Monday, April 19, 2021

T Stands for More Spring Happenings

 Hi everyone. Happy Tuesday.

Last week we had the whole range of weather from sunny and springlike to rain to even snow. 

 Luckily this was as deep as it got before it turned back to rain. 

And disappeared.

Being forced to stay inside  that day I finished (for now) some book purging and also picked up the mess that always makes.  I was glad to finish that because as the weather gets better I want to be outside. 

Around the wet weather I managed to clean out the veggie garden and put some bags of compost in. This past weekend the hubby  rototilled  the soil for me.

It's still a bit early to plant much of anything unprotected in the garden. The general rule in my area  is not to plant until Memorial Day (the end of May) when we get past the risk of a hard frost.
But I do plan to start some plants because I have a new garden toy.

Last year when I retired, the teacher's union gave me a decent sized gift card to Amazon. I had wanted a cold frame greenhouse for awhile, so I put the gift card and a bit of my own money towards one. It's been waiting all winter in the box in my garage, waiting to be assembled, and Sunday afternoon the hubby and I spent awhile doing that.

It took longer than planned to assemble (of course that would happen so why did I think it wouldn't?).  I'm excited to start some colder weather veggies and even some seeds.

A couple of Saturdays ago we had some gorgeous summer like weather. My husband and I went to his mother's house on the lake. He needed to put her water back on, as she doesn't live there in the winter and the place is  closed up. I took a book, a beer and a folding chair and sat down on the part of the dock that was still in place, as most of that was taken out in the winter also.

It was beautiful and calm. 

I got a bit carried away with photos. The cloud reflections were just so pretty.

My beer was a Switchback light brown ale from Switchback Brewery in Burlington, Vermont. It's one of my husband's and my favorites.

This beer is my ticket to T this week over at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog.

I hope you are having some nice spring weather in your part of the world, and of course, I hope you have a wonderful T day too.

Thanks for visiting.


  1. What stunning photos! I love that reflection.
    And I can share in your excitement over your little greenhouse! Only a gardener can understand. I will have to look this up on Amazon. And I look forward to seeing how it works out. Keep us updated.
    And your garden is looking good! Bummer that you got hit with that snow. It got cold here but thankfully it missed us. It is a good thing for sure that we don't plant until after Memorial Day.
    Happy Tea Day,

  2. Your lakeside retreat looks like a wonderful place to relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery. I love the blue sky with a few clouds.

    best... mae at

  3. Love your lake-pics (aww and a greenhouse!).
    A brown ale?! Never heard of that.

    Spring-weather, hahaha.... no.
    Sunny but cold!

    Happy T-day anyways, hugs!

  4. Wonderful photos of the clouds and water, I love them! Glad you got carried away! Your new garden toy looks good, hope you can grow lots of good things in it. The weather here is up and down, too, but today the sun is shining, so that's something. Happy T Day! Hugs, Valerie

  5. Wow, Erika. You had a ton of weather changes over the week. Glad your hubby was able to rototill the ground. I really am impressed by that cold frame. I hope it works well for you. I was going to start a few plants (seeds) inside, but I found I have no room for them. I barely have room for the plants I got two weeks ago (or rather Scott got for me).

    I fell in love with your sky photos. Those reflections are out of this world. Simply drop dead gorgeous, dear.

    What can I say? I'm not an ale fan. However, give me a stout and I'm a happy camper. I'm glad you and your husband like the ale. Thanks for sharing your weather this week, your tilled garden, your incredible sky reflection photos, your new cold frame, and your ale beer with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

  6. Beautiful photos Erika! It's warmed up a little here, but we're still getting early morning frosts. We have to wrap up warm for our sunrise walks.
    Hope you're having a good week.
    Alison xx

  7. Some fabulous things here, Erika. Can decide what is my favorite thing - your mini-greenhouse, the reflections in the water, or that yummy sounding beer. Such a great post! Hugz

  8. I love your stunning photos, it looks so peaceful and the ideal place to read with a cold beer.
    We've had a lot of rain and then sun so the strawberries are growing and we have small white currants forming and tomatoes on the bushes, of course we dont get snow here so the seasons never stop the growing season, veg is grown in the fields here all year round.
    Happy T Day
    Jan S

  9. As you may know from my blog post last week, Erika, we also had a bit of winter in Nashua, but the afternoon rains washed it away, thankfully. Good luck with the cold frame gardening and looking forward to seeing what gets planted in it.

  10. A book, a beer and a folding chair on a dock or beach. I want that. We won't open up till probably next month. That snow is going to be our companion tonight through Wednesday or Thursday. I'll bring in my pansies and pots and cover the bleeding hearts and maybe the daffs. I hope my neighbor can cover her plum tree, in full blossom but we aren't sure we can get the cloth that high. Ah, the challenges of early spring -- it fakes out nature and then nips it in the bud.

    Those reflections are beautiful. It'll be here soon enough. And not at all soon enough!

  11. Yes, I can drool over that greenhouse frame. I perfectly understand you! That is a very good gift. I shall look forward to seeing what you plant in there.
    Great photo of hubby rotavating! That will be ready too. Now that you are retired it is so much more fun to plant stuff as you can check on it and fuss over it while you are home.
    Your beer looks delicious. I like a brown ale as long as it's not too bitter. But I actually (like Elizabeth) love a stout!
    The pictures of the lake are truly stunning! I can perfectly understand that you keep clicking. What a beautiful place!
    Have a lovely T-Day,

  12. I wondered whether or not you had any snow. It got quite chilly here and there was a possibility of some wet snowflakes but thankfully none appeared!
    Your photos of the lake are SO beautiful!!! I love the cloud formations and reflections in the water.
    And hey...pretty soon...lobster rolls:):)
    Happy T day!

  13. My potted plants have been outside for weeks, but I'm waiting to go to the garden center for annuals until this weird weather is resolved. They're predicting a chance of frost here tomorrow night! and there's snow to our north. So strange. I love your cold frame. I'm thinking that might work to keep the critters out of my zinnia seeds. Searching on Amazon...

    That lake view! So peaceful! Happy T Tuesday!

  14. I can't believe we got more snow than you did! Someone here in town reported 5 inches of snow! Have fun with the cold frame. Your pictures of the lake are gorgeous. I like how with the reflection you can't tell where the sky ends and water begins. I hope you're enjoying today's beautiful weather, too.

  15. I want a greenhouse we have the same growing season apparently. Last year I didn't start things til June (last snow was June 1) and they didn't have time to develop until first snow in Sept.

  16. Ohhh what a great garden area!!! And that cold frame awesome!!! I should look into one of those. Yah beer! What gorgeous photos. Have a nice day.

  17. I can't believe that you had snow, I thought the spring weather was finally with you! Wow, the reflections of the clouds look amazing, such gorgeous photos 😁. I'd love to try that beer too - cheers! Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  18. Wonderous photos of the lake, the cloud reflections almost look like ice in some of them. Looks like you are getting ready for spring planting. Can't wait to see the tilled garden filled with goodies.

  19. Lovely post and stunning photographs, the cloud reflections are amazing aren't they.

    All the best Jan


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