Thursday, February 18, 2021

Watercolor Book, First Version

 Hi everyone. 

Today I am sharing a lot of photos from one of my creations for Creative Jumpstart day 21 class.  Andrea Chebeleu was the instructor. 

Andrea asked us to to freehand paint designs with watercolor onto both the front and back of some watercolor paper. She recommended a limited palate so no one would end up with muddy colors.

I have only a small set of watercolors, so I chose the blues and greens in my set.  For me this activity started out with learning a lot about getting various shades and tones with those colors (since I am not  very practiced with watercolors).

After the pages were dry, Andrea  had us cut and then fold out papers. Along with some tape, she showed us how to create little booklets.  

I always want to add details, as you can see on the right front of my little book.
Here's a few of my undetailed pages and also some pages where Andrea asked us to use a pen and add some markings.

Back to this detail thing I previously mentioned. To me this was now a book ready and waiting to be turned into it's own project. As I made this last week, with Valentine's Day still ahead, I decided it needed a love letter theme. I also decided I would only add shades of red paint to contrast with the blue and green, just to keep a limited color palette.
I should also point out that this might be partially why I am not moving along with Creative Jumpstart as fast as I could be. Smile!

My cover is finished above. Here's the pages in my little book.

I went a little over board with daisies. Also please ignore by not so straight pages. It is hard to keep the book flat and photographic straight.

There you have it. I enjoyed pulling out some old stamps as well as drawing hearts.  I had so much fun with this project  I have made a second book. More about that one in another post.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. What a great book! You could have surprised someone on Valentine's Day with this! You have worked very well! I can't work very well with the watercolors for now, but I'll try!
    Keep posting your creations from Creative Jumpstart day 21, maybe we'll learn something too! Thank you!
    I wish you a very creative day! Hugs!

  2. Oh wow I am inspired by your project. what kind of take did you use to put the pages together-when I made a little book I just did a row of stitching down the middle but I like this idea too very beautiful! hugs Kathy

  3. My skills with watercolor are few. Gray is a frequent result. So this really impresses me! I don’t have stamps, but starting with just two colors and embellishing with a third works very well. The red pops out and makes the pages complete. Well done!

  4. This is absolutely gorgeous, Erika. I love adding the red, which really pops. And the pages are terrific. Really, no words. I just adore it. This is certainly a wonderful project and you've aced out that class!

  5. Oh those blues!!! I am so immersed on the shades dearest Erika! It brings me back to our sandy beaches which I haven't seen in more than a year now :(

  6. Fabulous book Erika! Love all the patterns and colours you used! Take care, hugs, Valerie

  7. Wonderful book. I like the colors you chose.

  8. Awww this is lovely and I like all of the daisies.

    All the best Jan

  9. I loooove this.
    Oh, I have a little donkey I got from... Mc Donald´s with a friend in... 2002? It still plays the song "You are my sunshine".

  10. Wow! You did a great job with this class Erika! I love how you finished your book with the valentine's theme, the red certainly pops against those beautiful blues and greens.
    Hope you have a great weekend,
    Alison xx

  11. Such beautiful pages! Your watercolour painted backgrounds look amazing and blue and red are one of my favourite colour combinations - perfect 😁. Happy wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  12. You have been busy this week, another fabulous booklet, love the pops of red with the blue/green shades.
    The floral page in the previous post is fabulous, makes me long for summer with it's bright background/
    Have a great weekend.
    Avril xx

  13. imaginative and bright! Thank you for introducing me to the journal artist!

  14. This is SO much different from the post I saw earlier today. I love the way you manipulated the watercolors and how you turned the backgrounds you created into a true work of art. I am sure this was a labor of love and I suspect you had someone in mind when you were creating this beautiful Valentine's Day inspired book, too.

  15. I love your shapes and the colors you chose. Seems a shame to use them as background, as they look wonderful on their own :)

  16. That is a lovely little book. I too am not well versed in watercolours. I wish I was as I do like the effect people get. But saying that I love how you have used them and I obviously love the colour palette you chose - I am addicted to blue and green as colours I tend to choose if left to y own devices.
    The red additions - a very wise choice - they really pop and bring the pages to life.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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