Sunday, March 28, 2021

Signs That Winter is Over

 Hi everyone. 

I hope I don't jinx the spring like weather/temperatures we've been having here in the northeast with my title today. Our temperatures are going to cool off just a bit and go back into more "normal" March weather, but hopefully that doesn't mean any more snow.

My husband and I have been taking drives the past few Sundays to check out the ice on the local lakes. We've had enough nice weather that we've wanted to see how much the ice is breaking up. We often end up at my mother-in-laws home in our journey. She is living in Maine for the winter with my sister-in-law, so her place is empty, but she likes an update on the spring melt.

The photo above was taken 2 weeks ago. There was a tree that had fallen during one of our late winter wind storms and blocked her driveway, and there was still quite a bit of snow/ice in the woods. We moved the tree as it broke into many pieces when it landed. 
By last Sunday my husband could drive his truck all the way down to the house. 

My mother-in-law's home is on a small lake. Two weeks ago this was the view in front of her home.

Last week there was more open water.

We've had a warm past week so I wonder how much more open water there will be next time we check it out.

Both dogs went in for a swim, but it was too cold for Pete ,and he only stayed in for a minute. Maddie didn't seem to mind it at all.

Besides stopping by my mother-in-laws, I also wanted to check out the local rail trail to see how that would be for walking.

We walked a short distance along the trail. There were a few dry parts, a few still snow covered parts, and lots of mud. Maddie was particulary attracted to the muddy parts. 

I think in a couple of weeks, as long as we don't get any more snow, it shouldn't be too bad.  At least I hope so.

That's what's happening here in my little spot on the globe.
Hope you had or are having a great weekend.
And thanks for visiting too.


  1. I couldn't believe that Pete went for a swim! Brrr! But it sounds like that was his reaction, too, and he hastily got back out of the water. Great assortment of photos there. It looks chilly but nice. All of my snow has melted. Yay! I haven't been to the reservoir this past week, to see if the ice has all melted. Our temperatures in CT are like yours: see sawing warm and cold. Typical March. :-)

  2. Beautiful photos to usher in Spring, and such lovely scenic views. Thanks for sharing, warm greetings!

  3. It still looks very wintry, even if it's slowly getting better! Dogs always like mud and water, mine could never resist a swim. Hope spring soon arrives! Hugs, Valerie

  4. Looking like Spring! and it feels like March here strong winds all last night. the dogs are enjoying getting out and about too. Happy new week

  5. Your New England wandering are absolutely beautiful!

  6. So lovely to see the temperatures getting warmer and thence melting on the lake! Your photos are so beautiful too, the trail looks wonderful 😀. I think your dogs are very brave swimming, I bet the temperatures were cold - brrr! Happy Spring and wishing you a happy new week! Hugs, Jo x

  7. Lovely photos of the first signs of Spring!
    Happy new week,
    Alison xx

  8. These are great photos. I especially like the ones of the open water at your mother-in-law's home (a home on a lake!) and the ones of paths for lovely long walks.

  9. It seems like it's going pretty fast for all the snow you have. Love the decor on the walking trail -- and that ice differential is pretty impressive. I'm wondering what's going on at my lake up north. Too far for a casual drive but I'm curious!

  10. What a wonderful walking path! Love the holiday decor! And impressive to see the ice differential over a couple of weeks. It looks like beautiful territory. Now you have me wondering how the ice on our lake is doing. It's a little too far to just go check but I'm curious! It looks like a great day out.

  11. Lake life looks and sounds delightful!

  12. Clever way to show the arrival of spring, that you thought of retaking the photos from the same viewpoint. It's great to anticipate warm weather and lots of leaves on the trees. I hope you add a photo from some time in June showing the advancing seasons.

    be safe... mae at

  13. Wow Erika your Mother-in-law lives in the most wonderful place! Your photos are amazing!

  14. Such lovely photographs you've shared.
    Its certainly looking like Spring... long may it last.

    All the best Jan

  15. Beautiful pictures! So pretty where you live!!!!! TFS!

  16. How lovely to see some Spring sun. although I love the lingering Christmas decorations! The water in the lake looks so clear but can imagine how cold it must still be. I'd be with Pete!! Hugs, Chrisx


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