Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Another Big Flower


Hi everyone. Happy Wednesday. 
I'm back today to share another single flower for Sheila's challenge at Art Journal Journey.  There's still some days left this month to join if you haven't already.

For my page today I drew the giant flower. I was inspired by all the  rubber stamp flowers that have non-plant details. To make my flower a little different, I drew in some lines, wrote some letters and then used some Technique Tuesday word stamps (very old and very used so they hardly stick to the plastic sheet any longer) to finish it off. 

I used a pink paint pen as well as a white pen to finish off the center of the flower. 

I brushed some pink watercolor paint to color in the background, and then I splattered a little bit of white paint, just to give the page a bit of texture and grunge. You might have to look carefully to find the white splatter, but you can definitely see it better on the right side. Then I added the lady. She came from a sheet of lady tags in an old issue of FLOW magazine, but as you can tell, I cut her out of the tag.

Our spring weather is continuing, although today is supposed to be a bit cooler and cloudy. I'm off for my allergy shots and then hopefully getting in a walk. Thanks for visiting. I hope your week is going well!


  1. Gorgeous page, Erika, love the spring-like colours, so pretty! Have a good day, hope the allergy shots help! Hugs, Valerie

  2. What a beautiful BIG flower, Erika! Great idea, my friend. I love the lady you added and how you combined the center of the flower with the background. Kisses, sweetie.

  3. This is such a happy flower. Love the pink -- very springy.

  4. Love the page. Flow magazine is one of my favorites. A little cooler here today too. Have a good day, xo namski

  5. I love your idea of making a giant flower. Can you imagine them in a row along a wall, maybe in a hallway. It's a great and different idea to fill the petals with lines, letters and stamped words. I like the pink and whiteness and the nice lady showing it off.
    Thanks very much for the big flower for our challenge at AJJ.
    Hope you had a nice walk. It was supposed to be warmer this week but they have sent an icy wind instead which is good for pursuing indoor ploys.

  6. You have inspired me with your big flower. I absolutely LOVE it. I wish I had thought to make one like that. It's a real gem. Thanks for another great entry for Sheila's theme. It's still raining here, so I hope your weather stays nice.

  7. Pretty and clever combination, I love it! In my head (and only there, the neighbors are thankful!) I sing the alphabet :-)
    Oh, I sure am thankful I have no allergies - good luck to you!

  8. There is a good balance in your composition, and I like the simplicity of design.
    Hope your week goes well and all is right xx

  9. A fun journal page with the flower insisting on taking all the space and then some. I like it going off the page. Adding lines and text and letter markings does give the flower an unusual interest. I always love the unusual. Normal is overrated don’t you think? Such a cute flower center of spirals and dots. The lady is a fun added detail. Great coloring and details for showing off the flower.

  10. I love that giant flower with the added text Erika!
    A wonderful page!
    Alison xx

  11. Now that's a smashing big flower I love how it slightly falls off the page, makes it much more dramatic. Your lady wears it well. I hope all went well with the allergy jabs? It's crazy weather hear, take of a mini heat wave and we've just had 5 minutes of hail.. Everyday brings something new.
    Stay safe and have a great weekend Hugs Tracey xx

  12. Hope the allergy shots were ok and there are no after effects.
    Love your big flower. I do like that it take up the entire page and that you have stamped and pute lines on the petals - very "in" to have script and numbers there.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  13. Love the flower and the lady. The words are cool too. Very fun page. Hope the shots help fast! Hugz

  14. That is a wonderful flower and your lady clearly thinks this is a clever idea! Hugs, Chrisx


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