Monday, February 22, 2021

T Stands for Scenes from Last Week

 Hi everyone.  Time for another T day. Since last week's T I've taken a lot of photos and thought I would share some of them.

Last T day we had a little bit of snow that turned into an ice storm. This was the tail end of one of the storms that really wrecked havoc in parts of the US. I hope if you were  one of those without  power and heat, that they are now back and you didn't suffer from broken pipes and flooding.

When the sun came out the next day, it was really beautiful, but wintery.

Friday morning I rode into Boston with my husband when he had an appointment at Massachusetts General Hospital. He's fine, but since he had a kidney transplant there almost 4 years ago he has become a permanent patient . Usually he just does monthly blood work and an over the phone check in, but every now and again he needs to be seen. I was worried about the roads being bad  driving into the city as this was the tail end of storm #2. This storm  also caused a lot of havoc in other parts of the US.

I think a lot of folks must have thought the same thing about heading out in the snow because the traffic was very  very light. It was a surprise, but hurrah for that.

The snow seem to be falling all day but didn't accumulate much until later in the evening.

I waited in the car because it was raw and wet outside, and with Covid I can't go into the waiting room. I read my book, and my husband was back soon enough.

I didn't have much of a view however.

We needed lunch on our way home as it is a just under 2 hours drive each way, and we went through a Chick Fil-A. Not that we're fast food folks, but we're not eating in restaurants yet,  and we were hungry. I have never seen workers anywhere wearing these fun little "weather tents" before.

Of course I forgot to take a photo of anything to do with our lunch.

In between stormy days I took a trip to down into Portsmouth to go to Trader Joe's to grocery shop.  They had their daffodil bunches. It didn't take long for them to bloom once I got them home in water. That gave  me a smile.

Oh yes, and I need to show you a drink photo for T. My husband took me out for lunch on Valentine's Day. We'd done our "dump" (waste/recycling center) trip, driven by the winter carnival in the town next to ours (photos here if you are interested Flowers for You post), and then we headed to see what was going on on the lake  one more town to the north.. This town was very quiet with barely anyone out and about, so we stopped for a sandwich.
 It was very romantic. Smile.

We split a sandwich and ate it in the car in the parking lot.

And it was a very good sandwich!

Be sure to stop by  Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog where we share our drink related posts. 
Just think, next week it will be March. Hurrah for that! 
Thanks for visiting and have a great week.


  1. Beautiful daffodils! Although you started with impressive winter photos, they are definitely a precursor of the next season.

    be safe... mae at

  2. All These Photos Are Fantastic - Through The Screen Shots Totally Work - Hold On Kidney, We Are Pulling For Ya - All The Cars Covered In Snow But The Red American Truck, What A Metaphor There - And Beautiful Flowers - As Always, So Pleased I Popped By Today - Thank You


  3. All snow gone here, yay!!! Sorry it went over to you.
    That weather tent is hilarious! And clever, I can´t decide.
    Beautiful daffodils, ahhh, a sigh of Spring!
    Hmmm, the sandwich looks yummy!
    Happy T-day!

  4. OH I just love your snow! Im in Florida so there isn't any and I'm not a hot weather person so this was delightful! I hope you are reading a good book, too - I do love my books! Hugs!

  5. Good morning, I enjoyed all of your wintry photos. Larry's specialist are always a long drive too-glad the traffic and roads were not too bad. and glad everything is good. I have never seen a worker in those "tents" that's pretty clever. LOved your daffodils how nice you were able to buy some-those always bring me a smile. Nice to get out and about enjoy your day hugs

  6. Pleased to hear you survived a drive into town in the bad weather, love the photos of the snow, always looks lovely especially where no one has walked but hate being in it!
    Love Daffs, always bright and cheerful at this time of year
    Happy T Day
    Jan S

  7. Glad to hear you haven't been too hard hit - beautiful snowy landscapes without too much accompanying hardship. It must have felt good to get out and about even in a limited way. Stay safe out there!
    Alison x

  8. You got a LOT more snow than I got and I thought I got a lot. Loved seeing it in your yard, though. Glad you stayed warm and safe.

