Thursday, May 27, 2021

For the Hitchikers

Hi everyone. 

 I'm here with another language page for Elle's challenge at Art Journal Journey

Recently I had a hankering to make a space page,  and I needed some kind of language connection. Then someone on the blogosphere posted an image of something with a number 42 on it, and that was all I needed to make the connection to Elle's language challenge at Art Journal Journey.

Sometimes words or numbers in a language mean a lot in a particular context. For many people the number 42 might be their age or their street address or even a shoe size (European sizing), but for others it has another meaning.

As quoted from internet:
"The number 42 is, in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, the "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything", calculated by an enormous supercomputer named Deep Thought over a period of 7.5 million years."

I  enjoy the Hitchiker's movie, which I have seen several times, but I have never read the books. I must admit I never hooked onto the number 42  the way real fans have (guess I am not a true hitchhiker), and someone had to explain to me what it was. Once they told me, it came back to me from the film, and today I used it many times on my journal page.

The number 42 on my page doesn't necessarily mean the images or layout of this piece are connected with the film nor the book.

I used a piece of cardboard from a postal box as my base. I painted it 2 shades of red and stamped the 42 on it all over the place.  I used my space alien stamp set (on white paper) to make my images. After I stamped and colored them I fussy cut them and glued them onto my page. 

I used a yellow and also a white wax pencil to make the lights under the spaceships. I stamped the quote on the page. I also used some black glitter paste to create the surface of the planet that the alien is standing on.

And if the number 42 isn't enough to link into the Art Journal Journey language challenge, the more cliche quote "Greeting Earthlings" does. Somehow I wonder if an alien was to land on earth, how would they know which  of all the planet's  languages  to use to address the people they came across?  I guess if they are so evolved to be able to actually travel all that distance across space to get to earth, they might be easily able to figure out how to communicate. 

That's my page for today. Hope your week is going well.


  1. I absolutely love this! Perfect!

  2. Perfect, especially since this is close to Towel Day. Don't Panic!

  3. Such a fun page! I love how you added the 42s to the background - fabulous 😉. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  4. Hope they´re nice, if they visit - and have THE answer, too.

  5. Love your alien on his colourful background, great idea. And the 42 is a good connection! Have a wonderful day, take care, hugs, Valerie

  6. Thanks, Erika, for your comment on my post today about how and where we celebrated the anniversary of our 1st date in Stowe, VT. We also laugh when we see a NJ plate, and when we lived in NJ the saying was the same about all the tourists who would visit the NJ beaches and Jersey shore....damm tourists. As you said, there is room for everyone.

    We also look visiting Stowe. The burgers and onion rings were fantastic and we highly recommend the Sunset Grill if you revisit the area. We always try to do something on our date anniversary and then we have our actual wedding anniversary in August, two celebrations are always better.

  7. Hah! Good stuff Erika! I love the alien page and the 42 reference. I wonder what language aliens would speak if they arrived here, perhaps with all the probes we have sent out there, they will be multi-lingual! Like someone else said, Towel Day was the 25th so very relevant. BTW before there was a movie there was a radio show and a TV show, which was really very good, if you can track it down it is worth a watch. It was on the BBC I think in the 80s. Thanks for joining me for the Language theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle xx

  8. This is wonderful, Erika. I love your 42s. They are brilliant and so is your entire spread. The spaceships are great. I think the aliens will use a universal translator which would convert language in both directions. It's a wonderful entry for Elle's theme at Art Journal Journey, too, dear.

  9. Great project, thanks for the comment you left on my blog. Vee xx

  10. Earth to Erika - well, I had no idea there was anything with the number 42 as I have not seen the film and, like you, not read the books. I do, however, like your page. Love that little alien, in fact I love the look of aliens and this was a great idea to base your page for AJJ on the number 42. Thanks for all the interesting facts. Sadly I am well past 42.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  11. Love this even though I have nether read the book or seen the film - the alien looks a cutie! Hugs, Chrisx

  12. This is brilliant! I love anything to do with Space. Hitchiker's Guide was something I didn't ever read but yes, 42 became a part of most people's vocab at the time. It's a great page :-)
    Cath x

  13. A great page Erika, and the thought of little green men out there will continue for generations, who knows they might find us first.
    Yvonne xx


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