Friday, March 19, 2021

A Beautiful Day

 Happy Friday everyone. 

It's back to a day of chilly temperatures here in New Hampshire, but this past Wednesday was a glorious spring day. Low tide at the beach was in the morning, so I met my friend for a walk first thing in the day. She had to head out after our walk to babysit her grandchildren, but I had no place to be. The sun was bright, and there wasn't much wind, so I took a little drive. First I went for a short drive south down the coast, and then  I turned around and took a detour  east onto Great Island where the town of Newcastle, New Hampshire is located.

Thought I would take a break from posting  art  and show you a few photos from my drive.

My first stop was at a small state park that looks onto Rye Harbor and has a small beach.  At this time of year there aren't many people around, and the parking lots are open without charging fees.

You can see there was only 1 or 2 boats out on moorings. In the summer this harbor is filled with boats. The next photo shows the channel that leads into the harbor.

Six miles offshore are a small chain of islands called the Isles of Shoals. I've shown you photos when we've boated out there. The islands that are in New Hampshire (because some are in the state of Maine) are part of the town of Rye where this park and one of the beaches I like to walk are located. At this same little state park you can get a clear view of these islands. 

There is also a monument that talked about these islands.

I knew the islands were discovered by Captain John Smith, the same Captain John Smith who helped settled Jamestown in Virginia (the US's first permanent English settlement) and who is part of the Pocahontas story. He named these islands Smith's Isles, but that name didn't stick with time. (Although no one knows exactly why they are called the Isles of Shoals. Perhaps because of all the fish that shoaled near them.)
Captain John Smith's second voyage from England went from Maine south to Cape Cod. What I didn't know is that he is the one who coined the term New England. That name did stick and is now used to describe the 6 states (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island) in the very northeast of the US.

The grass in the next photo (Phragmites or common weed) is an invasive species that grows everywhere along the coast and displaces local plants. And it is so tall too. You can't even see the beach beyond it.

South of the state park are a couple of other state beaches with parking. There are some private beaches too. The beaches themselves are not private, as state law says no can own the beach itself, but without parking the only way to get there would be to walk, so that makes them more or less private.

By this point the tide was coming in so I turned around, headed back north and decided to follow one of the side roads that follows the coast.
I stopped and took this next photo because across the harbor, on the right, is the beach where we often anchor our boat and relax. I know I've posted a lot of photos of that spot in the past. The line on the horizon of this photo is the jetty that I've also shown you many times and that I shared a few weeks back when I walked at Odiorne State Park. It's the one that someday I am going to walk out onto.
If that means nothing to you, it is a nice view.

I had driven into  a small parking area for the scenic view to take this last photo.  Just beyond that parking area is this golf course and some very expensive homes on the golf course. This sign made me laugh. I am sure they needed to put it up because at least one person complained when a golf ball came flying in their direction.

My last stop for the morning was in New Castle, New Hampshire. New Castle is one of the oldest towns in my state and is the only one that is completely on an island. 
This town has a wonderful large park called Great Island Common. I wasn't sure if they were charging for parking yet, but they weren't, so I drove in and took a little walk here. It didn't make the dogs happy though, because this time they got left in the car when I went to check out the views. 
The scenery was beautiful.

I'll finish my post with this fun photo frame that was in the park.

Hope you have a great start to your weekend.


  1. Beautiful!!! Hehe, the sign made me grin, too!
    Oh, you live in a truly beautiful area! Glad your weather warms up, here we freeze our.... off still.

  2. Simply beautiful coastal photos! Funny, when I read you were going to take a drive, my eyes saw the word “dive” instead. Lol!

  3. Wow, what a beautiful day to go to the beach! Those blue skies and sunshine made me smile, and oh those views were amazing - spring must be on its way 😁. Take care and wishing you a happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  4. What a delightful outing! I got a big kick out of the photo frame lol

  5. I really enjoyed this post-thank you soooo much for sharing with us, and I learned some things I did not know too-lovely photos-perfect day for a walk. you live in a wonderful area! I have not been near the ocean since the 70's when I lived in Wrightsville beach (might not be spelt right ) NC for a few years
    I loved that last photo-cool idea. Happy Friday and weekend Hugs Kathy

  6. You chose a perfect day to go to the beach. Just gorgeous scenery. I loved the photo frame. It made me think of Bob Ross, and we'll just put a happy little cloud right here. No snow today! Not even a flake! Enjoy the sunshine and the warmer weather coming this week

  7. What a lovely day and a beautiful place - except for the golf balls lol. Love the frame. Have a nice weekend Elle xx

  8. Happy Friday - Happy Travels - Happy Pictures - Thank You For These - Be Well - Travel On


  9. Love the bright blue skies, the photos with the tree and the fun frame

  10. What a lovely day, I enjoyed seeing all your photographs.
    That last one is fun :)

    Happy Weekend Wishes.

    All the best Jan

  11. Wow, you took me on a fairytale flight into the scenery of Pocahontas. Great sunny pictures - islands, blue of the sea, wow, thanks for the journey - I would like to see them live in somedays. The whole globe is so worth exploring - amazing!! And the last picture, hih ... a funny artist with his frame - clever idea!!

  12. Stunning photos Erika, the scenery is beautiful! You really made the most of that sunny day.
    Happy weekend,
    Alison xx

  13. What beautiful parks and areas to walk and enjoy. All that blue really makes me smile. (I especiallly love that last photo with the frame!) So glad you were able to take the rest of the day after your walk and do some exploring. I had no idea about John Smith and the name new England. Very interesting!

  14. Beautiful photos. I love the crisp blues in these. But it looks cold, too.

  15. Nice to see that your outing, Erika. We have also been to Odiorne SP in a day trip last fall. Now, is the best time to explore before the summer crowds start and with the weather improving we will be doing the same.

  16. Great pictures! If I lived there, I would walk all the time! Wow. Love that photo frame and the history you provided as well. Fun post. Hugz

  17. What an absolutely wonderful place to walk ! I remember being fascinated by the story of John Smith and Pocahontas as a child! Hugs, Chrisx


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