    Speaking of safe, wow, if that was light traffic, I would hate to see heavy traffic.

    How sweet your husband took you out on Valentine's Day. Nice looking sandwich to go with your diet Coke, too. Thanks for sharing your snow photos, your trip to Mass General, and your Valentine lunch and diet Coke with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

    Did you see Halle's quilt? I had the same problem when I tried to attach the back of the Asian quiltlet I made you a couple of years ago.

  9. Thank you for taking me with you on a drive into Boston. I enjoyed the 'through-the-screen' photos. There seemed to be good parking facilities. In the UK many hospitals have inadequate parking and that is a nightmare, especially if you have nobody to drop you off.
    I assume everything is medically OK?
    I read in the news about how the bad weather affected certain regions. Awful!
    Oh those daffodils! Aren't they lovely. The herald spring for sure.
    The 'tents' for the workers made me smile....
    Happy T-Day,

  10. Fabulous, so glad to hear that your hubby has had his vaccine! I loved seeing your snowy scenes and Boston too, it bought back happy memories of my visits there 😁. Those beautiful yellow daffodils looks so cheery, we went for a walk this morning and saw some just starting to flower on one of the grass verges. Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  11. You got more ice than we did! I hope all the winter weather is over. I'm looking forward to tomorrow when the temps will be in the 40s. Maybe even close to 50! Glad you had a safe trip to Boston and were able to find parking. The weather tents made me laugh and your daffodils made me smile. Hopefully, we won't have to wait too long to see them in the garden. Happy T Day

  12. Wonderful photos, especially the icy ones! And I love those little wearable tents, fantastic! Hope your husband's tests went well. Great daffodils, too. Happy T Day, Valerie

  13. Ice is so pretty but scary to get out in. I'm glad your trip went well. I'm ready for some fast food lol, as I've been living on bean soups from the freezer and dry cereal. The boil water order puts a kink in my kitchen enthusiasm.

    Daffodils are a cheering sight :) Happy T Tuesday!

  14. Those are some photos truly depicting winter!! Thankfully we didn't lose power during our storms but they were wicked nonetheless. Nice that you got some gorgeous yellow daffodils to bring some sunshine indoors and that you were able to enjoy some take out food. The sandwich looks yummy!
    Keep warm, and happy T day!

  15. The photos of your trip to Boston were lovely. City's are so pretty with the snow. That is great that you had minimal amounts of traffic. I have never driven in a city. I let hubby do the work as it seem tricky.
    Those daffodils are lovely. Yellow is such a happy color. Makes me excited for spring.
    Your valentine's meal look yummy. I can go for a hoagie any day of the week. Especially if the bread is delicious and crusty.
    Happy Tea Day,

  16. Hi Erika, the bread recipe is online at the end of this post here, hope you like it :-)

  17. Nice, informative and really enjoyable post. I love the photos of where people live. Yes, weather is crazy everywhere. Nice that you can go out to eat. The flowers are gorgeous. Have a very nice day.

  18. Beautiful snow photos. You must have run the heater while you sat out in the car reading. Glad your hubby is ok. Thanks for a great post. Happy belated T Day.

  19. Masses of great photos here, Erika. My special favourites are the ones of the streets of Boston, I enjoy seeing other cities as an arm-chair (computer chair) traveller just now.
    These little workers' tents are great, I've not seen these here.
    And the daffodils! You've captured their gorgeous yellowness. We've got some miniature ones flowering early so I am going out to pick some for a vase right now.
    Great blogpost, I feel as if I had a day out with you.

  20. Love all your snow pictures. It is sooo pretty where you live. I have only been to Boston once and I loved it. Thanks for sharing all the pictures. I rarely get out these days and seeing the sights through your lens and eyes is very fun. These days going to chic-fil-a is a big treat - love those weather tents they are wearing. Fun stuff. Hugz

  21. It sounds as if you are like us - not going in restaurants (we can't at the moment as they are not open but when they were we didn't bother).
    Thanks for the photos of your trip with hubby, I cannot get over those little tents that people were wearing - how funny to see those with legs sticking out and moving along it must have been.
    Love the daffs - they have a special place in my heart (remind me of my mum)
    Hugs, Neet xx


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