Sunday, April 18, 2021

Recycled Fish

Hi everyone.  Happy weekend.

Meet Mr. Fish.  

Most of your probably know Elizabeth (at Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog) is celebrating her birthday on Earth Day with a recycled art month.
Elizabeth asked if I would be interested in creating some recycled art, and I was thrilled to be asked. Thank you Elizabeth for this opportunity.

I also knew just what I wanted to do.

Our waste transfer station, better known as the dump,  has a small enclosed area during the summer and early fall where people can put things too good to throw away but that they don't want anymore.  They are free for the taking, first come first serve. I've gotten some great things there including a vintage school desk, an old steamer trunk, a nice plant stand, and even occasionally a  stack of books to read. 
And I've not only brought things home, but I've (we if you also count my husband) have put  things there also. 

One day last summer my husband and I were at the dump. My husband came over to me, as I was still sitting in his truck, and he handed me this ceramic fish.
He knows I like fish. Maybe because I am a Pieces.

This fish was painted bright tropical colors and reminded me of something someone might have in a bathroom or a home party area with a tropical or Jimmy Buffet theme. They weren't my choice of colors.  You can make out some of those colors through the white spray paint.

One of my home projects last summer  was to spray paint some shutters I have in  my bathroom window.  I wanted them to match the bathroom wall shelves I had painted antique white the summer before.  One day when I was spray painting my shutters, I brought out the fish and used some paint on him also.

At that point I wasn't sure how I was going to continue to refinish Mr. Fish, so I put him on a shelf. There he sat until Elizabeth asked if I wanted to share something. 
I knew it was time to finish Mr. Fish.

I started by wrapping Mr. Fish with some printed tissue paper using matte medium.  This took awhile because I had to cover both sides and along the bottom and top, and since Mr. Fish does not stand on his own, I had to wait for the layers of matte medium to dry before I could move on.

I decided to make him "camo", at least fish "camo", as if he lived in a local lake or river and would blend in with his surroundings. I sprayed him with with assorted spray inks and some Dina Wakely spray paints until I liked how he looked.

And then I gave him some googly eyes. 

Now you see a redone, recycled and quite handsome Mr. Fish. At least I think he is handsome. He is going to work well in my living room with my other fish art. First I have to figure out how to get him to stand up however. I hope he won't have to sit for another 8 months before I figure that one out.

Thanks again to Elizabeth for sharing this art on her blog. 
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


  1. Love your beautiful, recycled fish, a great find and you have given it a beautiful second life. I'm sure you will find a way to stand him up. Have a great Sunday, hugs, Valerie

  2. That's a very neat recycle project! I hope you figure out how to make a stand or a wall hanger for Mr.Fish. Elizabeth's close-ups did make me think it might be a fish of some kind.

    best... mae at

  3. Very cool project and I like Mr. Fish's color

  4. I am in awe of Mr. Fish. He is a testament to recycling AND to the adage that one person's trash is another person's treasure. Your husband knows you so well, and you can truly be proud of this makeover. Thank you beyond belief, dear Erika. This is the best birthday gift you could possibly give me. I'd say this was a win-win for both of us.

  5. Colorful and yay for recycling! This is a happy fish with a new life.

  6. I couldn't figure out from Elizabeth's post...
    The recycled fish looks great Erika.

  7. Wow! What a thoroughly modern makeover! I love this blue and green version! I hope you find a way of making him stand up. Hugs, Chrisx

  8. Oh Wow I love it and did not guess over at Elizabeths

  9. Cool! I love what you did. I love hearing he will have a place of honor :)

  10. I thought it was some kind of ceramic plate lol but not a fish. I love the fish, he looks so cool now in his blue/green camo. We have a place like that at our recycling centre only you're not supposed to take things out. I dragged a singer sewing machine table out one time, nearly falling over the side in the process, but I was determined to have that table haha. Elle xx

  11. What a great way - better than all the pieces you find here and there in the street!
    On the other hand... we have a treasure hunt in a way...
    Both good, sharing in general.

    Lucky find, that fish, and from your Hubby makes it even better.
    Great outcome, too.
    And the eye at Elizabeth´s.. I really had to look close, haha, words, eh, look to find an eye.
    Hugs from here.

  12. Erika - what a fabulous story - and what a fabulous dump to have somewhere like that. It is a great recycle place by the sound of it. How I would have loved the old desk and the steamer trunk too.
    A fabulous project with that fish.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  13. A beautiful transformation Erika! I love Mr Fish!
    Alison xx

  14. You certainly never know what you will fine at recycling places, and the ceramic fish was recycled by your art, Erika.

  15. That's a great service for your dump. I wish we had that. I love, just love, what you came up with. The color, the process, the whole bit. Well done!

  16. first off what a lovely idea, a place to bring and pick up new stuff.
    Love the black and white paper idea and then he got colorful. Good save and creative work

  17. Such a fabulous recycling project! Love how you transformed the fish, the collage and colours are perfect and I bet it was fun to make too 😀. Happy wishes! Hugs, Jo x


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