Friday, March 5, 2021


 Hi everyone. Happy Friday.

 I'm here today with a new page for Sheila's challenge of a Single Flower at Art Journal Journey

This time I created a page that used a flower as an embellishment.

I had this blue background (a Gelli print) in my stash from one of the Creative Jumpstart classes I completed. The lines radiating upward (on it) had me thinking about sunshine.  I painted in the rising sun with various warm toned paints, and I also used some watercolor pencils to finish it off
The clouds are some fun acetate stickers I got on Etsy. I used more than half the package making this page, but I  love how they worked and got a bit carried away. As they were only a couple of dollars, I think I need to order another package for myself. Smile.

I played around trying to get the bottom of the page to be something I liked. After layering colors and some tissue paper, I finally stamped the heart chain and decided I liked this result. I stamped and cut apart this quote (an ancient stamp but one of my all time favorites) as well as stamping  the big flower. I colored and fussy cut the flower also to finish off my page.

The tulips I shared several days ago have really opened up and won't be around much longer.

One of them in the bunch that is a bit more passé  has a slightly different color from the rest. 

I enjoy watching tulips go through their whole bloom cycle.

I'm guess this means I'm going to need to get another bunch of flowers soon. These tulips won't have petals much longer.

Have a great start to your weekend.


  1. Very nice Art Journal page!
    Your tulips were beautiful, too bad they are blooming so quickly!
    Enjoy your weekend!

  2. I love this page -the composition, the colors... I'll pull up a chair next to you :)

    Tulips are lovely but just don't seem to last long.

  3. This is a very intriguing picture, Erika.
    I like the yellow fan-shaped chair, it looks a bit like one of our outside chairs (which is not yellow but could be).
    The clouds look really good and worth using half of your clouds to make the picture.
    I rather like the little row of hearts.
    The quote is marvellous and as soon as it is not freezing I will sit outside and remember this quote.
    And I am impressed by the stamping, cutting and colouring of the flower, it looks good.
    That's all! - except to say thanks very much for supporting my challenge theme at AJJ.

  4. I love where you placed your chair and those lovely clouds to gaze at! Tulips are one of my favourite flowers - yours are at the most interesting stage - the 'when will they drop?' stage just at the time when they reveal their inner beauty! These are a wonderful colour! Hugs, Chrisx

  5. Tuilips are rather short lived, both outdoors and cut ones, but yours did look lovely Erika and I am sure they brightened up your home. I don't know about you, but I am ready for warm temps to stay around and all the snow to go!

  6. Love the page and words! Great idea using tissue paper!
    And ohhh, the tulips. They sure gave me some smiles, have a nice weekend, here sadly just a grey sky, no clouds at play...

  7. I love the quote on your piece! Perfect!

    And those tulips. Sigh. I MUST find tulips and soon! Now that I'm ällowed" to go out, no excuses -- but I still feel very wary.

  8. A lovely page Erika, love those cloud stickers and the two quotes you used. I love watching clouds - seeing what shapes I can conjure up!
    Have a great weekend.
    Avril xx

  9. This is a very nice idea, great how you put it together! Fanatic page. I wish you a nice weekend, hug Elke

  10. I love this page Erika! Great quote!
    Alison xx

  11. Oh yes I like the idea of watching the clouds at play, it's my favourite thing to do early morn with a cuppa if the weather is dry, I need no excuse to be outdoors. Love that burst of sunshine and clever acetate clouds gosh they think of everything now don't they. Lovely page... i'm walking backwards in blogland again. Hugs Tracey xx P.S Beautiful Tulips

  12. It appears I missed this post also. I absolutely love the sunshine with those amazing clouds you bought to create this beauty. I like how you chose a single flower in the lower right which was perfect for Sheila's theme. Your tulips are beautiful. They brighten any room and these are lovely. I suspect they are gone now, since it's taken me so long to find this.

  13. Love tulips at the various stages they go through but so wish they would stay open with the black stamens peeking out for a while longer.
    That is a lovely page - so bright and cheerful with the sunshine radiating like it does.
    Those clouds were a great buy, I love watching the clouds and making pictures from them when I am riding along in the car.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  14. This art page looks fantastic! The rising sun rays are so artistically fun. The background textures look great. Wow, the clouds are stickers! I never would have guessed that. They look awesome. I definitely would get a stock-pile of those. Ha! There’s the single flower down there at the bottom winking at us that Spring is coming soon. Love the details of tissue (it looks like) with the string of hearts and some added text. A really great art page. I love it! Your tulip photos are fabulous as well.

  15. I have caught up with your posts I believe. Your flowers are beautiful - on this post and all the others - in real life and on your pages. Very inspiring and very well done. I am amazed and glad to spend my morning with you! Hugz


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