Friday, June 25, 2021


 Hi everyone.  Happy Friday.

Yesterday I went off on a mini-adventure with a couple of friends. We went off to visit a botanical garden, yes another one. We had a nice day out, and as the gardens were a little bit of a drive, we left practically at the crack of dawn to get there. (OK I exaggerate seeing the crack of dawn is like 4:30 in the morning, but it was an early start .)They were fantastic to visit, and we had lots of drive time to chat. 

I'll share more another day once I get my photos squared away.

Today I'm back today with some art to share.

My first share is some paper collage on a textured background. Notice the butterflies. I'll once again be linking my journal page up to Mia's challenge at Art Journal Journey.

Since so many butterflies are found in the tropical part of the world,  I though I needed to make a page that celebrates those places. 

I cut  most of these images from a couple of pieces of printed Graphic 45 paper I had, layering them to make the design. The big fern on the right, underneath some other images, and also the bottom butterfly, are actually stickers I had in my stash.  I finished off my page with a gold metallic paper daisy chain and the stamped word for butterfly in French. My background was made with spray paints, some soft modeling paste and a stencil.

My second share is another tag for Wendy's tag on tag challenge at Tag Tuesday.

I love this TH group of ladies. They look like they are great friends. They look too young and nothing like my 2 friends I went out with yesterday, but I like to think we'd make such a great photo together. 

I made my background to match the the quote I used on the punched piece paper tag; the wild dots and the sweet flowers. 

The contrast between the girls in my 2 pieces of art today is a lot. 

I'm hoping to get out and do a bee check today because the heat is coming back over the weekend, and I don't want to don the  bee gear when its 90 degrees (around 35 degrees C). I am excited to see the changes in the past week in my hive. I had one of those it's a small world moments the other day when my brother told me he worked with a man who kept bees and lives right in my town. That is no small feat since my brother works right in Boston, and I live close to 2 hours away from Boston.

With my brother's help we exchanged phone numbers, and I was able to talk to my brother's friend the local bee keeper. He has over 15 years of experience bee keeping, and he answered my questions. Between him and what our blog friend Kathy told me, I am feeling much more confident I am doing the right things.  Thanks again Kathy for your help.

Hope you have a great start to your weekend. 
And thanks for stopping by.


  1. Love all the girl in your art pieces and the backgrounds are very well done. I especially love the tag with the fun friends with your wild and colorful background. Both are very well done.

    I am excited for you to find another beekeeper mentor - that makes it more fun too. Maybe there are more in your area and you can all meet up. There is a beekeeper down the street from me in my little town - he sells lots of different honey products too. Fun adventure you have started on here my friend.


  2. Wonderful page and tag to celebrate the season and getting out and about. Good that you're able to get help and advice about the bees, especially so close to home. Stay cool!

  3. Beautiful art, and a lovely contrast between the 2 pieces. Thanks so much for making another tag for Wendy's challenge, much appreciated! I woke up at crack of dawn today had a glass of water and then turned over and slept till 9 a.m. That was a surprise! Great that you have contact now to another bee-keeper, he will surely be able to give you useful tips. Say hello to your bees from me! Hugs, Valerie

  4. I agree there is a great deal of contrast between the tag and the journal page. You created two really great pieces and they are both perfect. Loved the entry for Mia's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    It's great you got out with your friends. I am glad you had fun and saw some beautiful gardens, too.

  5. Good that you have someone to talk to now and then when you need affirmation about something you are doing with your bees. Well done you for keeping bees. Whilst I have no intention of keeping bees I try to do my best to encourage them to the garden.
    Where we are at the moment (in our holiday home) we have woodland on two sides and the amount of nettles is immense. I think they encourage bees? We spent some time tidying up our area behind us and cut some nettles down but kept a couple of large clumps for the bees. We now also have some lavender that we have planted for them.
    Your tag is lovely and the girls look so happy, just like you and your friends I assume.
    Your collage piece is beautiful and I think a great idea to use a tropical theme for the setting. Love the colours - the bird of paradise flower looks good against all those greens.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  6. There's no such thing as too many botanical gardens lol I look forward to photos.

    How wonderful to have a local resource in addition to a blogging buddy with experience. People are generous with help, aren't they :)

  7. Do share photos, if possible, of your bee adventure. Both of these are lovely pieces.

  8. Loving your beautiful artwork today Erika. Two beautiful pieces which such gorgeous texture and colour! Thanks for sharing with us at Tag Tuesday.

  9. I love your page and tag Erika. So glad you enjoyed your adventure with the girls.
    Alison xx

  10. How lovely that you are keeping bees, we had them years ago in my previous life, all I have now is a bumblebee nest in the garden and they are in and out of it like it was an airport. Love your journal page and tag, thank you for sharing with us on Tag Tuesday.

  11. Two fantastic art pieces Erika and so different in style. It sounds like you had a lovely day out as well.
    Yvonne xx


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