Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Feeling Black and White

 Hi everyone.  It's already Wednesday once again.

I'm here to share another page in Eileen's memory at Art Journal Journey. Heads up  this is a pre-post. I received my second covid shot yesterday, and I'm not sure how I will be today.  I'm going to be optimistic and think that I am A OK, but if I don't comment for a day or 2,  it's because my optimism didn't actually pan out.

Do you ever feel like you are this black and white person in a colorful world? That's what inspired my page today. 

Poor Jane has that feeling, stuck in a black and white vintage photo, back at the time when she wasn't even allowed to smile for the camera. I think that  lack of smile was because of the long time it took to get the impression on the film they used. But it still must have been amazing to suddenly have a photograph of a love one rather than needing to sit for a portrait.

This page started in my drawing journal while I doodled one night watching TV. I really did not like the doodles. I decided I needed to do something, so I began with some white crayon scribble and then I used some very watered down acrylic paints over the background. 

I continued by stamping some images in black. Then I added the girl. The page still needed something, so I stamped and fussy cut the flowers, as well as using some rub ones randomly scattered around the page.

I finally added the quote. This page is  a bit of this and that, but I actually like it now. It's always good to salvage a page, isn't it? 

This month Chris and I are hosting at Art Journal Journey in memory of Eileen. Her challenge was Inspired By.

Hope your week is going well.


  1. Wonderful page, and yes, I know that feeling. Hope all goes well with the vaccination, I get my first one today. Hugs, Valerie

  2. Hope your shot went well.
    Great page, done and in thought.
    To Eileen, too.

  3. Hello Erika,
    your page is beautiful even the girl is in back and white. I feel sometimes same, but not now when sun is shining and got my balcony cleaned after winter dust.
    But this lasts only couple of days, because it's coming rain and even snow!!
    I keep hope from better :)
    Sure you are OK after vaccination. I got second one next month.
    Enjoy life, my friend xx

  4. Except for mild soreness at the site I had no reaction to either shot. I hope you do well with yours :)

  5. Way Cool - Excellent Creation


  6. It's a fabulous page. I think we all have those feelings occasionally, especially on darker days. I can't see what you didn't like about this page so you did a good rescue job!
    I hope you second jab went OK - ours is on Sunday and I have a freezer full of emergency dishes in case we don't feel up to preparing food! Hugs, Chrisx

  7. She has a good message. I like your page using the vintage photo on the colorful happy background. I think the subjects were always waiting for the camera to actually shoot them or explode or something horrible, hence no smiling. Wouldn’t they be surprised at how photographs are taken today in a fraction of a second and instantly available to see. I think you’ve done a nice salvage of the page job of it. Always a good feeling when that happens.

  8. I love your bland girl with her colorful background. The stamping was perfect and the colors really bring out the girl who would never stand out otherwise. This is an adorable entry and perfect for honoring Eileen's theme at Art Journal Journey. Thanks so much for co-hosting. Hope you are well. That's why I wanted the J & J vaccine.

  9. So it was with the last picture, but in the end something made of it that one likes it and it is also with your journal I think it's great and has something mystical and exciting with the girl in the middle and your description of it.Everything will be fine when tomorrow is all over again, I hope with the vaccination.
    I wish you a good day, hug Elke

  10. I never heard of this -- a black and white person in a color world. I love it! (And the piece, too.) Hope your shot effects aren't terrible.

  11. Hope you are feeling ok after your second vaccination - yay! Such a beautiful page with the colours and swirls 😀. Take care and wishing you well! Hugs, Jo x

  12. A great quote and a wonderful page Erika! xx

  13. Looking at your page I would never have thought of it as a salvaged one. I really do like it. I like the way you have described the girl, black and white in a colourful world. Do you know Erika, now that you have said it I can related to it, yes, sometimes I have felt like a black and white person in a colourful world. But today I am full of colour myself because the sun is shining and the washing is blowing outside.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  14. A lovely page.
    Hoping your second vaccination goes/went well.

    All the best Jan


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