Sunday, June 27, 2021

Natural Memory

Hi there. Happy Sunday everyone.  Hope your weekend is going well.

I'm back with another page for Mia, also known as Craftartista's butterfly challenge at Art Journal Journey.
There's still a few days left to join us if you're interested.

Today I have a page from my gardening journal. It has a tropical theme because when I was cutting out images for a different page, I cut more than I needed.  I thought I would use them with some other images and make a page about natural memory.

If you look up natural memory on the internet you find advertisements and research for keeping your memory working as you age, as well as finding out about memory in general. This quote  I used in my art was on a piece of scrapbook paper  along with animals and plants.  I'm sure it refers to how connecting with nature keeps us healthier and more connected to the earth. It also means  being able to read nature and use that information. Even with all our human discoveries and inventions, we are still a part of nature.

In case you haven't heard of natural memory,  a quote from an internet search that didn't want to sell me memory improvers or give me brain research  said:   

Being in nature, or even viewing scenes of nature, reduces anger, fear, and stress and increases pleasant feelings. Exposure to nature not only makes you feel better emotionally, it contributes to your physical well being, reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones.

I started my page by using matte medium and a strip of green paper. I used a stencil and some various paints and modeling paste to create my background.  Then I used some TH images as well as my left overs from a Grahpic 45 sheet of paper to complete the basic layout. I finished with just a few sequins.

Hope you like it.

And as a few of you were curious about my latest bee check, here's a few photos.

The white comb at the very top is honey. Most of the yellow comb is capped off worker bee pupa. Looks like there should be bees hatching out and adding to the numbers in the hive soon.  That is a good thing as it means the hive is flourishing and the queen is laying eggs. (I still couldn't notice her, but since there is more capped off comb that means she had to be there to lay eggs.)

I also added the second hive box on also. Once that starts to fill up it will be time to add my honey super. I don't plan on getting any honey this season as my bees (since they are starting to scratch) will need it to get through the winter. The beekeeper I spoke with the other day told me he always collections honey in the spring, taking whatever is left after the bees winter over. I thought that was a pretty good idea for this cold winter climate.

The week ahead is going to be a busy one for me. My daughter is on vacation, and  she is planning on being home for the early part of the week, leaving, and then she and her beau will be back for at least part of the July 4th long holiday weekend.  It should be fun though, as my daughter and I have a few "girl days" planned for the first part of the week. 

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and have a great start to the new week.




  1. Good morning Erika, Your journal page is really beautiful and I really loved the quote-I can relate to that and believe it.
    Loved seeing your bees again, have fun with your daughter-Happy new week hugs

  2. Pretty page and I loved the quote. Looks like your hive is doing well and thriving. Stay cool.

  3. Beautiful, tropical page and a great quote. There's nothing like being out and about in nature to make you feel good! I enjoyed seeing your bees, it must be very exciting for you, and I'm glad you got some good tips from that bee keeper. Have fun with your daughter! Hugs, Valerie

  4. I'm loving the bee story :) It's exciting to see them thriving. Girl Days sound like fun, enjoying the time together.

  5. What a good week to come! I'm so excited about your bees and then time with your daughter. Sounds terrific. (Love the butterfly image, too!)

  6. I love this latest page you created. It is beautiful and may be one of my favorites this month. I am truly impressed. And of course, who doesn't love G45? Thanks for yet another wonderful journal entry for AJJ using Mia's theme.

    I always enjoy seeing the bees. I'm thrilled you showed their progress. I certainly hope they thrive in your climate, too.

    Hope you and your daughter have some fun girl time together.

  7. Memory, so important, great page and info.
    So we can hope for honey-beer only next year? ;-)

  8. Hi Erika, love that layered texture and how you introduced colours of nature of blue and green. Love your choice of ephemera well matched with the beauty of nature, it sure is a calming soul. Love that you added pics of the bee's they really are thriving, must be such a pleasure to see they have settled in.
    Enjoy your precious time with your Daughter you lucky girl.
    Hugs for a sweet week ahead Tracey xx

  9. A gorgeous page Erika, I love the colours and patterns.
    Great to see the bees again, they've been very busy.
    Our son is visiting at the moment, we hadn't seen him for 16 months. So lovely to see him in person again. Have a good week with your daughter.
    Alison xx

  10. I love your journal page. I couldn't agree more about being outside. Its like therapy to me. It might be another reason I haven't been as creative this summer...I've been outside all the time! :)
    Thanks for the heads up on the AJJ theme. It's fun when that works out that a page fits without even knowing it would.

  11. PS...I'm very interested in your bees and the progress. I'm going to have to scroll back to the beginning of the bees again. As interested as I am, I am not a Just love learning new things.

  12. Good morning. I really loves your page with the butterflies. Have a beautiful day friend. Many blessings.

  13. Your art piece is beautiful. I need to look into that natural memory, if it helps one's memory.

    I didn't know you started a bee hive / honey bee house. That is great for Nature.

    How do the bees like the heat wave? (I'm assuming you're getting the same hot unpleasant weather we're having here in CT.)

    Sorry I haven't been visiting much. I've had one minor health issue after another. :-(

  14. so pretty... bees are amazing. How we need them and how they contribute to the earth

  15. A fantastic journal page Erika and your bee hive looks really active, I hope you are well protected when you tend to the bees.
    Yvonne xx

  16. Beautiful garden journal page Erika, I love the colors and all of the stenciled circles! Great bee pictures too. Enjoy your time with your daughter.
    Tammy x


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