Monday, May 10, 2021

T Stands for Various Things from this Past Week

Hi everyone. 

It is Tuesday again. Already. This past week flew by for me. It is once again time for T over at   Bleubeard and Elizabeth's blog where we share our drink related posts. And usually a bit of other things also.

Last week I didn't do as much yard work compared to the week before, but I was having fun with other things. I did a bit of baking.

I made a  whole wheat honey sunflower seed bread. It's especially yummy toasted with a slice of cheese.

Also I made a lemon poppy seed bundt cake.  Would you like a slice with your T today?

I also met my walking friend at the beach one day. This is probably the last time we can beach walk until fall because all the summer parking restrictions are coming into play, so unless we pay to park at the state beach, our usual lot will now be closed to us. 

It was a gorgeous day to walk.

You can see my 2 pups in the forefront of the photo and my friend with her dog ahead of them. My 4 legged family members decided it was a great day for swimming, which made me get a bit behind.

Swimming gets them very excited so that also means a short play session. My friend's dog isn't a swimmer, so when Maddie decided to lay down in the (cold) water and lounge my friend shook her head in disbelief.
No wonder why I am constantly needing to clean my car. Smile.

I also felt like such a rebel last week because I actually went out to eat too. Inside a restaurant. It was the first time since being totally vaccinated and past my 2 weeks of waiting. And my first time inside a restaurant in over a year. Did we really used to do this all the time without thinking?

I met the hubby for lunch before my beach walk at the public golf course near his office. They have a nice little club house restaurant there. Since this is a public course and not a member only place,  anyone can stop by to eat. 

I felt very safe because tables were very spread out, masks were required when you got up from your table which people were actually wearing, and also there were those black and clear separating panels  you can see behind my husband. We were surrounded by them except on our left, and on our left (where there were no panels) were no seats as it maybe 10 feet to the door outside. I actually had planned on eating outside, but when we got there it felt cold and windy.  I was feeling brave and gave it a try inside. 

My drink for T this week is my ice tea and my water. 

While I waited for my husband (to arrive), I could see all the golfers out on the links. It was a nice day to play, other than the wind. 

And out front of the restaurant was this gorgeous doubled blossomed cherry tree which was in full bloom.
I think it was a double blossom cherry tree. If not, you can let me know if you happen to be able to tell. 

Everything is greening up. Even though my allergies don't appreciate it, I love when the leaves are just popping and how they look.

The lettuce, kale and spinach are growing more in the cold frame. I also started zucchini and cucumbers which I will transfer to bigger pots once they get their adult leaves.

Asparagus is starting to show.

And I had one piece of the beehive that needed painting, so I got a little sample container of paint. The bottom box could have stayed white, but I decided to alternate the whole hive yellow and white. 

And yes for those who may wonder-if any of you-  I did make it to Pop's, but not until late on Mother's Day Sunday, so I'll share that with you another time. 

Hope you have a wonderful week, a happy T day, and thanks for stopping by my blog.



  1. IT's great that you are free to come and go as you like (parking regulations permitting!)

    Such gorgeous trees.

    best... mae at

  2. Hi Erika, so nice to be able to walk on the beach and the pups are enjoying the day out too. that is a bummer that they will close up the easy access to the beach during the summer.
    Those blooming trees are so pretty love the color. glad you were able to get out and enjoy restaurant food with your husband-a nice treat. Happy new week.

  3. I know you are going to miss your beach walks, but at least you got one final walk before restrictions begin.

    It sounds like you enjoyed your lunch with your husband, too. I fear it will be a cold day in hell before I go out to eat again. Getting food poisoning puts a real dent in my desire to eat something I don't cook myself. Your sandwich looks great and the bread looked ALMOST as good as the bread you baked. This is wonderful, as was the poppy seed cake.

    Thanks for sharing your baking, your beach walk, your trip to the golf course, and the food and tea you had there with us for T this almost Tuesday, dear friend.

    BTW, I think I lost 3 lbs today when I got my hair cut for the first time by anyone besides Scott since January, 2020.

  4. Hmmmm, your baking looks yummy - both, my sweet tooth wakes up ;-)

    Fun in the water, sad with the parking fees.

