Friday, May 28, 2021


 Hi everyone. Happy Friday. 

I had a busy week, and it flew by. I'm actually looking forward to being home all day today with no place I must go. The good news is  my bees shipped yesterday. The bad news is the weather people say we have rain moving in for most of the entire weekend. The rain is much needed and not a bad thing, but of course, the rain isn't really wanted by lots of people as it is a long holiday weekend here in the US. 

Today I want to share a page from a found journal. Last month I was doing a bit of attic cleaning out when I came across a bin filled with some journals I had made a long time ago. I've showed you a few already.

Today I have a page from an old journal (probably from around 2000)  I made but that I have never posted before. The journal has an ocean theme which is one of my favorite topics. This spread's rhyming words work perfect for a language theme.

Since I have never posted this book before, I think it should be OK to link this page up to Elle's language challenge at Art Journal Journey. My other co-admins can let me know if this doesn't work, and I'll take it down.

My daughter had a children's book where the whole story was about kids doing things and using rhyming words to tell about what they were doing. You can tell I made this spread a long long time ago because my daughter is now 29 and who knows where the book ended up.

I remember having a lot of fun making this page and coming up with all the beach rhymes.  I may have to do this again sometime soon.

The background is 2 sheets of mostly matching paper cut to size and glued down on the original book pages. The phrases are printed on acetate and then cut out and glued. I made the water at the bottom out of blue paper, torn and then edged with glitter glue. And I added a mini tag with a quote just to finish off the page.

Here's a few of other photos from that same journal. I'll share more some other time.

One thing I did with this book was not cover over every single page. I liked some of the illustrations. That included the cover, which I left as it was.

Yet as you can see in this next page, I made some big changes. I cut pages and used some cloud scrap- booking paper to cover the background. The gold paper frame is not meant to be a porthole, but I used it as one and created the cool paper collage in it. Wouldn't that be a fantastic view?

And of course, when you are outside you should use sunscreen.

And this last page for today is the inner cover. I left the big title already printed on the book and added some other images. I did color my page with some inks and paints, and I added some other paper which look gessoed . I made a little tag too. And perhaps you remember the netting you used to be able to find in scrapbooking supply store? I  must have had some because I used some of that on my page also.

Hope you enjoyed the art and also have a wonderful start to your weekend.


  1. Fun journal and altered book. Too bad this weekend will be a washout, but at least the rain is holding off until tonight.

  2. Hi Erika, sometimes a home day can be very good. Sorry you've gor rain forecast for the weekend, we're supposed to get some sun!! I LOVE the journal page with the rhymes, it's perfect for Elle's theme. I remember playing rhyming games with the kids at school. The other pages in your altered book are fabulous, too. Have a great weekend, you must be excited that your bees are on the way! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Good morning Erika, I really love this found journal, and I think it is perfect for the language theme.
    I am thinking you won't be able to work the bees into their new hives til it stops raining. we had a big storm come through most of yesterday-I think the rain has moved on but the temperature as really dropped-we will be mid 60's for a few days-better than rain though.
    Happy Friday hugs Kathy

  4. So very pretty. Have a beautiful weekend.

  5. Love all the work and what sweet memories this must create for you.
    Oh, yes, always use sunscreen in the good half of the year (I still wait for that).
    And the ocean... Great pages. Hope you enjoy the rain and the bees don´t mind too much!

  6. We have rain today, but it's supposed to be clear later today and through the rest of the holiday week-end. We may go eat on some pizza place patio later :)

    What a cool way to alter that book. So creative!

  7. We're having the same weather and decided to stay home. But I'm loving your journal pages!

  8. It's Bank Holiday weekend here but we have decided to stay at home. Sometimes it is good to stay at home and do things in your own surroundings.
    I so enjoyed your journal page with the rhyming words, especially "tan man". For some reason it made me smile. Not surprised you left the cover as it was, that shell is so pretty and I do like the port-hole.
    Must say the shell page is one of my favourites with its tag and pictures of shells on that lovely background.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  9. As one of the co-admins, I believe this is a PERFECT addition to Elle's theme. Since you've never shown it before, I think it's fair game to share it with us. I love that you shared this because it shows a different style than you have now. I love that word play. And I also LOVE the shells you left on the inside cover. I see no reason to cover a perfectly wonderful altered book/journal with something when the theme of the book is right there to be enjoyed. Thanks for this great entry for AJJ using Elle's theme.

  10. It's a long weekend here too but we are staying home away from the crowds - the weather forecast is good so some reading on the balcony will do for us!
    Love the journal - perfect for Elle's theme!
    Hope the bees are OK, Hugs, Chrisx

  11. Love this book and what a trip down memory lane for you. Altered books were loads of fun, though I remember them being a bit daunting when I first began and I'm sure you felt the same. Defacing precious books was hard to get over, lol.
    Cath x

  12. Love these rhyming pairs Erika, perfect for the language theme too. I also enjoyed seeing this journal made from the altered book, really cool. We also have a long weekend and for once the sun is shining! Usually happens after everyone goes back to work lol. Thanks for joining me for the Language theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle xx

  13. Its a fantastic journal page Erika and lovely to see your found journals being used.[an idea I could be tempted to try myself sometime]
    I hope you are having a good holiday weekend. Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  14. There are times when it's just so good to be at home ...

    All the best Jan


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