Thursday, April 29, 2021

This Week's Garden Photos and a Tag

Hi everyone. April is about over. That is hard to believe, isn't it?  I've been busy trying to get some spring yard and garden work accomplished, and I have had limited art time lately. Good thing when I do have some art time I get a nice stack of things started and finished. I always work better if I start with some half made pages or tags sitting on my work table, so as I finish something, I usually start something new.

As  you can see I have another tag for Valerie's Anything Goes challenge at Tag Tuesday.  My background is made with inks and some stamping. I cut the heart out of some printed paper, and then I used this paper clay bow that I painted.  One day this past winter I came across a big pack of paper clay that had been sitting in my stash for awhile, so I used it and made some various shapes with the few molds I have. I thought the bow looked great on this heart, and I chose colors that would complement the tag.

This week the weeping cherry tree in my garden is looking really pretty.  We actually named this tree Al, as that was my Dad's name, and my department at school gave me this tree in his memory when he passed away in 2004. 

Just before the flowers fully opened up, I had some bumble bees buzzing around them. 

It's great to see them out buzzing around again.
You can see the flowers in bloom below. 

I also managed to get a raised bed set up in my veggie garden and moved my cold frame greenhouse out there.

I've got some lettuce, spinach and kale planted. I've also used some egg cartons and started some zucchini and cucumber seeds. I've got a month before I can plant the garden unprotected, so I'm hoping to have some nice little seedlings by then. 

The brush from the newly chopped trees (as I showed you for T) has been taken to the dump.  I dragged them all up to the driveway. I walked 4.8 miles doing that.  The hubby loaded the truck and took it to the dump's big brush pile. I think I did the lion share's of that job-hee-hee, but I do feel like yard work is a great way to get back into shape after the winter time lazies. 

I finished my  bark mulching too. It's been nice having the hubby home, but he does wake me up awfully early as he is still in go to work mode. 

He did build me a stand to put my bee hive on.

It doesn't look like much here, but try to picture the hive on top of this. There's still a few more things to get ready before the bees arrive at the end of the month. Most importantly, getting an electric fence in place to protect the hive from bears and also (as I've recently learned) skunks. 

That's life here. Hope everyone is having a good week also.


  1. You've done a lot and it looks great. Those bee photos are fabulous. Don't you love blossoms right before they open? And what a lot of mulch. I will need to get some soon and not looking forward to that day!

  2. Wonderful post. Your garden is looking beautiful, and you are really working hard, well done! And that tag is gorgeous, love the colours, and the bow is the cherry on the top. Thanks so much for linking to Tag Tuesday. Love the weeping cherry tree, how nice of your colleagues to gift it you! Have a great day, take care! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Sprig has totally arrived in your world, even if the seedlings aren't able to be outside unprotected. LOVE that flag, too. That heart is beautiful and the bow is unique. I enjoyed seeing both the cold frame in the garden and the bee hive in the yard. It won't be long now, Erika.

  4. I love the composition of this tag, with that bow on the heart, and that perfect background... Pretty colors, too.

    Great shots of the bee! Your cold frame looks perfect. I'm looking for something like that to protect flower seeds from critters. Did this come from Amazon, or did you get it locally? I'm excited about your bee hive. We've had honey bees on the patio for the first time in many years, and I've been wondering if someone in my neighborhood has added a hive :)

  5. The bow really makes that tag. The weeping cherry is so pretty and a lovely tribute to your dad. The photos you took of the flowers and bumblebees are awesome. I'm looking forward to seeing your apiary. It's one of the things I would have liked to try, but I am allergic to bees so I'll have to get my fix vicariously through you.

  6. Bees?! Brave girl! How interesting!


  7. Beautiful tag. Yes, I cannot believe April is nearly over.
    Oh, I love Al! Such a beautiful memory and gesture. Great you have bees.
    You got kale? Please keep me updated to see if it´s the same we have. Does yours need frost before harvesting, as ours?

    4.8 miles with that?! Another Hercules!!! High five from here!

    Yes. Even on weekends Hubby gets up early, too.

    A bee hive! Very good. Updates on that, too, please?
    Bears?! Skunks, huhhhh. Dangerous life you lead. All I have is aggressive squirrels if not enough food provided ;-)
    Have a great day x

  8. Looks like your gardening and cleanup has kept you busy outdoors, Erika, and how lovely to see that tree and remember your dad. Looking forward to seeing your veggie garden results. Sometimes, we miss not having one with apt living now. And bee keeping will really be something to post about. I didn’t know skunks were fond of honey too, as am I.

  9. I love your sweet tag. How cute is that clay bow! Wow I am envious of your cherry tree! That is going to look amazing! Thanks for sharing with us at Tag Tuesday.

  10. I'm so behind!
    Beautiful tag and photos Erika! I love the bees!
    Alison xx


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