Saturday, May 1, 2021


Hi everyone.  Happy May. I can't believe we are already at month #5 of 2021.

Today we want to welcome a new host at  Art Journal Journey.  Elle, from Empire of the Cat, will be hosting this month, and this is her first time in this role
Elle's theme is Language.

Be sure to read Elle's blip on the Art Journal Journey homepage about her challenge topic.

My first page for May is the Language of Math and Numbers, if you can't tell-smile. 

When I was younger I never thought of numbers and math as a language, but it probably is the most universal written language on our planet. 

I stamped some colorful numbers as well as the black pi number. I also added a few little math formulas on there also, which if you look carefully you can see. They are much smaller than the big numbers. All of these stamps are oldies in my collection. 

I still thought the background needed something so I smudged a bit of red and blue paint on my page.  I also added this ancient red number tape (remember 7Gypsies?). I had the mathematician sitting on a number 3, resting his feet on the middle of the 3.  I guess that is where a mathematician would like to sit, on a number that is.  My mother, my husband and my daughter are the math people  in my family. I was always good enough at it but sadly seem to have forgotten most of it. Yet there is something fun about using numbers on a page.

I finished my page with some rub on letters in black (to make my title), as well as some metal numbers I had in my stash. I had one zero and lots of 6 and/or 9s, so those numbers on the page don't  mean anything except for me using the numbers I had. 

Thank for visiting. I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with for this month's new challenge.



  1. I'm a geek, too. I can speak math and I love this beauty you have given us as your first entry this month at Art Journal Journey. I agree that we may write the number differently, but we solve the math problems the same no matter where we live. One thing is for sure: math doesn't lie. I really like the background and the entry you gave us featuring Elle's theme at Art Journal Journey.

  2. Fabulous page, and a great idea with the numbers. The language of numbers is very important in our technical age! Time really does fly by, I don't know where it goes, it just does! Have a great May, take care! Hugs, Valerie

  3. A great idea for your lovely page, I wouldn’t have thought of numbers as a language. Love the background. Have a fabulous any.
    Hugs Wendy.

  4. Erika, you are so correct about numbers being a language. Love your mathematician and your details (especially that red tape and the 3-D numbers). My Sister was a brilliant mathematician and worked at the Pentagon. She was a genius - but me and math never created a bond - lol. Love this first entry of yours and can't wait to see what else you come up with. Hugz and Happy Weekend!

  5. Fun page. Not only is the mathematician sitting on the number 3, but he's sitting on a prime number. That's the extent of my math knowledge. Himself and the Young One are fluent in math. I was an English Major and left the math up to others. Hope you survived the winds and didn't blow away!

  6. Numbers and math have never been my strong suit! I love them much more on your piece!

    Happy weekend!

  7. I am definitely NOT a mathematician but I do love this page. 3 is a good number - I have three boys!
    I love numbers as backgrounds so maybe you have inspired me to sort to something mathematical - just to show that I can find an answer somehow!!! Hugs, Chrisx

  8. Yes, numbers as a language... Cool! He looks like he's fluent, with a thorough background in it :)

  9. Somewhere in my stash I have a stamp called "Man of Numbers" which I think was a PaperArtsy one so your journal page did not come as a surprise to me. I think I once used it for my other half as he is the mathematician in this pairing - surprising how much I rely on him at times for his knowledge when I am crafting.
    I do like the way you have portrayed it though and those little formulas are a lovely addition. Some great number stamps there, such a useful size and they work so well with the metallic ones you have used. Good idea with the smudges of paint too.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps I was good one year at school - when we had a Mr Taylor for our teacher, somehow he made it all make sense - and then he left.

  10. I’m curious about the figure you identify as a “mathematician.” He doesn’t fit any stereotypes I know, and I don’t recognize his face. Can you identify him? I have heard the term “language of mathematics,” and it’s interesting to try to make it into a concrete image.

    best... mae at

  11. A fabulous page Erika and I love how you used Maths and numbers to create the background, the gentleman looks just right sitting amongst the numbers.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  12. Fabulous page! I love your universal language of numbers design with those colourful highlights ๐Ÿ˜€. Happy May and I hope you're having a lovely weekend too! Hugs, Jo x

  13. Wow, this is a great idea and wonderfully done, too.
    The mathematician sure looks satisfied with your choice :-)
    Great page, will show it to Hubby, he´ll love this, too.
    He had to help me in this sector ;-) When he still was with his girlfriend. She checked every 5 minutes what we are doing. Math, silly!

  14. Super fun page congrats ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’

  15. A fantastic page Erika! Maths was my favourite subject at school, art was next of course.
    Alison xx

  16. Math is a universal language for sure! I love your first page for the language theme Erika. Sorry for commenting late. I've been ill all week so I have been working backwards through the commenting and now I'm back to the beginning/end. Thanks for joining me for the Language theme at Art Journal Journey this month Elle xx


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