Wednesday, March 3, 2021

My Third Road Trip

 Hi everyone.  Yesterday was extremely windy and bitterly cold. It sounded like I was standing next to a big waterfall all day, and it looked like the tundra with snow blowing.  I guess winter was showing her teeth and not in that big of a hurry to leave. 

 Hurrah! It only lasted for a day, and we are back to more normal March temperatures. 

Today I have a photo post with some pictures from my last little road trip.

This time I met my beach walking friend and one of our teacher friends, and we went for a  beautiful day, winter walk at Odiorne State Park.  

Yes, the ground still had snow on it. It was pretty solid though and only a  bit slippery in a few spots. We took it slow and went for more the act of walking (and talking)  rather than a workout walk.

We still managed over 10,000 steps too.

I've shown you views of Odiorne last fall when I walked their with my daughter. This state park is located right on the ocean. The track of land was the first mainland settlement area of my state,  back in the  early 1600's. At that time the ocean  off the New Hampshire coast was a large fishing area for Europeans fleets, and this was a popular trading area between the local Native population and the fishermen.  The Odiorne family  settled the land in the 1660's. They farmed it , and it stayed in the family until World War 2, when it became Fort Dearborn, part of the coastal defense system for the area. Tomorrow I'll show you what's left of the fort.

I'm not sure what kind of hawk this is except  that it is not a red tailed hawk.  Anyone know? I'm thinking maybe a Cooper's Hawk, but it was hard to tell as I couldn't see the chest.

We started off in the wooded part of the area, and then came out to the beach side.

Perhaps you might remember this jetty. I still want to walk out on it, but the tide was still high enough that there was a lot of water in the little dip near the beginning of it.  Oh well, another time.

We walked back along the shore instead of through the snowy woods. 

There must have had some strong seas over the winter as there were more washed up lobster traps here too. 

It was a great walk and fun to visit someplace other than the beach.
Hope you enjoyed the photos, and I appreciate your visit.


  1. I really enjoyed your road trip! A bit too cold for me but the water and the skies are so beautiful! I like the blue skies.
    Can't wait to see Fort Dearborn, the history must be very special!
    Enjoy your day! Hugs!

  2. What a fabulous walk you had - we are looking forward to being allowed to drive out of area - not that the 5 miles we want to drive is far but it isn't classed as staying local. Hugs, Chrisx

  3. It looks COLD, Erika! Glad you didn't do the jetty today. One slip and that's pretty darned frigid! But beautiful, to be sure. Oh, that bright blue water!

  4. Oh these scenes relax me so much! Two things I can only dream of right now, snow, and the sea! We have plenty of sea but still our city is far from the paradise beaches in our country, and snow, never have I seen them :( Sending you March hugs of peace and happiness and safety dearest Erika!

  5. Great assortment of photos, although it looks cold. We had the very cold temperatures here in CT yesterday, just like you. Ugh. Although I think today is supposed to get up to 50 F. Yay! Spring isn't too far away now.

  6. Wow, looks like you had a wonderful time and I so enjoyed walking with you today! The scenery and company were amazing, such lovely sunny views over the ocean - fabulous 😁. I love the blue shadows of the trees in the snow too! Wishing you a wonderful week! Hugs, Jo x

  7. Woods and beach and fantastic views, you had a great trip out. Thanks for sharing! Hugs, Valerie

  8. I did enjoy seeing your photographs.
    A nice day/visit to Odiorne State Park.

    All the best Jan

  9. Congrats On The Steps - Excellent Photos - Be Well


  10. Hi Erika, you live near some beautiful places. do people collect those lobster traps and make things out of them? seems quite a few come to shore.
    enjoy your week hugs Kathy

  11. Late to the party again, but really enjoyed that walk with you. I have to admit, it was a bit bumpy and rocky but the scenery was well worth it.

  12. Great photos Erika, the scenery is beautiful! xx

  13. That looks like a challenging walk in the snow. But the views look worth it. The beach area would be more my speed


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