Thursday, April 15, 2021

Inspired by Japan

Hi everyone. Happy Thursday. 
 I'm back today with some more art for you.

I have another page for Art Journal Journey. This month Chris who you might know as Pear Shaped Crafting and myself are hosting in memory of Eileen. Her theme was Inspired By, and we are honoring Eileen by keeping it. My page has some Japanese inspiration.

My page is inspired by the trip I took to Japan 3 years ago with the school where I worked. I can't believe it was 3 years ago  already. I am glad I went then  as with covid there wasn't any trip last year and now that I am retired I don't qualify to go (at least with the school where I taught) anymore.  

For those of you who don't know the story,  the school where I taught takes a trip to their sister city and sister school in Japan during our April school break. Teachers as well as other school staff like administrators along with some students get to go. Since school employees go for free (as the city pays for their trip), it was limited how many could go each year. I had to wait a couple of years to get chosen, but I went with the best staff because the other 4 teachers  on the trip were all also science teachers, and we were all work friends also. Plus because of several other opportunities that particular April, only 8 students chose to participate. The  year after I went about 25 students participated. I know they had to change a lot of the trip's itinerary with that many kids.

 Part of the trip the year I went we visited the Nichinan area of Japan (the very southern tip of the main islands that make up the country) along with participating in some school related events. Then we had some days in Kyoto and Tokyo also.  It was an amazing adventure for sure.

When I started my page I wasn't really thinking Japan, and I just wanted to used this pretty flower washi tape I had just received. I thought it looked Asian, so I first stamped the old Hero Arts image, and then I added my washi tape. I also added some other yellow tape that matched.

I added some yellow tape and some golden paint rings (made using an empty tape  role). I die cut the pagoda, the fan and also the kanji writing, although I don't know what it says and hopefully I didn't place it upside down either.

Finally I finished the page with some yellow TH images and a quote from Art by Marlene.

I'll end this post with a few memory photos from Japan. The theme today is some shrines. These are other sights are things that inspired the pagoda and feel of my journal page.

The first three are from Udo Shrine in Nichinan, the sister city.

The next 4 are from the famous Fushimi Inari Shrine in Kyoto. Ianri means fox, so you see lots of fox statues here.

And these last photos are from the Temple of the Golden Pavillion or palace also in Kyoto called Kinkiaku-Ji. 

Hope your week is going well. 



  1. Wow, is it really 3 years ago that you visited Japan! Your page captures your photos so beautifully especially the yellow colour, washi tape and stamping - so beautiful 😁. I loved looking back with you, this was such a special trip! Thanks for the smiles! Take care and Happy Thursday! Hugs, Jo x

  2. Your page is so pretty and would make lovely kimono fabric. What a wonderful opportunity you had and beautiful memories.

  3. Great page and what a very, very cool concept!!!
    All we have is signs that show partner-cities.
    As we learned French I had an exchange-student from France in "my" house for two weeks and later went to her family (and fell in love with her older Brother - I watched Purple Rain in French just to cuddle up!).

    Cool you had the chance to go to Japan like that. My parents were there, also.
    (They sold SEIKO-watches and got the trips for free).
    Right behind me I have a Japanese paper-umbrella my Dad presented me with (in the 70´s - I´m a good "kid", right, it made it till today!).

  4. Your photos are fabulous. I hope you made some enlargements of some of these or have them framed in your home. The composition is terrific.

    I like your piece. Isn't it fun how sometimes just one supply can inspire a whole piece? I love that washi -- it's pretty.

  5. An inspirational thought. And that shrine is gorgeous! Great photos.

  6. Erika, your Japan inspired page is awesome! It really has a spirit of Japan feel and look to it. The bold black images against the paler shades of images is such a great contrast giving your page impact and a confident presents. The butterfly and delicate die cut flower add terrific detail. This could be a poster hanging in a Japanese restaurant. I really like it. I enjoyed your photos.

  7. That's a beautiful page I can't believe it was three years ago. We had some similar travel offers here when I was teaching, but never to Japan. Perhaps some day you can visit there again. Hugs, Valerie

  8. What a fabulous page Erika! I know you have some lovely photos but the memories must also be so precious - what an amazing place to visit! Hugs , Chrisxxx

  9. I'm like everyone else. It doesn't seem possible it's been three years, but I am sure glad you shared both the incredibly beautiful journal page and those photos with us. I definitely remember the fox post. I'm still in awe of anything Japan you share, and your journal page is a great example, too. Thanks for sharing this beautiful journal entry you are co-hosting at Art Journal Journey honoring Eileen's theme, dear friend.

  10. What an amazing trip that must have been to be able to absorb the culture and way of life in Japan, gives me Karma just thinking about it. Your journal page oozes those delicate colours with golds alongside the washi like banners draping down. Beautiful peaceful post Erika.
    Wishing you a super creative weekend Hugs Tracey xx

  11. Wonderful photos from your trip, and I love your page Erika!
    Happy weekend,
    Alison xx

  12. So cool to see suchloely pictures up close. Your photography skills are wonderful! Hugs, RO

  13. Love your page, Erika. Some lovely washi tape, super pretty symbols, and a peaceful feel. The coffee circles are fun. We do need to take care of our souls!

    Great pictures and great opportunity you had! While I have travelled much in my life, I have never been outside North America. So I love to see other places so much! TFS!



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