Monday, March 1, 2021

Bees and a Bloom

Hi everyone. Happy March.
I am excited for the new month. March means spring officially arrives, although here in New Hampshire one can never know if spring weather will arrive or not.  However, longer days and the promise of  real spring being not so far off in the future is exciting.
Of course there's a saying that goes March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb. I hope the lion is sleeping (better yet hibernating)  a lot  this year.  Smile.

March also means it's time for a new challenge at Art Journal Journey
Thanks Valerie for such a fun Heavy Metal Challenge. And thanks to all of you who joined the challenge last month.

This month we want to welcome  Sheila and her  challenge of  one single flower.

My first page for the month is a cheery one. The background was made with bright yellow, bronze and copper paint. I had a piece of heavy plastic packaging  that I die cut into some hexagons. I also inked them with some Staz On black so they would show up more on my page.
 I drew the flower , colored and cut it out. The little bees are Hero Arts stamps that I stamped, colored and fussy cut. I'm not sure you can see the one on the flower but he's my favorite. Finally the bee definition is an ancient Stamp in the Hand image from a set I've had for probably 15 or 20 years.

This month I am hoping it will really BEE spring-ha ha. 

Thanks for visiting, and I hope you'll join Sheila and the team over at Art Journal Journey with your art.



  1. You and Valerie must have been on the same wavelength today. Your cute little bees are adorable. They go so well with your darling flower. I really like the hexagons. They emphasize the bee theme, too. Thanks for this first entry for Sheila's theme at Art Journal Journey, too.

  2. Your spring-like page is very beautiful ... can't wait for the bees to be in the garden ... then it's really warm and spring has installed them right!
    I wish you a very nice Spring! Hugs!

  3. The bees have a lovely home for sure. Here it says 18 days to go till I put my "Summer"-sign away and replace it with the "Spring" one (yes, I refuse to buy Autumn/Winter!)

  4. Beautiful journal page Erika, love the bees.Let's hope March will bring spring everywhere! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  5. This is lovely and Spring-like, Erika. I love your happy white flower with its clip-on leaves 😊. The bees are so happy and jolly and I think the one in the middle is an older bee, maybe a cheerful granddad? Anyway I can see that he is certainly enjoying life.
    Have a great week and I hope it is as Spring-like as your painting.

  6. Hello Erika, I also meant to say thanks for making this flower 🌼 for my theme.

  7. Love the bee idea, your fun background colors and hexagons, and your happy flower. Has a great Spring feel and I am really looking forward to Spring. Just saw a notification on my cell that another cold front is coming here - urgh! Lovely post, Erika. Hugz

  8. Bee-youtiful page! Fitting for the first day of meteorological Spring. Rabbit, rabbit. White Rabbit. Dreary, rainy, foggy, morning but at least it's not snow.

  9. Love these bees and those honeycomb shapes. I'm glad the bees found a flower. It won't be long before they'll be able to make this scene true in real life :)

  10. This is making me smile - the yellow, the bees and that fabulous daisy! We have had a yellowy sunshine day today - so maybe Spring is going to be like your page! We can hope! Hugs, Chrisx

  11. The flowers that bloom in the spring, ta ta, remind us of merry sunshine. But it’s still winter here, and we better not forget it.

    be safe... mae at

  12. Many Happy Wishes for the new month of March.
    I love your art it is so colourful and cheerful.

    Have a good week.

    All the best Jan

  13. This is another great creative journal site, I love it!
    I wish you a good March too and the lion should only sleep until next year, hug Elke

  14. A super colour background to make that beautiful flower the star of the page.
    It must have taken ages to fussy cut those bees.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  15. Thank you Erika for the uplifting spring feel sending art page.
    Here the snow is smelting, but it's forecasted the colder weather at the end of this week. It's heavier times coming here, because restrictions will be tighten next week for the changed Covid-19. Our country has been one of the best among the European countries in the corona rejection, but now the situation has come worse. I got today my first corona vaccination and the second vaccination is in lait May. The old peoples have been vaccinated as I first. I'm optimistic about what's coming later on...

    I wish you and yours very safe and happy March xx

  16. A gorgeous page Erika, I love that big bloom and the bees. I'm thinking of carving a bee stamp.
    Happy March,
    Alison x

  17. Your page certainly shouts Spring to me. I love the yellow background which heralds brighter weather and coincides with the lighter nights we are having here in the UK. Love the single flower and the little bees - I love bees and always try to grow something in the garden to attract them.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  18. Your little Bee looks so happy, hoping that Spring will come soon whilst sat waiting on that super flower, love this happy page. Never heard that saying before but I like it, here in the UK we just hope for any sign of Spring much like any season hee hee.. Hugs Tracey xx


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