Friday, June 18, 2021

Fluttering Around

Happy Friday everyone. This week went by faster than last week. I am loving June, but I bet July will be here in a snap if time doesn't slow down just a little bit.

Yesterday I went to my first social event since being vaccinated and since the whole world changed with covid.  My former department at school was having an end of the school year party at in the garden of one of my friend's houses, and I was invited to join. It was great to see people. I hadn't realized how much I missed chatting with everyone.  It was fun hearing gossip but not having to deal with those issues also.  

My page today is one from my garden journal. The inspiration for it began when I noticed one of my chemical structure overhead transparencies (that I brought home from school rather than tossing into the trash when I cleaned out my room last year) looked a lot like a flower. I cut it out and painted/doodled the stem.  I also added some black paint dots to the center of the flower for details. I should also say I sprayed the background with 2 shades of blue, before the stem was painted but after the flower was added. As the flower is made of acetate, it was very easy to wipe off the spray, and I liked keeping the background white, because I have yet to see a 100% transparent flower.

I decided to keep it simple. The butterflies and dragonflies are punch out from an Art by Marlene booklet.  I added some label maker tape (from TH) and a stamped butterfly image that I colored. On top of that I added a mini button of a butterfly.

Finally I used one of those ancient stamps in my collection and added the quote. 

That's all for me today. I'm keeping it short.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!



  1. Love the quote - and ... wow. Great work!
    And yes. Wonderful you could catch up for real with friends / colleagues!!
    I miss that, too.
    They talk of yet another mutation of "Corinna" here, it´s like a never ending carousel...

  2. Hi Erika, love your garden journal page, so colourful and bright. Great that you could get out and meet up with ex colleagues, it was such a long time of restrictions. Have a great weekend, say hello to the bees for me! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Beautiful page. I've seen some dragonflies flitting by. Not many butterflies. So nice to have a social event with work colleagues and not having to deal with the work drama is priceless. Enjoy the weather!

  4. Beautiful. . . Have a Great Weekend. . . :)

  5. The garden party sounds wonderful! We've been seeing more dragonflies than butterflies this year.

  6. This is a wonderful, romantic journal site. The details are fabulous in it and the quote!
    Nice to read that you were on an invitation from the school, now you only notice how it was missing.
    Have a happy weekend, hugs Elke

  7. Congrats On Reconnecting With Friends - Love Butterflies And Dig That Rich Blue - Enjoy The Weekend


  8. Just charming. How nice that the chemical structure looked like a flower. Really good thinking. I also love that quote. I think what caught my eye first was the tape at the bottom that I actually THOUGHT was from a Dymo label maker. I think I would LOVE that tape!! Thanks for this incredible journal entry using Mia's theme, dear.

  9. Love the story of your origin of the garden journal!

  10. A beautiful page and a wonderful quote!
    I'm glad you enjoyed your social gathering, it's nice to see friends.
    Happy weekend,
    Alison xx

  11. What an absolutely fabulous page. Glad you could get out with friends - so far we are sticking mainly with our own company! Hugs, Chrisx

  12. What a beautiful page. Have a blessed day.

  13. I like your centered composition of the page, which really beautiful in colors, too.
    I can imagine how fun you had to meet good friends. Our restriction have been cut a lot here, and my second vaccination ha given a month ago. I've been busy with my elderly sisters matters who is living in a house of old people, and I have to take care of her property.
    Have a nice day my friend xx
    P.S. It's hot here!

  14. A lovely quote to go with your beautiful journal page Erika. It must have been good to meet up with friends and chat.
    Yvonne xx


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