Saturday, June 26, 2021

Saturday Photos

 Hi everyone. Happy Saturday. And happy weekend. 

Today I thought I would share some photos  from my trip this past Thursday to Tower Hill Botanical Garden in Boyalston, Massachusetts. I heard about this garden several weeks ago on T day when Nan mentioned it in her post. I think CJ has also mentioned these gardens before also.

This has been the spring and now summer of garden visits for me, and when I mentioned Tower Hill to a couple of my friends, we decided to take a roadtrip and visit. For me it wasn't even quite as far as going to visit my mom who lives a little further down the road.

We had a wonderful day out, and of course, I took lots of photos.

This is the first  actual living wall I have seen. It was really amazing.

The flowers on the living wall made a lovely reflection on this reflecting pool statue.

This was a gorgeous garden screen, and it made really a really fabulous shadow.

There were some trails through the woods, and along one of trails we walked were some fun classic style statues.
Including this folly.

My friend took a photo of these traffic cones that were on the trail. She was sending them to our friend who couldn't come saying we saw these interesting "cone flowers", Ha-ha-ha!

There was a display of these cool giant flowers made of recycled materials.

And there was this fun music statue too.

If you look carefully you can make out the musical notes and other markings.

And you wonder where the flowers are? Here's a few. I'll show you more another day.

Have a fantastic weekend.


  1. Gorgeous post Erika, I so love to visit the gardens with you. And lovely to see you all looking so happy and well, great! You got some great shots of the dragonfly, well done. All are good! That is another place I would like to visit! There's a tower Hill in London, next to the tower of London, it's where they beheaded 'common' people, the rich and famous had the privilege of being beheaded inside the tower! Have a wonderful weekend, hugs, Valerie

  2. Tower Hill is such a beautiful place. Looks like you had a great time.

  3. What a fun, fun post, Erika. You had me right from the start with the palm trees. I bet Lisca would love to see that turtle, too.

    That is a beautiful living wall. Our botanical garden has something sort of like that, but this one is completely intact.

    Cupid is adorable and those musical notes are out of this world. Loved the "cone flowers." What a great sense of humor. And I always love anything made of recycled materials. Beautiful, too. Thanks for taking us with you and yur friends to this incredible garden.

  4. Happy faces :) made me smile back at you. I love your photos and seeing all the garden sculptures. Fountain, folly, flowers... Fun!

  5. So So Beautiful - Thank You For Sharing


  6. What a beautiful garden! I'm pretty sure I would have enjoyed this place as well. The music statue is amazing, so much to discover just there. I do like the turtle on the lotus leaf trundling in the fountain.

  7. Those gardens are stunning Erika, I love all the art installations and that amazing living wall. Thanks for the tour and your wonderful photos.
    Happy Sunday!
    Alison xx

  8. Isn't it nice to have a day out with friends? What a great garden -- those "recycled" flowers are especially beautiful. As always, your photos are terrific!

  9. Gorgeous photos. Looks like a fun day!


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