Thursday, March 4, 2021

A Tag and Some Graffiti

Hi everyone. Happy Thursday. Hope everyone is having a good week so far.

Today I want to start  my post today by sharing a Steampunk  tag for Sandie's challenge at Tag Tuesday. Maybe not exactly 100% steampunk, but definitely masculine and with a steampunk vibe.

I'm using a  tag with the tab because I decided I am going to connect some of the tags I make into a little book.
My background is stamped and inked. The light and the gentlemen are stamped on acetate. The words and quote are stamped directly onto the page and then I added part of a copper paper die cut that I inked a bit to make it look less shiny and also to bring out some details.

I also want to show you the last of my photos from my walk at Odiorne State Park last Friday.  I mentioned yesterday that part of this park used to be known as Fort Dearborn, built during World War 2 as seacoast defense.  That's the focus of my photos today.

All that  is left  to the fort are these cement bunkers. Now they are pretty much covered in graffiti. Since I was attracted to the bright colors of the graffiti and took quite a few photos, I decided to post them separate from yesterday's nature shots. This park is also within the bounds of the school district that  my friends and I worked in, and we had to wonder how many of these works of graffiti art were created by former students.

Some of the graffiti is just messy paint, but some of it isn't horrible art either. There's some pretty nice colors too.  Whoever created parts of this graffiti must have purposely come with different colored spray paints.

 We decided whoever did the yellow bug on the left of the above photo didn't have any of us for biology. They obviously didn't know insects only have 6 legs. Smile.

I know not everyone likes graffiti and might even see this as ruining a historical structure. While that is true, it does brighten up some  bland cement. Too bad it's so messy in places.

Hope you have a great ! 
Thanks for visiting. 


  1. Great tag, Erika. Love the masculine theme. I also love the graffiti. That's one of my favourite things about Paris and the Metro. There's some brilliant art to entertain as you travel :-) The sky on the first photo is absolutely amazing! We've had blue skies, but nothing like this - such beautiful shades of blue/green.
    I think yesterday was a cold day everywhere. It's a touch brighter here today, but still grey. Very strong winds forecast for next week, though...just another reason to stay indoors :-)
    Happy Thursday!
    Cath x

  2. Although I don't understand it, I'm still a big fan of graffiti. The first time I saw it, I was in LA. It was rampant there and the citizens hated it. It was when I first became fascinated by it. I've always felt like it was a way for some young people to express themselves through art. I'm so glad you showed these because some are quite good. And, even though it means the old bunker has been defaced, it still is colorful. Thanks for sharing these with us.

  3. Very cool and fitting tag!
    You made me laugh with the 6 legs - and march forth, LOL, this was a fun post :-)

  4. I hope March Forth doesn't mean to do so to the capitol today. These are scary times, and I hope our policing efforts are sufficient this time.

  5. I love steampunk images, and your tag definitely qualifies.

  6. I don't mind "good" (well done, creative) graffiti. Not so fond of just words or "I have a spray can and I'm going to use it" kind!

  7. I think your tag looks wonderfully steampunk. I like some of the tags (lettering) from graffiti artists. I think the whole idea behind graffiti is just self expression and not necessarily neatness. 😉 Enjoy the sunshine today!

  8. I like your steampunk!
    Not too fond of graffiti, but the butterfly caught my attention!
    Iris calls me Butterfly, and look what a surprise! I flew all the way to Fort Dearborn! LOL
    Wishing you a perfect day! Hugs!

  9. I've never seen anything like this. It stands to reason there'd be shore defenses, but I never gave it any thought. Cool! I'm surprised they don't maintain it as a historic part of the park.

  10. Wonderful tag Erika, thanks so much for linking to Tag Tuesday. Great to see the old fort, and some of the graffiti are pretty. Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  11. Looove the tag dear Erika! Growing up, I was not a big fan of Graffiti, because we were taught at school that it's a form of vandalism but lately, I tend to really appreciate them! Filled with so much attitude and character and color!

  12. Love your tag, definitely has the steampunk thing going on.
    Thank you so much for joining in with our challenge.

    Erika, Thank you for your comment on my blog re my sunday postcard. I appreciate the offer of entering it in to your Try it on Tuesday challenge, unfortunately I can't as I published it before your challenge started.
    I have made a couple of altered playing cards though and will enter them as soon as they are ready.

  13. A gorgeous steampunk tag Erika, and I love that colourful graffiti!
    Happy Friday,
    Alison xx

  14. stunning tag! lovely photos, too. thanks for linking to tag tuesday! xo

  15. Love your tag Erika! Wow your graffiti photos are something else! We get some of that over here too under the bridge :) Thanks for joining us at Tag Tuesday xx

  16. Luv the words of your steam punk tag. Your grafitti is quite interesting
    Thanks for dropping by to view mine


  17. Super tag and super cool pictures of the bunker! Graffiti is definitely art - wild and unauthorized and often angry/aggressive, but art nonetheless. Thanks for sharing! Hugz


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