Saturday, June 19, 2021

The Birds and Bees

Hi everyone. I wasn't planning a post today, but for some reason I am very lazy this morning . I slept late and downloaded a bunch of photos I took yesterday. I played around with some photo editing, had my breakfast, and I really need to go do a bit of gardening. If I can get motivated that is.

Procrastination is not always a bad thing.

So yesterday I had a lot of natural encounters. It started when it was time to open up the beehive and see what is actually going on inside. The bees have been here for just over 2 weeks, and something should be going on. I hadn't opened the hive in  a week so it was time to do a check.

I really need to meet up with an experience beekeeper to tell me if all is going as it should right now. I could see comb being built (and you can see it in these photos), but being a newbie, I am having a hard time telling if it is for honey or brood. I did do some more research using my photos, which is one reason why I took them. I want to know better what I need to look for next trip in. 

 However, when I was holding the frames I removed, I could not also snap a photo, and since I was home alone, I could only take photos once I put the frames back into the hive. Next time I check them (in probably around a week) I will have to look if I see signs of covered combs or any eggs. And maybe see if I can get the hubby to come take photos.

With all these bees I failed to find the queen. I really messed up. I should have marked her with a pebeo paint pen (they actually recommend this pen, which I happen to have a few) when she was in her box.

Then yesterday afternoon I met the hubby, and we went out for a boat ride. He gets out early on Fridays between Memorial Day (late May) and Labor Day (early September), and since there are fewer boats out on Friday afternoon than on the weekends, it makes boating much nicer.

Later in the afternoon we anchored in between some islands. It just so happened there were lots of fascinating birds this time.

Starting with the Canada Geese that swam in.

(Google flipped my photos around.)

Pete found them very interesting.

There was also some terns (these are a favorite of mine), a common eider, and a heron.

I am guessing this poor Eider doesn't have a mate as I also saw him on our first trip out (or I think it was him) alone.

But the star of the bird show was this guy or girl.

These bald eagles nest in these islands, so we see them around now and again. This one was just posing for so many people who boated, paddle boarded or kayaked by. It's hard to get clear photos from a boat that slightly rocks, so I am happy to have gotten these.

I guess it is time to get myself moving. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


  1. Huhhh, this looks awesome... and so darn scary!

    And geese can bite hard, too! Help! The heron is "hated" by fisher-men here, poor fella.

    Btw... I have Bill Bryson´s book "A short history of nearly Everything" right here, but don´t know the one you referred to - will look for it.
    Now I really wanna get started (sits here since 2019!!! In papaer, too!)

  2. What beautiful birds. I hope you find some motivation. Have a beautiful Saturday friend.

  3. That bald eagle is so cute!

  4. Hi Erika! How wonderful to look into your hives. Love the combs. Fascinating to see into the interior! Glad you got out with the boat, too, love how Pete is eyeing the geese. Those Canada geese is really everywhere these days. And great to see a bald eagle, I wish I would see one here! Have a great Sunday, hugs, Valerie

  5. Bee-keeping sounds complicated. I'm enjoying the updates.

    So many different kinds of birds. It's especially fun to see the ones we don't get here. Eagles! Wow!

  6. I was going to ask you how your hives are doing. Looks like the bees have settled in and everyone is busy. Friday was such a nice day to get out on the water. I was wondering if Pete would have chased the geese? Excellent photos of the bald eagle. Happy Summer Solstice!

  7. You did have a wonderfully natural day! I'm impressed with the bees - I hope they're making honey for you. And the eagle! Lots of good sightings!

  8. Hi Erika, I asked Larry about your honey combs as we had bees and he learned from his grandfather that raised bees. He says the brood combs should be a darker greyish color with a dark spot in the middle. also he never marked his queen bees-if the queen should die they will make another queen for the hive. also in case you didn't know he said do Not take any honey this year as they will need it over the winter months.
    I love seeing birds, and I have always enjoyed the Canada geese too even though they are more common-great personalities I think. and I loved your eagle photos-I get so excited when I see them.
    Happy Sunday hugs Kathy

  9. Great photos of the birds and bees Erika.
    How wonderful to see the eagle!
    Happy Sunday,
    Alison xx

  10. Beekeeping is fascinating and so vitally important for the ecosystem. Loved all the birds, especially the eider and eagle.

  11. Let me tell you bout the birds and the bees. That song is running through my head right now. I enjoyed seeing the bees at work, but those geese are everywhere in my neighborhood, so they don't impress me at all. Now a bald eagle WOULD definitely impress me. Great shots today, dear. Hope your weekend is going great.

  12. Beekeeping is so important, I applaud you.

    All the best Jan


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