Sunday, May 9, 2021

A Tribute to Mom

 Hi everyone. 

I hope everyone is wrapping up a good week and weekend. Today is a big day in my house. It is the 4th anniversary of the kidney transplant. And the good news is the hubby is still doing well. My "little kidney that could" (as the doctor still refers to it), is doing its job perfectly. And the one I have left is working very well for me too. Smile.

I had fun but busy week. And I wasn't busy with yard work either, even if I could have been. 

My week's highlights included a beach walk. Pretty soon the beach will become a different place for a few months, and even though that doesn't means beach walks are over, parking is going to change  since towns want parking stickers or paid parking.

Now that I am fully vaccinated and the 2 weeks since my second injection have passed, I did a couple of things I have wanted to do for quite awhile now. First of all I was able to get together with some also vaccinated friends for dinner. It felt good to be able to enjoy some good food and company inside just like in the "old" pre-covid days. 

I was also able to go see my mom and visit in her apartment. They were limiting the time I could see her (an hour), and I did have to check in before I could go upstairs, but I hadn't been able to see her since last October when outside visits ended.

She was looking and sounding good too. (I talk to her on the phone frequently, but it is not the same as getting to see her.)

The visit was perfect timing too since today in the US  it is Mother's Day.
I thought I would share this cloth book I made many years ago and found in a bin in my attic last month. I was inspired to make this book by the fat quarters I used.  It is perfect for today since it has a vintage woman's theme and is probably how most people used to (or maybe how some  still) picture their mothers.

I printed vintage photos on fabric for these pages. The printed image on the right was black and white. I colored it in.

This book was pretty simply made. I cut 4 squares of thick interfacing, each 4 x 4 inches (10.6 x 10.6 cm) in size. I then cut my fabric into 5 x 9 inch ( 12.7 x 22.8 )rectangles. 

I folded over the edges of my fabric rectangles and ironed them. Then I pinned in my thick interfacing squares, one on each side of the fabric rectangle, leaving the center of the fabric rectangle open. I didn't want it to be stiff so I could fold it there to make the center of my book.

I stitched in the interfacing while sewing in the folded in seams in place. Then I stacked all the rectangles and stitched down the middle to hole my page together create my pages.

I'm not sure where else besides the US it is Mother's Day, but I am wishing all you mothers, whether you are the mother of a human, a cat, a dog, plant or any other living thing, a wonderful holiday.  And if it isn't Mother's Day in your country or you aren't a mother of any sort, I still wish you a great day.

And of course, enjoy the rest of your weekend.



  1. Oh. Never knew. To your kidneys!!!
    Isn´t it wonderful what is possible these days. And you sure have my biggest respect.

    Hmm, a beach walk! And pre-covid-days, yay! Wish we can have this here soon, also.

    Why???? What happens after 60 minutes?! Does "Corinna" jump out from somewhere?! My dear neighbor has the same problem visiting his wife. An hour only after an adult life spent together, it breaks my heart.
    Anyhows, Happy Mother´s Day!

    Love the book, you´re so creative!!

  2. Glad you are able to meet up with friends again, and ere able to visit your Mom, that must have been a joy for you both. Your fabric book is fantastic, another treasure. And wonderful that your kidney is still doing its job so well for your husband. Kudos! Happy Mother's Day, hugs, Valerie

  3. Creative, colorful and lively book-making! Mom looks very happy. 😊

  4. Happy Mother’s Day to you Erica. The Crispr book looks interesting I am putting it on my tbr list.

  5. Cute book. I like the vintage images. Congrats on your Kidney Anniversary! Glad to hear the kids are doing so well. Love the picture of your mom. (She reminds me of my neighbor Prissy) She looks so happy. Good that you were able to visit in person. Enjoy the day! Happy Mother's Day! 💐

  6. Good morning, I am so happy to read you were able to visit your Mom-very special.
    Loving your fabric journal book too
    Happy Mother's Day and have a good week ahead hugs Kathy

  7. What a wonderful 4th anniversary Erika, so happy your husband is doing so well and you are too, congratulations. I bet it was great to actually see your mom and visit with her. And I love your cloth book, gorgeous colors and vintage elements, so fun! Happy Mother's Day!
    Hugs, Tammy

  8. How great to get to see your mother after all these months of separation! It’s Mother’s Day here in the US — I think also Australia, but where are you?

    be well... mae at

  9. Such a joy to be able to see your mom in person! Being fully vaccinated is a relief, and I'm looking forward to some more "normal" activities, too :)

  10. Happy Mother's Day and happy 4th Little Kidney That Could anniversary. LOVE that wonderful fabric book you created. It is awesome. I think I only saw my grandmother in slacks one time in her life. I get my love of wearing dresses from her. I really LOVE how you colored the b & w fabric. I was truly impressed. And leave it to you to create something using baking. Do you get that from your mother? Very clever book, dear. SO glad to read you were able to visit your mother, too. I know it made both of you quite happy.

  11. It sounds like you have had some good visits especially the one to see your mom, its a lovely photo. Congratulations on the 4year anniversary, its good that you both are doing so well.
    Your book list in the previous post was interesting. I hope it won't be long until we get the go ahead to use the library again for our book club, there willl be a lot of catching up besides talking about books.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Congratulations on the transplant anniversary! That makes me smile big. Your mom makes me smile big, too, and being able to see her. You and she had the same smile. Love the book and thrilled that your vaccinations are through!

  13. I didn't know about your kidney transplant Erika! Congratulations on its 4th anniversary. Glad you and hubby are both doing well. And your mum is looking good too. Lovely that you could see her again.
    I love your cloth journal, those were the days! Lol
    Hope you're having a good week,
    Alison xx

  14. So pleased you got to visit your Mom! A dinner outing too! How did you voice hold up? I love the fabric journal that you found and rescued, Hugs, Chrisx

  15. The photo of your mum says it all. You don't need language with a smile like that - a smile can say all there is to say when two people meet with a love shared between them.
    Love your cloth book - that must have taken ages to produce. How interesting to see those images you used and the different pieces of fabric. Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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