Thursday, March 18, 2021

Channeling Georgia O'Keeffe

Hi everyone. 

I'm here today with a giant hand drawn flower for Sheila's single flower challenge at Art Journal Journey.

This challenge has me thinking about a Georgia O'Keeffe (1887-1986),  a very talented 20th century American painter.  I've mentioned her on an occasion or two before. Some of the art she is famous for are her  scenery paintings of New Mexico and her giant flower paintings. 
Here are a few of her flower pieces. She painted around 200 of them during her long painting career.

O'Keeffe's work is amazing and the inspiration for the drawing (or perhaps more of a doodle when I put it next to these paintings) I shared with you today. 

I drew the outline and some details on my piece using my Faber-Castell markers. Then I grabbed some watercolor paints. I painted in the petals and the flower's center. I also used some paint pens to add details to the flower's center. After that I went back with my markers and finished off the flower.
The dots around the flower were made with a small rubber stamp and some black ink.

If you want to read more about Georgia O'Keeffe, you can here: Georgia O'Keeffe Museum write up,  Georgia O'Keeffe info website, and finally the Wikipedia page about her Georgia O'Keeffe.

Hope your day is going well. Thanks for visiting.



  1. Interesting giant flower painting, Erika. I like the color combo you used.
    Thank you for presenting Georgia O'Keeffe. I visited the pages you recommended.
    Enjoy the day, my friend xx

  2. Your piece is beautiful, Georgia would have been proud of you! I love her work. This week I got a get well card with the 4th flower you showed on it. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Good morning, I love your flower journal page and really enjoyed seeing your inspirations. Beautiful flowers this morning-it won't stop raining here-hard rains, and hail, and winds, allot of flooding will occur here as this continues-it is putting water in the ponds and lakes though Happy Thursday

  4. Your giant single flower is beautiful!
    I've always admired the work of Georgia O'Keeffe!
    Enjoy your day! Hugs!

  5. Your flower is large and beautiful and before looking more I thought you must have been inspired by O’Keefe. She loved painting flowers I. Closeup and so many have been inspired by her.

  6. I've gotten to see Georgia's work up close. I absolutely LOVE what you created. It's not just beautiful, it's also charming and perfect for Sheila's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    I thought about you today when I got a message about a free two week class that starts today. Here's the sign-up info if you are interested:

    There are two videos a day for two weeks, but you have a month for the videos to be online.

  7. Looks like you talked directly to her. I love all her large florals. You getting snow tonight?

  8. The colours of your giant flower look stunning with the black outlines. I have seen some of this art that you showed, the colours and details are amazing.
    Have a great day.
    Avril xx

  9. I love your Georgia O'Keefe inspired bloom Erika, it's beautiful!
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend,
    Alison xx

  10. Wow, such a fabulous page! The huge flower looks so beautiful and thanks for sharing your inspiration too- perfect 😁. Happy wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  11. O'Keeffe's art is striking. I remember the first time I read a bit about her life and saw some of her art that wasn't flower close-ups. Fascinating.

    I can see her influence in the piece you shared :)

  12. Love your colorful flower. Georgia O’Keefe is a favorite of mine too.

  13. Hello Erika, I was wondering how on earth I had missed this, but I don’t think you have linked it to AJJ?
    I’m glad I popped in for a look. Your big flower looks terrific and I can imagine it would be a lot of fun to draw and paint.
    I enjoyed seeing the other photos of flowers too, lots of inspiration there if we needed any.
    Have a great weekend and as your weather often is the same as ours (which is strange) it looks as if it will be warm and sunny.

  14. I think your giant single flower is beautiful.

    All the best Jan

  15. So beautiful the single Flower!
    thanks for the link, hug Elke

  16. Your flower is so pretty. I think it would make Georgia smile. She was a talented lady! I need to try one big flower like this! Beautiful idea and page. Hugz

  17. This really is Very Georgia o'Keefe! I was lucky enough to see an exhibition of her work at a gallery in London a few years ago! Hugs, Chrisx


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