    We plan to do the same! Get tested and if negative take our W to the deep garage for a beer. The first time in over a year!
    Oh, I hope we´ll be back to do this without thinking again!

    Oh, golf. Hubby bought gear but since it´s not really popular here never went. Always needs to buy the toys and looses interest too quickly.
    But the trees ... soooo beautiful.

    Oh! You even have asparagus! Hubby loves that!
    And yay to the bees.
    Happy T-day to you and a great week.

  5. That sounds great to be able to move about again without restrictions. I still need my second vaccination in three weeks. Great to see the pups enjoying themselves on the beach, my dogs were always water fans, too. You baked some great bread and cake, and the food at the restaurant looks great. And your garden is growing. Have a happy T day, hugs, Valerie

  6. So glad you got to Pop's - can't wait to see the pictures. Your food from this week looks good and all your outing pictures are beautiful. I hate that you are restricted from your walks on the beach in the summer but I am sure there are too many people anyway! Fun post, Erika. Many hugz and happy T Day.

  7. Your bakes look so delicious, I'd love a piece of that lemon poppy bundt cake - it's my favourite ๐Ÿ˜‰. So lovely to walk along the beach with you and your friend, the dogs look like they are having so much fun too! Your meal looks delicious, we can only eat outside at the moment but laws change next week to allow us to sit inside - gonna wait a while though before I take the plunge ๐Ÿ˜. Nice to see blue skies and greenery, the tree pollen this time of year plays havoc with my allergies too! Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  8. The bread certainly was different then any I have made, Erika, and not sure I would enjoy the seeds, but yes to the cake sith smaller ones ๐Ÿ˜‹In answer to your question about whether we did or saw anything interesting in Portsmouth, yes we did and I will be doing a couple of future posts, hopefully before next week’s getaway to a different NE state.

  9. Your bakes look delicious. Who enjoyed the beach walk more, you or your puppers? They sure like the water. Brrrr. Too cold right now. Lunch out sounds wonderful. I'm waiting for the weather to get warmer to find a nice place to eat outside. Your garden looks like it will do well. Love the beehive colors perfect for the bees. Happy T Day!

  10. This is a wonderful post. Your bread looks amazing and the poppy seed cake yum. I am so interested in your bee hive. Please post often about it and how you get it started and so on. Have a great day.

  11. You're a talented baker! The bread and the cake both look delicious. I'm looking forward to lunches inside restaurants. It won't be long now :) That blooming tree is quite a sight. Gorgeous! The colors are perfect for a bee hive. I'm looking forward to seeing it in place. Happy T Tuesday!

  12. That bread looks to die for. One day I must ask you how to plant asparagus! I'd love to do that. It looks like a great day with fun and walks. I've still not ventured into a restaurant. I'm glad they were careful with tables and all! Happy week!

  13. You baking looks delicious Erika, and how lovely to go out and eat.
    Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day,
    Alison xx

  14. Your cakes look delicious! Yes, I´d love a slice with my tea, thanks.
    How exciting to be eating at a restaurant after so long! It looks like a very tasty lunch indeed.
    The plants in the frame have really come on. You are Green fingered for sure.
    It´s great to see nature awakening and everything turn Green. the blossom is stunning!
    Happy T-Day,

  15. How sad not to be able to visit the beach until Autumn - I'm sure you will find other great places to walk! We used to have a dog who loved the water too.
    Love that you have been inside a restaurant (our open indoors next Monday) we won't be rushing to get anywhere but look forward to the day when we do feel brave enough! the sandwich bread looks interesting! Your baking looks great - i haven't done much lately. Your seedlings are growing well! Happy T Day. Hugs, Chrisxx

  16. I have never had sunflower seed bread but that poppy seed bundt cake looks delicious! I would love a slice! Beautiful bakes this week.
    Your walks on the beach look calming. I can see how you are going to miss them.
    Your meal looks SO yummy!
    Those cherry blossoms are gorgeous! I would love one of those in my yard. I enjoyed seeing your little sprouts. Looking good!
    Happy Tea Day,


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