Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Enjoying the Outdoors

Hi everyone. 

Today I have another page for Eileen's Inspired By challenge at Art Journal Journey  Chris and I are hosting this challenge in memory of Eileen.

With summer not too far off and covid still an issue, I was thinking about doing things outdoors. I liked this TH photo of the 3 boys, and when I was thinking about what boys would do outside, camping crossed my mind. They even look dressed for this big adventure.

I used a background I had made at Christmas time but never finished. The watercolor paper base was painted green and had some Christmas tree paper scraps glued to it. I  added the acetate map over it, not only the for map details but to make the background not seem so holiday like. If you look carefully you can see a few tress with a red star on them.  But since this has a camping theme, they work.

The tent, tree, bonfire and canoe are from a very old set of dies I have.  I'm not sure if the company that made this set is even in business anymore. I was glad to use them though, since I haven't used them in such a long enough time it was like having a new set of dies. I painted directly on the acetate and added details to that paint to turn that into  the log, as the boys needed a place to sit. 

I stamped the quotes right on my page. I stamped the lantern and flashlight (from the same clear set as the quotes) on acetate scraps, added color and then, after fussy cutting, glued them down onto my page.

And there you have it.

I did go out and meet my walking friend one day last week. The tide was high so we met at the Urban Forestry Center in Portsmouth. I've brought you here before, but thought I would still share a few photos as it was a beautiful day to walk outdoors.

 Pussy willows past their prime.

And some still with those soft little tufts still showing.

 And since tree cutting has been on my radar lately, this big tree piece caught my eye.

Thanks for visiting, and I hope you are enjoying your day. Maybe there is even a bit of great outdoors in it for you. 



  1. Wonderful page! They look so good camping and that background is wonderful. Super design. Love your pictures too - that tree is fabulous and the texture is so great - expecting to see it on a page soon! Hugz

  2. Fabulous page, how clever to turn it into a camping in the woods page. Love it! Your walk in the woods looks good, and lots of signs of spring to see! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  3. This is such a fun camping page with the three boys! I love how you are using acetate. It’s always good to pull out older almost forgotten dies that make them feel new again. I love your photos from your walk. They make me want to take a walk through a wooded park we have locally.

  4. Spring is where you are! And isn't it glorious?

    I love this piece, Erika. I really think this background probably works better for this particular subject than it would have for Christmas. I'm so glad you saved it!

  5. Hi Erika, thank you for the photo of the pussy willows-I always loved those and have never seen them here in Missouri. Great inspiration page, and you have a wonderful place for a pretty walk-that makes walking more fun.
    enjoy the rest of your week hugs Kathy

  6. It does look like a wonderful day for a walk in the woods! It's raining here, so I'll stay in, but I can join you virtually and enjoy your blue skies :)

  7. Wow, Erika. Isn't it great when you use something you haven't used in ages? It all feels so new, doesn't it. I love the camping theme and the tent, the fire, the canoe, and the entire outdoor vibe. It's wonderful. It's also a perfect example for Art Journal Journey honoring Eileen's theme, dear co-host.

  8. Wonderful page and photos Erika! I love the map background, and the 3 happy campers.
    Alison xx

  9. Wonderful page and your walk photos are beautiful. That tree was quite old. Me? The Spring Cleaning Bug bit me.

  10. Lovely page and a wonderful collection of photographs.
    It is just so nice to be outside enjoying nature.

    All the best Jan

  11. It is a pleasure to watch your journal page. how nice camping and the boys are having fun. Great background and colors.
    The visit to the forest is wonderful and this tree trunk was what a size and these annual rings * wow * fascinating.
    Thanks for showing me it was a pleasure!
    Have a nice day, hug Elke

  12. Wow, those cut trees are amazing. I love looking at them and wish I had a slice from when we had to have our giant ash cut down. We got one cut for us but someone stole it before we got chance to move it. Such a lovely place to walk.
    Great journal page. I love those three boys, they look as if they are nice lads who are having a great time in the outdoors. I thought the stars you mentioned were marks on the map to show places of interest or something - not sure what a star is on a legend but it works.
    That green of the map is the perfect shade. Sets everything else off to perfection.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  13. Fabulous page - I haven't seen those boys, thinking I need mor paper dolls! The photos from your walk look wonderful - Spring is on it's way! Hugs, Chrisx

  14. Doesn't it feel good when we find a page from a previous unfinished make and can rework it for something else, I seem to be doing lots of that this year. The boys fit very well within the background, I really should use my Paper dolls more. Those boys really are taking centre stage.
    Looks like a stunning area to walk amongst with your friend.
    Hugs Tracey xx


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