Friday, April 30, 2021

Inspired by Nature

Hi everyone. April has flown by, hasn't it?  Today is the last day of Eileen's Inspired By challenge at  Art Journal Journey

I want to say a "BIG thanks" to Chris for helping me to host this month in Eileen's memory.

I'm sure Eileen would have enjoyed all the fantastic pieces  everyone has linked up. I've missed her comments and her inspiration. Hopefully we've remembered her in a good way. 

Thanks to all of you who shared art with us in memory of our dear blog friend. 

My final page for this month is inspired by nature. At this time of year there are so many wonderful sounds in nature, from birds singing,  spring peeper frogs chirping, and even the squirrels still running over the dead leaves still laying on the forest floor. 

I used a lot of layering with paint and tissue paper to create my background.  I also added a bit of stitching at the bottom of the page to give the page a bit of texture. The owl and her lady are stamped on acetate, colored and fussy cut. The 3 flying birds are stamped directly on the page and painted. I'm not sure if you can read the quotes but they say my spirit is...listening to the sounds of the forest.

And if you listen hard enough, you can hear even more voices of nature besides the loud ones that I've mentioned.

It's been a fun month of art, the joy of spring arriving for most of us, and also there's been so much great inspiration in Eileen's memory.
 Happy start to your weekend.



  1. Lovely page. I like the goddess Athena with her attribute the owl. I always laugh when people say how quiet the rural areas are. So much noise all day and night, birds, insects, peepers, owls, coyotes, foxes, but a lovely song. Except for the fisher cat. That cry scared the heck out of me one night! Enjoy the sunshine and the song of the forest.

  2. Hello Erika,
    Your 'nature-page' is wonderful and some kind of mysterious. Beautifully made.
    We here in Finland are starting celebrate the May 1th. It is our biggest summer celebration and we normally have a carnival like outside happening, but not now for corona as you guess. It's quite cold but half sunny, so it's feeling not so bad being inside.
    I wish you a wonderful weekend and happy start to May xx

  3. The forest really has a lot to tell, if we listen. I just caught up on. your blog and enjoyed all your posts from the week, especially the review of the DNA story. I read that book some time ago, and it really made me mad, the way they stole from the real discoverer and then covered up their lies.

    best...mae at

  4. With COVID inspired quietness, I hear so much more of nature’s sounds. Happy Spring to you. Loved your photos on the previous page too.

  5. This is indeed a wonderful season, so much to see and hear. I love to listen to the birds , especially mornings and evenings they really give their best. Thanks to you and Chris for hosting for Eileen this month, it was a freat tribute. Love your beautiful page, great idea with the stitching. Have a lovely day, hugs, Valerie

  6. There aren't many places that we can just hear the sounds of the forest - even some of the National Trust places we visit are near the airport or one of the 3 motorways that criss cross the area. Our quietest time was at the beginning of lockdown last year when we could sit on the balcony and hear lots of bird song uninterrupted by the sound of planes or cars(hardly any dusting required either!) We are looking forward to being able to travel further afield away from the traffic and enjoy the stillness that is so well depicted in your page.
    It has been an honour to assist this month and great to see so many tributes for Eileen's memory.
    Have a great weekend, Chrisx

  7. Such a beautiful page! Loving your nature inspiration, with spring here it's hard not to be inspired by nature, isn't it 😁. Thanks so much for hosting AJJ in memory of Eileen this month, it's been such a pleasure to join everyone and pay tribute to Eileen. Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  8. Your nature page is a good one to end on. If we can go forward listening to the sounds of nature, maybe we'll better appreciate the need to preserve and protect it.

  9. Once again, I am SO incredibly grateful to you and Chris for stepping in to host AJJ this month. I was so pleased you two did this AND created a recycled project, too.

    This is a beautiful entry. I remember when the lockdown first started. There were no cars racing along my street, and no airplanes overhead. You could actually hear the birds and crickets. Now we are truly back to noise and pollution. The nature inspired journal page is wonderful. You are getting a lot out of that acetate you dug out of the recycling bin at your school. It's a marvelous entry Eileen would have been very proud of, I'm sure. Thanks for this final entry honoring Eileen and a great tribute to her through your art this month at Art Journal Journey, dear friend.

  10. Great tribute.
    Even here, in the city, you hear birds singing. And Peanut´s Siblings are a bit out and about, too.
    Love the stitching. Reminds me a bit of snow, though.


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