Thursday, March 11, 2021

A Big Flower

Hi everyone. Hope your week is going well.  I am really enjoying the nice weather we are having, even if it means my road is knee deep (not literally but close-smile) in mud.

I'm back with another page for Sheila's  (online known as Orange Esmeralda) Single Flower challenge at Art Journal Journey.

The idea of a single flower lead me to draw flowers on several pages of my drawing journal. For this page, I went big.

The only non-drawn part is the stamped word Bloom I stamped below the flower.

There's not much to say except I used my Faber-Castell markers to both draw and color this page. I'm happy with my flower, but the one thing about my drawing that I am really amazed with is the black circle in the center. It surprisingly came out like a perfect circle. It pops in this photo too, although it is drawn on the page. Small things for small minds (I'm being my sarcastic self-ha-ha) as the cliche goes.

And can you guess what  visitor I had from these horrible photos? It was exciting!

This bard owl was sitting  and watching for prey that came up under the bird feeder at about 7:30 the other night.  The dogs were barking like crazy, but the owl didn't seem to care.  I tried getting a good photo, but between the distance, the darkness and the fact that I couldn't open the door for risk that the dogs ,who were extremely wound up , wouldn't stay,  none of my photos came out. 

I think Mr/Mrs Owl  must  be coming around frequently as of late because often Pete wakes up  during the night and starts barking. When he starts to bark, Maddie rolls out of bed (she sleeps with us) and starts barking too. I never let them out during a bark fest because who knows what could be out there. My bet is there is good owl food under the feeders at night since so much seed falls onto the ground. and that must attract hungry mice and other small animals.

Thanks for visiting.



  1. Big flower is great fun, I love it in all its colour and greatness.
    Thanks very much for painting Big Flower for my Single (Big) Flower theme.
    I did recognise the owl from your photographs and what a marvellous bird to see. We've only seen one rarely but never in the garden.

  2. Big flower, big owl. Very cool. I've heard owls calling in the woods, but have never seen one. Enjoy the warm weather before the big chill sets in. Gotta love the month of March. Not

  3. I bet you are right about the nocturnal visits! Wow -- what a stunning sight to see the owl there. I would love that!

  4. That bloom is utterly gorgeous Erika! I love it!
    How amazing to see the barn owl, you did well to capture it with the camera, not an easy thing to do.
    Alison xx

  5. Your art reminds me of a key chain I had back in the 70s :) Great colors!

    I hear an owl every once in a while, but I've never seen it. So cool!

  6. Now you have said "owl" I think `I can recognise the face. Certainly exciting. We have one but not 100% certain it is in our garden but we can hear her quite often calling for a mate. Sometimes I wish she would find him quickly. Aren't they wonderful when you see them, sadly in captivity.
    Love your flower and had not noticed the centre until you mentioned it and when I looked it is perfect. Really perfect! Love the whole flower, what a wonderful page it is.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  7. Love your beautiful flower! Quite jealous of the Barn owl appearance! Hugs, Chrisx

  8. Love your big flower. Great to have an owl in the garden. Hugs, Valerie


  9. Lovely flower, goldig painted!
    This bard owl is very nice, great these photos of it!
    Hug Elke

  10. No Way, That Owl Is So Cool - What A Moment In Time - Also, The Big Flower Catch My Eye - Very Creative There


  11. Now that's a beautiful bif bloom, really like those cross hatched petals, reminds me of my etching days, the parallel lines really complement the design. Are you having warm weather or with the mud does it mean you've had rain? Ours has been a soggy couple of days, I'm hoping it will blow over by tomorrow. Here's to hope. I do love Owls, nicely spotted
    Hugs Tracey xx

  12. Wonderful and original flower painting, Erika.
    What a cool owl photos. A little frightening if to see suddenly in nature ;)
    Our new 'lock down' is not so heavy. New restrictions are that restaurants and some public places are shut. But here is a kind of a winter back state.
    It's cold and snowing ):

    Wishing a great weekend to you and yours xx

  13. Beautiful flower! How amazing to see the bard owl, so exciting 😁. I'm not sure we get hard owls over here, off to look it up! Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  14. That really IS one big flower. I love how you created each of the petals and that center is truly amazing. You put a LOT of work into that flower and I really like it. Thanks so much for sharing it for Sheila's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

    I immediately thought it was an owl, but was expecting a baby bear. Imagine my surprise when you confirmed my suspicions.

  15. Vibrant art piece. And wow on your owl visitor. I wonder how the dogs knew he was out there? Did they look out the window and see him?

  16. Love the giant flower - so pretty and colorful and fun. How fun to have an owl so close and get a picture of it. I hear them in the trees around our house - hope they are getting all the mice! Fun post! Hugz


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