Monday, February 1, 2021

T Stands for a Look Back and Wishes

Hi everyone. Happy first T for February. 
I must say January ended very cold, and now February has decided to make herself known by  starting off with a nice dumping of snow. I'm in the 10-18 inch area ( 25-46 cm). I hope that February mellows out a bit  after this storm though so I can get outside and walk as much as I did in January.

My T post today is a look back to February of 2017 when I was visiting friends in New Mexico.  I'll be joining Bleubeard and Elizbeth's blog for T and also for her Second on the Second post. 

Since I'm here for T and also wishing I had a winter trip planned, I picked this post to share. The original post was called T Time, and I posted it on February 28, 2017.

T Time

Happy T day everyone. I am here with my Tuesday post from New Mexico. Its cold, grey and windy today and between tonight and tomorrow we may get 5 inches of snow. At home it is spring like and warm. I guess I am in the wrong place for spring weather. Usually it is winter like at home and  more spring like here, but I must admit I am having a fantastic time anyhow and it would be fun to see snow here at my friend's house.
(You can see it on the mountains already though)
So yesterday we went to fantastic museum, the Millicent Rogers Museum in Taos. Millicent was an heiress who collected some fantastic southwestern items and also was a gal who loved jewelry. She even designed some herself. She lived only into her early 50's and died in in 1953.
Here are a few photos from the museum. Lots more to show you in posts to come.

 Above is some of her jewelry and here is the sketches for some she designed.

 This necklace was huge and looks heavy and the spike pin, it was at least 9 inches long-or more. Not really my personal style but still cool to see.
They also had one of her childhood journals on display.
 And here's one from some of her colored pencil sketches for her version of Hans Christian Andersen's story Little Mermaid. She did these for her sons.
 And how about some clothing she designed with some southwestern jewelry and buttons.  I don't know if this jewelry is her designs or not.

And here is a portrait of her  done by artist Dorothy Berg.
I bet if you are like me, after that little tour you are ready for some T.
Stop by Elizabeth's blog-Altered Book Lover to see what people have been sipping (and eating) lately.
 Look at these artful mugs my friend has. I have been using the quail mug. I really love those guys.
A little hot coco by the fire.
And maybe a small piece of brownie too-though I didn't take a photo of that.
Thanks for visiting. As I am away I might not  get to my computer as regular as usual. so please be patient with me. I will get to everyone's blog to leave comments and to post comments.
Happy end of the month. (Can you believe it is just about March?)

Have a wonderful new month and T day!


  1. What a great museum. I don't think I saw this the first time you shared. Her jewelry is lovely. And I like the sketch that she made for her son. This looks like a great place to visit.
    We seem to be getting the same snow storm. Stay warm.
    Happy Tea Day,

  2. I think I have been to that museum, with a large collection of Native American craft work. I like your photos of New Mexico. Wish I could go there!

    be safe... mae at

  3. Hi! I hope it warms up for you soon! what an interesting look at Millicent, such a shame she died so young she had so much talent. Your friends mugs are really fun ~ Enjoy your week!

  4. Oof...that's a lot of snow. Thankfully we haven't gotten nailed like that this year so far. We're dropping into the negatives over the weekend with -30F windchills. EEK!
    Happy T day!

  5. A fun look back to reminisce about a great trip. Love the mugs! You will see in my post that we are getting hammered with a snowstorm as well:(:(
    Oh pleas let's have Spring!
    Keep warm and safe. Hope you won't have too much digging out to do. Happy T day!

  6. That looks like a wonderful museum. I think we are all longing to take a trip just now! Beautiful mugs, too! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  7. Beautiful works! Wish my Brother would´ve stuck to his profession, he´s also a goldsmith. But with all the cheap stuff you can buy online ...

    Yips, cold and all icy here, too. Icky.
    That mugs are pretty and a hot coco by a fire would be so nice - happy T-day!

  8. I remember this post. I would feel very much at home in New Mexico. The climate is very similar. We also get cold spells in winter, especially at our elevation. The vegetation looks the same as over here.
    The museum is fantastic! It was great to see it again.
    Happy T-Day,

  9. Lovely photos! Looks like an interesting museum Erika.

  10. A very nice memory. I have been to NM many times to do art shows. We don't get the snow but we are getting massive rain. Be careful out there. Have a very nice day.

  11. New Mexico is one of my favourite states, we have visited there many times so I loved seeing all your photos again 😁. The mugs are wonderful, I bet you remember your travels every time you see them - perfect! I'll happily join you for a cup of hot chocolate and please save me a piece of that brownie 😉. Happy February and T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  12. With the roads being so bad, a virtual tour of a museum is a fun way to spend the day. Love those mugs, too. I hope you didn't get as much snow as predicted. Stay warm and Happy T Day

  13. I love your look back -- I remember much of your NM trip but not this. Love the art -- a very diverse and lovely collection!

    Hope you aren't snowed in!

  14. how stimulating was the museum!!! I love those mugs and want some. Where did they come from? LeeAnna

  15. Thats a lot of snow - a trip to New Mexico was just perfect to turn up the heat! The museum looks fascinating! I absolutely adore those mugs - especially if they have hot Coca in them! Happy T Day, Chrisx

  16. I remember this trip and the museum. I also remember the mugs. My favorite is the ram, but the gecko is pretty awesome, too. I think your quail is beautiful and definitely unique. I love how the handles had the animals, too.

    That was a great museum. So delighted you shared this with us again because I remember thinking how BIG and impressive that jewelry was, especially the turquiose. I wouldn't wear it, but it was impressive, none-the-less. Thanks for sharing this as both your T Tuesday and your second look post this month, dear Erika.

  17. That does look a good museum.
    Love the mugs.

    Happy February Wishes.

    All the best Jan


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