut - must see if I have a copy, although my brother may have that! It's a lovely tag for sure! Pete looks as though he is certain he's going to get some!! Hugs, Chrisx

  11. Your dog looks like a sweetie. I know how they love to lick the last bits of our food from a plate. Never learned human manners. We once had a guest who was scandalized, even though we pointed out that the plate would subsequently go through the dishwasher. Too bad she saw us do it. (Us being me and the dog)

    be safe... mae at

  12. A gorgeous tag Erika, I love the pop of red against the green.
    Lovely photos of cheeky Mr Pete!
    Alison xx

  13. Pete is a character, love him Erika. Your tag is just gorgeous. Loving that photo and your beautiful embellishments. Thanks for sharing with us at Tag Tuesday.

  14. Beautiful tag, I wish my hair was that thick. Love all the greens as well. Thank you for sharing with us on Tag Tuesday.
    Hugs Wendy

  15. Isn't Pete adorable and his antics to get to your breakfast shake made me laugh 😀. Your tag is gorgeous and I'm loving those dimples and hair. I hope you've had a great week, not sure how we got to Friday already though. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  16. We might have got a bit more snow here in Nashua, NH, and it was pretty while it lasted. There's still a white ground cover, but the roadways and most walkways are mostly clear now so we could walk downtown. You are so right in saying that a weekly grocery trip is an exciting venture and we look forward to ours as well. Thanks for the birthday post comments and well wishes. The celebration will be next week in between my birthday and Hearts Day and, of course, I will post about it...afterwards.

  17. Love your dog. My dog was like that - he wanted everything I had to eat! What a delight.
    Love the fresh greens on your tag. Snow, snow and more snow - you always get such a lot. We've had a lot more than usual here this year but nowhere near what you get and it rarely keeps us indoors. Hope you're posting pics of it. It's lovely to look at when you don't have to go out in it, lol.
    Cath x

  18. Erica, that is a great tag amd photo. Love the color, too. Happy Day!


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