Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Memories of Japan

Hi everyone. 
I want to share another page for Valerie's Heavy Metal challenge at Art Journal Journey This page once again  has a Japanese theme. My inspiration came from the scraps of the deep purple paper  I used on my page. They reminded me of purple silk kimono fabric.

I used a stencil and some gold paint to create the interesting marks on the background. I am not sure they are Japanese writing or just fascinating marks. They do look Japanese/Asian however.
I also used some metallic Sharpies to color in parts of the kimono.  I added a little more metal also. I  had this brass charm that I painted with some gold paint before I stitched it onto the page.

I've been looking through travel photo books and my various trip journals a lot lately. This cold wintery weather and the fact that it's been a year since I've ventured far has me feeling a little bit restless to go someplace.
 I probably wouldn't be wanting to go away as much if I actually could go someplace, but since I'm not able to go away, I want to go someplace. I think I have something that  should be called covid related vacation sickness. Smile.

Let me share a few more random photos from when I traveled to Japan with my school in 2018. A little more arm chair traveling to compensate for no real travel.

The bamboo forest, Kyoto

Lighthouse view, from south of Nichinan

Sign in park on hilltop, Nichinan. And also on that hilltop, a vending machine. The Japanese love their  vending machines, and we found them in so many unexpected places.

Looking down on Nichinan.

Fans in a shop window.

Mt. Fuji from the window of a bullet train.

Tokyo sunset from my hotel room window.

At a Shinto shrine in Nichinan.

Seaweed shop, Kyoto

Covered shopping area, Kyoto.

Shrine, Tokyo. This is a wall of sake barrels.  Below is a close up. They are art pieces in themselves.

Fascinating wall of lanterns in Tokyo.

Thanks for visiting.



  1. Hi Erika, your journal page is fabulous, love the colours and the gold embellishments, thanks so much for making another page for my challenge. Armchair travel is really all we have just now, your photos of Japan are beautiful. I hope we can soon be more mobile again! Have a great day, stay safe, hugs, Valerie

  2. That trip has provided you with so many memories and so much inspiration. I enjoy seeing the photos :)

  3. A beautiful AJ page with various fine details of Japanese things which matches perfectly them. Thanks for emotions and photos from the country of the rising sun 🎎🌄
    Have a good rest of the week 💗

  4. Beautiful page, the kimono is gorgeous, too. Lucky you to be able to open up your memories and time travel. I’m happy to tagalong.

  5. Oh your photos of Japan have me drooling, Erika! By the way, you share a name with my niece, same spelling and it always drove her a little crazy because all her friends were Erica :) I love your beautiful art work, too!

  6. That really is a crazy place for a vending machine!
    Oh, see, my Gurri-fan (red with white dots) is up, but my Henry´s not, thanks for the reminder.
    Yes, we´re stuck, thank you for sharing these, a lille online-journey is always welcome!

  7. Your photos are fabulous. I think Japan feels so intriguing because so much of it is very different from what all we see here. I especially love the close-ups of the sake barrels and the fans. It's fun seeing the scale of the wide shot and close up. The vending machines in odd places -- I remember that, but none so outdoors as you showed! And the bamboo forest -- I would love to see that -- great photo -- what a wonderful enlargement that would be. I think I need to take a look at my Japan photos again -- it has been too long!

  8. Wonderful photos and a beautiful page! xx

  9. What a wonderful way to return to Kyoto with your amazing photos.
    It's so fun that we've been walking in to the same places.

  10. Very cool page to illustrate some of your travel feelings, Erika. Some great details and a very peaceful and calm feeling to it. LOVE your pictures - looks like a totally beautiful place to visit. How fun to find a vending machine totally random like that. The mountain is soooo majestic. TFS! Hugz

  11. Oh Wow, how wonderful it must have been to travel to Japan. Such wonderful photographs, especially Mt Fuji and the bamboo forest. That was somewhere I had on my bucket list but I doubt I will get there now.I did go to China in '97 and I loved every minute of it. Always wanted to go back but again I doubt it now.
    Love the page in your journal, the rich purple is gorgeous and that charm you stitched on is just brilliant and looks so good like that.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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