Monday, March 29, 2021

T Stands for the March Wrap Up

 Hi everyone. It's once again time for T. 

I thought since we are just about at the end of the month I would share a few assorted things that may not go together, but all happened this month.

I finished painting my living room this past weekend. Going up on the ladder was scary, but I did it. I don't really like heights so I must admit I was sweating bullets (as the saying goes) while up high on the ladder. 

Now that the snow in my back yard is gone (hurrah for what feels like a small miracle), I noticed the first of the crocuses popping up. 

I made 3 loafs of bread this past month.
Below is some sourdough challah that had a slightly too long second rising. My fault, I went for a ride with the hubby and we ended up being out longer than planned. But it still tasted like challah is supposed to taste, and you can see where I braided it, so I'd call it a success.

On St. Patrick's Day I made soda bread. Being inspired by an old episode of the British Baking Show, I added browned onions. black pepper and Swiss cheese. It was a tasty combo.

And I made my favorite old time New England bread, anadama. This loaf is non-sourdough but with added cornmeal and molasses.

Within the last week the local ice cream stand opened up, and I had ice cream for dinner on Saturday.

And I took a few beach walks (one of the few places not muddy now). My daughter also came home for a short overnight visit too.

We also had take out a couple of times. I had been craving Mexican food, so one Saturday in March the hubby and I called in for salads and brought them home to eat.

I took this photo before I added my guacamole. And this is also my T day drink photo. We had a bottle of strawberry margarita mix so Dave and I each had a glass with our salads.
Don't forget to stop by  Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog  where we share our drink related posts on Tuesdays.

And the best info of all, is that March is ending in a more spring like manner.  You just never know with March is it will be winter or spring. 

That's all for me. Thanks for visiting, and I hope you have a great T day.



  1. We have ice cream for dinner quite often. Just because we can. LOL
    Happy T Daay!

  2. Oh my. being up on that ladder would scare me enough NOT to attempt it. You are brave, and the new paint looks great!
    So nice to get in some beach walks with the pups.
    Your breads are all bakery worthy and sound delicious!
    Would love your taco salad:) Happy T day!

  3. Your Mexican dish looks yummy as does your selection of artisan breads. The soda bread modifications sounds delicious! We love the Great British Bake off as well. Such great inspiration.
    You probably already know this, but I have found refrigerating my dough until ready for use up to 7 days works great around a busy schedule. If I have to go somewhere, I just pop it in the fridge to prevent over-proofing.
    I agree, it is nice to have the snow disappearing. I love the signs of spring popping up.
    Happy Tea Day,

  4. Nothing, really nothing would make me step such a ladder! I´m freaked out and it even gets worse when loved one do this, I´m a wreck, holding that stupid thing with all my might.

    Soda bread? Interesting! Ice cream for dinner, LOL!
    Ohhh, LOVE the beach-pics! And you know how much I crave Mexican food?!
    Plan after Easter: Do it yourself (we have no proper place no more to get some).

  5. Great photos Erika! Your bread looks delicious. I've got some oat bread in the oven this morning. We eat that since we gave up wheat a few years ago.
    Have a good day,
    Alison xx

  6. Now I totally see why you were putting off the ladder parts - that does look scary. Look good though and your house is so cool. LOVE the food, the bread, and the beach. The bread with browned onions sound so interesting. Even your take out is interesting. Love your post. Hugz

  7. I love the look of your loaves of bread, I swear I can smell the aroma from here! Glad you were able to get to the beach, too. And well done on painting your room and climbing the ladder, you're braver than I am! And the ice and the Mexican food look fantastic, yummy! Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

  8. A fabulous post! It's lovely to sessions of Spring - we have been promised a few days of sunshine this week! I must get back to bread making - I love soda bread and that sounds like a great combination of ingredients.
    Well done for getting up that ladder. Your food looks great and strawberry margarita is good accompaniment! Happy T day, Chrisx

  9. Your month was busy. The living room paint job came out great. The breads look delicious, but scoop, there it is, your ice cream dinner made me smile as did Pete. Glad to see Spring is reaching up into the North Country 😉 Happy T Day

  10. Your bread looks delicious, I'm not keen on soda bread but sounds lovely with the added ingredients.
    I love your beach walk, looks absolutely beautiful, I like to see the new shoots when spring is on it's way, makes you feel winter is on it's way out.
    Have a good week and Happy T Day
    Jan S

  11. I would have been “sweating bullets” at the height in your living room as well. Nice new color. I also love the woodwork!

  12. Looks like you are a successful baker. I tend to make bricks but have yet to try sourdough. I want to though...hubby loves sourdough.
    Your beach photos are lovely...and the doggy snout made me smile.
    Happy T day

  13. Yikes! I wasn't picturing such a tall ladder! I'm glad it all ended well :)

    Crocuses are such an encouraging sight. Your loaves look pretty to me, and all your breads look so tasty. Your Mexican dish would satisfy my own cravings right now. I do miss lunches at my favorite Mexican restaurant. Your strawberry margarita looks delicious. Happy T Tuesday!

  14. Well done you for getting up that ladder! And the painting is beautiful. I love the colour.
    I see what you mean about the challas. But as long as they taste good, it doesn't matter. Soda bread looks good too. I haven't made soda bread in ages, so you have inspired me to do one again. Thanks.
    I love your beach photos. It must be so lovely to live near the coast.
    Ice cream for dinner sounds good. But i think my hubby would rather have it after dinner. Lol.
    I think I would love Mexican food, but we don't have that here. I have a Mexican friend but both my husband and hers can't have anything spicy, so when she cooks us a Mexican meal it is very bland...
    Happy T-Day,

  15. It looks like a fun and productive March. And that's a high ceiling. Kudos to you for going at it -- I'm not sure I could have pulled that off!

  16. Oh my, I'm loving your post today! I definately wouldn't have ventured up that ladder, I'm not scared of heights just stairs or ladders that you can see through ... my brain gets all discombobulated 😉. I love Mexican food and now have a craving, it's not readily available for takeout here so I may have to get my recipe books out now! Our local ice-cream shop opened this month too and I'm planning on going for my birthday over the weekend! Loved seeing all your different breads too, soda bread is one of my favs! Looks like you had a lovely walk on the beach with your family, the photo of Pete made me smile 😀. Wishing you a very Happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

  17. Love the colors, but like Jo hate heights. I do love Mexican food, margaritas and of course, ice cream


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