Saturday, February 27, 2021

Wrapping Up February- the Weekend Post

Hi everyone. I wanted to share one more page for Valerie's Heavy metal challenge at Art Journal Journey before February is over.

Thanks Valerie for such a fun challenge. I had a lot of fun playing with metals  this past month. I really liked coming up with  ways to use metal or metallic elements in my pages.

My background on this page is much more complex than what I put onto it. I really like the light watery colors with the pop of some gold.  I started by drawing circles, coloring them in with markers, and then scribbling some writing in them.  Step 2 was to use a white crayon and scribble write around all the circles.  I then used some watered down acrylic paints to color the background.
To finish the background I took out my gold paint and painted some wax paper and also stamped some paint rings around my circles.
Finally I added black  marks to my now dry painted wax paper, crinkled it up and tore it into the pieces which I attached with matte medium to my page.

I love my background, but it didn't seem finished by itself. To complete it I decided to add the butterfly. I left it black and white for some contrast to all that's  going on in the background.
The butterfly is stamped and fussy cut, and the quote is a punch out.

The daffodils I shared in my post the other day  are now  withered  so I'll share this bouquet of tulips I've replaced them with.

You can probably tell, that like many of you, I'm waiting (impatiently) for spring.
Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Good morning your art page is amazing, very pretty do you find you have more time for art now since retirement?
    I love your tulips-beautiful Happy weekend

  2. Tulips seem a great precursor to spring, which has so much promise this year!

    be safe... mae at

  3. Butterflies and tulips. Yup, you have Spring fever bad! Me, too, especially it's snowing this morning!

  4. This explosion of color post is wonderful. Spring is showing everywhere!

  5. It appears I'm once again running behind visiting your blog. I'll be by tomorrow (Sunday) to catch up on what I've missed. At least that's the plan, anyway, dear Erika.

  6. Fabulous and colourful journal page, thanks so much for everything you made this month for my challenge, glad you had fun! Lovely tulips, too! Enjoy your weekend, hugs, Valerie

  7. Your art journal page is lovely. And those red flowers are beautiful and a nice bright spot during this still dreary February. (I'm getting rain today, not snow. Phew! I hope you're not getting more snow. Ugh.)

  8. A wonderful page, and your tulips are gorgeous Erika! xx

  9. It's very special your journal page! I like the butterfly 🦋
    The red tulis are so nice!

    A little notice:
    I had problems with my blog settings, but now they have been fixed, that's why I disappeared from blog land for a few days!

  10. Colorful journal page, I like it and with the butterfly! The tulips are so beautiful and I can't wait to finally have spring.
    Hug Elke

  11. your post screams spring. such a beautiful flowers and butterflies. :)

    INSTAGRAM: @julieann_lozada

  12. Oh, those tulips! I'm just dying for tulips. I'm hoping to get somewhere that has fresh flowers after my vaccine has kicked in on Wednesday (though I could probably go now... just being careful.) Glorious!

  13. Great journal page, Erika. Your colors are wonderful and I like what you did with the white scribble writing. LOVE your flower pictures too. Hugz

  14. Ohhhh, those flower pics just took me away from everything else, sooo beautiful!
    I had to scroll back to enjoy the butterfly kisses!

  15. Hi Erika, the tulips are a lovely precursor to what we all hope will be spring weather arriving soon if not for the flowers then for better outdoor walking weather.

  16. What beautiful tulips! I need to remember to look at the flowers the next time I'm at the grocery. It'd brighten up these gray days :)

  17. A wonderful art page.
    Lovely tulips, what a gorgeous colour they are.

    All the best Jan

  18. Your tulips are beautiful, as is your page. I do like all the pops of colour within the circles which I thought were coloured with metallic paints. I have some stamps somewhere that someone I know designed for a large company in France and they have circles much like yours with writing inside them. See, yours did not cost anything yet others pay to buy those stamps and only get the same effect. Well done you.
    Hugs Neet xx


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