Thursday, March 25, 2021

More Spring Weather

 Hi everyone. 

Our temperatures have been wonderful for late March this week. Hurrah for that. (Although cooler wet weather is coming from the sounds of it.) Last weekend we had a couple of gorgeous days to start the  spring season, and I dragged the hubby to the beach Saturday as he (as well as I) needed some exercise. After our beach walk, we took a drive up Mount Agamenticus. In most places this would be called a small hill, but here we call it a mountain. It is just under 700 feet (about 213 meters)  high. 

Mount Agamenticus is in York, Maine, about 10 miles inland from the beach.  There is a short (under 2 mile/ 3.2 km) but steep hiking trail or a road you can drive up. As it is still a bit muddy in the woods, we drove up. At the top of the mountain there are lots of pretty views and also some historical placards with information about the area.
I hadn't been up here since the 1980's when I came up for a fall migratory bird kettle.  A kettle is when many  raptors flock up and circle on the air currents, and the top of Mount Agamenticus makes this a great place for one to form. That kettle was a memorable experience, and I should really check it out again this fall.
There were not any kettles on Saturday though. In fact, I don't think there were really any birds of any kind.
The views were nice though.

The white cloud looking area just to the left of center in the photo below is the snow capped Mount Washington,  the tallest mountain in the northeast. I wrote about it here last fall in case you are interested: Mount Washington. Mount Washington is about a 120 mile (193 km) drive from this spot, shorter as the crow flies. I am guessing our visibility was at least 75 (120 km) or maybe even a little more miles on the day we visited.. 

This next view faces off in the direction where I live.  I live in the general area where those little mountains (or what some of you may call hills) are located.

All the blue just below the horizon in this photo above is the Atlantic Ocean. I believe we are looking up towards Kennebunkport, Maine. 

There were a few people around, and I was happy to say I didn't see anyone without a mask. And everyone kept distances too. It was a nice place to walk around.

I also discovered that the mountain was once used for skiing, and the remains of an old ski lift are still there. 

I also learned this was a sacred site for the local Native Americans.

I'm enjoying getting out and seeing some local places. Although this doesn't quite make up for not traveling or visiting indoor places like museums, it is great to discover and rediscover outdoor places in my area. Plus I am enjoying the nice weather and getting some exercise too. I know some of you might be or are  in lock down and can't visit places because of Covid. I hope you enjoy this little bit of armchair scenery. I know I am enjoying vicarious travels by seeing what people are posting from their areas online, even if none of us are going very far.

Thanks for stopping by to visit. Hope your week is going well.


  1. Wonderful photos! You are fortunate to have this scenery for a day trip!

  2. Around here we'd definitely call that a mountain. And what views! Fascinating markers and information about the area.

    I'm trying to imagine what it must be like to have to be "dragged" to the beach lol, although I admit I don't take advantage of the places I have available to me here, so...

  3. Cool and wet here this week, so probably coming your way. Still, no snow, not COLD like winter! I'm glad you are getting out and about and taking us to some places we wouldn't otherwise see. It looks like you are making the most of it! This is really interesting -- and all new to me!

  4. Good morning Thursday-always enjoy it when you take us along on your walk beautiful views with history as well hugs Kathy

  5. As many times as I have visited York, I never knew about this site. Actually, you'd probably have had a hard time dragging me off Long Sands or away from the Goldenrod. (I liked watching the taffy being made) Looks like you had a gorgeous day out.

  6. I really enjoyed seeing more of your area. Wonderful shots of the mountains/hills. Yes, your land is definitely so much different from where I live. I enjoyed seeing photos of the old ski lift area. It was also nice to learn about some Native Americans from your area, too. Fun armchair travel today, dear.

  7. And something new learned. At first I certainly thought of pots, thank you for explaining ;-) Soe kettle taking off might be scary, LOL..
    Ohhhh, the blue - and the pics of the lift, kinda romantic.
    We are allowed and do go out, the body needs that for the immune system, right?

    Weeks ago there was very shortly an ad from government advising to stay inside. They took it off after a few days, it´s nonesense! Mask and distance!! To the outdoors!

  8. Great photos with some gorgeous views Erika! Waving from across the ocean :D
    Alison xx

  9. Thanks for the information, Erika. I will look it up online and it may also be a future destination for us too. My husband would like trying out his ham radio equipment at the top as well.

  10. Great pictures and great scenery. I so enjoyed it! The history is cool too. Beautiful stuff. So glad people were wearing masks. We haven't gotten out much, but last night we went to a T-ball game (5 year old Grandson)and out of hundreds of people, I saw one other person wearing a mask. A lot of people were sitting close together on the bleachers too. We stood in the outfield and I wore my mask even though I looked out of place. I can't believe people are being so reckless! Craziness! Hugz

  11. What a great place to visit - those long views are fabulous! Hugs, Chrisx

  12. These photos are breath-taking dear Erika! I can just stare at them and inhale then pretend to be there! Thank you so much for these and I really love and touched my heart to read that despite it being an open space, everyone was still in masks and distancing, great citizens with empathy, love to all of them!

    Sending hugs to my dear friend Erika, stay safe and hydrated!


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