Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Waiting for Spring

Hi everyone. Today I want to share another page for Sheila's single flower challenge at Art Journal Journey.

My page today is the cover of another water colored journal I made. This one is 5x7  inches and big enough to meet the Art Journal Journey  requirements.  I also added stitching on some of the pages in this journal.
Spring is still calling me so you can guess the theme.
The cover has one flower that works for AJJ, but here's a 2 page spread from this journal that has more than 1 flower. Not for AJJ, but just to show.

 We're having a typical late winter/early spring March.
We still have enough snow on the ground that I went snowshoeing this past Sunday. 
It was chilly as you can tell with me all bundled up.

Thank goodness for ice grippers on the snowshoes. We've had just enough melt and freeze the the top of the snow was slick in a few places.

The dogs enjoyed a walk too. 

And I saw these tracks.  They aren't fresh, but I don't see any claw marks which say cat to me. House cat? Bobcat? Or are they melted rabbit tracks. I did see some definite rabbit tracks nearby, but these looked different.  Does anyone see something I don't or know what these are? 

Luckily this week we are having some really warm temperatures.  Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!

Thanks for visiting.



  1. For whatever reason, it only just now dawned on me that when you see tracks, it's different than when I do! Yours could be a bear or a bobcat. Ours are usually bunnies (although I saw deer walking down our street last night). I've never tried snowshoes. I wonder if I would like them.

  2. Beautiful pages Erika! I love these compositions in your watercolour book, I must do something in mine :-)
    Love the snow shoes, what a great idea, and lovely photos of you and your doggy.
    Alison xx

  3. Lovely artwork. I'm glad you're getting the warm up. Those tracks do look somewhat feline, so I agree: maybe cat or Bobcat.

    A few years ago, in the middle of Winter, I found a group of robins in a wooded area at the shoreline, so that was the first time I learned that some of them remain year round. I'm not sure if the ones I saw at the reservoir this week were year round "residents", or "migrators". I usually don't count the "first robin" (Spring harbinger) until I see one in my own yard, because throughout the Winter in my yard, I don't see any.

  4. Your secret garden journal is gorgeous. Pure beauty. This is turning out great. I love the cover. It looks like the girls are sharing a secret. Maybe it's about the secret garden! I especially LOVE the iris. That two page spread is great, and the sewing made it even more special. It's another great entry for Sheila's theme at Art Journal; Journey.

    Lucky you to live in a place where you can use snowshoes. I've never seen any except in photos and I really enjoyed reading about your experience with them. SO different from my "city" life. I always love seeing where you live, too.

  5. Your cover page is absolutely stunningly gorgeous, Erika, starting with the two girls and the chicken and lace and the jewelled clovers and the flower.
    The background is great too with the daffodil yellow and green and the stitching - and the title.
    I'll take my AJJ hat off and admire the three cerise flower pages too, they are really impressive. And there is a bunny.
    Thanks very much for supporting my theme once again.

  6. Is so cold! ❄ Brrr ...
    I like very much your water colored journal!

  7. this is great, lovely winter photos.
    to answer you comment on my blog. I have terminated my utility garden new year 2020 and will from now on spend my time on other things. I did not think my body could power the garden anymore. I have several ideas for what should happen next. camping could be one of them as my new summer resort more relaxing and by the sea

  8. Wonderful pages Erika, the secret garden is a great story. Lovely photos, too. Hugs, Valerie

  9. The wrapper turned out so beautiful with the border and the color.
    Great to go for a walk with the snowshoes and with the dog, I would like that too. It looks nice with the snow. It should be stormy for me
    I wish you a good week, Hug Elke

  10. Today's a day to dream about a secret garden not covered up by snow. Brrrr. I think I'd rather hang out by the wood stove with a cuppa than get all bundled up to go snowshoeing. No clue what the tracks are. I hope you got to enjoy the sunshine today


  11. Oh, this one is so sweet! Wonder what secret gets exchanged there. Love the purple one, too, but YIKES, you STILL have snow?!

  12. Pretty!

    Wow! Look at the _snow_! We did actually get some snow this year, but it's long gone now. I put away my winter clothes a couple of weeks ago lol

  13. How I enjoyed the citrus colours of your first page and then I scrolled down and saw those gorgeous purple iris. Would be hard to choose a favourite here as they are equally appealing to me.
    Wow, those snow shoes - I had no idea you would have to wear them to go out. Just shows how different your weather is to ours. As for the footprints - all I see are the ones the birds leave as they call to feed. How very different our lives are.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  14. This pages are all wonderful, I love Irises!
    Those paw prints look more like something quite big, the foot part looks quite elongated so I wouldn't think cat!
    Take Care, Chrisx

  15. Hi Erika! How nice to see you again. Yes, it´s been a while! I like your art journal pages. Maybe I should look more into this kind of art. I like those flowers! I guess they are stamps. I don´t see much of those things in Sweden.
    Well, I´ll see if I can find a way!
    Take care!

  16. Love the journal cover! Love the iris pages too. Such great and happy art. Love your pictures of you and your snow adventure too. The tracks look interesting! I know nothing of tracks but wish I did! Fun. Hugz


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