Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Flowers for You


Happy Wednesday everyone. We have a snow free day today, and it might be the only one until the weekend. I thought some warm colors and flowers would be a good art journal choice right now.

I'm sharing this page with Valerie's Heavy Metal challenge over at Art Journal Journey.

My background started with yellow paint and some circle stamping with a set from Paper Artsy. I added some dark gold painted rings around each circle stamp (using an empty tape roll), and then I used up that paint by brushing it randomly on the page. 
I've been trying to throw out less waste lately, and I love the way the color was laid out on this old paper towel (kitchen roll), so I tore a strip and attached it down the middle of the page.
Not sure where to go next, I went with the old tried and true add a branch of flowers.
The sun flowers are made with paint and some bronze metallic plastic beads in the center, and the white flowers are from a big package I got on sale (it had about 100 flowers in it) and I added some yellow plastic beads to the center,  The quote from Alison Bomber worked perfect with the page.

This past weekend the town next to ours was having a winter carnival on a bay of the big lake (Lake Winnipesaukee). We took a drive through just to see what was happening. It was crowded out on the ice, so I just hopped out of the car for a minute, stood alone on shore and snapped a couple of photos. 

 I did some cropping in the next photos, and that might make me look closer to people than I actually was .

Can you see the plane out on the ice runway and the one(s) parked after landing?

I'd call these photos, welcome to a New Hampshire winter.

That's all for me today.  Stay safe-and warm if it's cold in your are. 
Thanks for visiting! I always appreciate it.


  1. cool photos-we are iced over now but we are all concerned with possible damages of our docks and boats-not normal here to be iced in. the joke going around here is to ice fish
    I love your journal page very much-beautiful and love the quote.
    enjoy day hugs Kathy

  2. Thank you for the flowers! ⚘
    Very nice page for the Heavy Metal challenge.
    The snow pictures are beautiful but I am tired of the snow!

  3. Love those flowers - WOW! What a great page and makes me want to go make some flowers right now! Love it.

    Love those pictures on the ice too - so full of fun things like the plane. So many people having fun! Those houses around the lake look so beautiful as well. Thanks for sharing and I am glad you got back in the car!!!


  4. Brrrr, very effective photos! Perfect and very pretty warmer focused page.

  5. Wow! Are all those people out _on_ the ice?! I wouldn't trust that around here, but then it's so much colder for so much longer up there. Looks like fun :)

  6. Love your beautiful, sunny journal page, just right on this grey day! Love the photos, too, it looks like big fun, but very cold! Thanks so much for making another page for my heavy metal challenge, hugs, Valerie

  7. What a wonderful journal page, great with the background and the flowers.
    What a frozen lake and snowy landscape. Unfortunately, I have to do with the ischian nerve, so I can't comment like that.
    Take care of yourself in the weather, hugs Elke

  8. Love the flowers! The snow is nearly gone here, luckily! We have 4C!
    I do think your scenes are beautiful, though. As a kid I had fun in the snow and now I get pics of my Nieces enjoying this, also.
    Tea? ;-) Hugs from here.

  9. What a beautiful art, love the colors and the flowers, thank you!
    We have lot of snow here, and over 20 Celsius, in Lapland over 30!
    The scenery is like from a saga.
    Have a great day, my friend xx

  10. Beautiful mixed media piece Erika with lovely warm happy colours. Your wintery photos look fun, and awesome scenery... but I think I'd have to stay around the edge and not go on the ice... thanks for the lovely comment you left .me.. hope all well with you.... Gill xxx

  11. I'd be so nervous landing a plane on the ice of a big lake -- even if it was really cold -- just now knowing quite HOW frozen it was! If you have to have winter it looks like fun, though still too many people for me!

  12. A beautiful snowy landscape, and your page is gorgeous Erika! xx

  13. I do like the photographs showing New Hampshire Winter.
    A M A Z I N G

    All the best Jan

  14. Loved seeing the winter shots, how amazing to be able to stand on the ice of the lake - amazing 😀. Such a contrast to your beautiful sunshiny page, loving those happy sunflowers! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

  15. I am so glad we do not have it as cold where we are as you do but how wonderful to be able to see people on a frozen lake. Loved the photographs - thanks so much for sharing,
    Your journal page was a total contrast to the icy photographs with its lovely sunny yellow background. Such a happy warm and delightful page with lovely words.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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