Saturday, July 17, 2021

A Dark Morning-More Rain to Come

 Hi everyone. Happy Saturday.

It's a dark morning here, dark enough I slept in quite late for me.  Too bad because I was hoping to get into the beehive for a check this morning. And rain is due all weekend, not continuous but enough to make the days "not outside" types of days. Right now it looks like the sky is about to open up, so not enough time to go check the bees before rain. The good thing about more rain is my clothes dryer needs some repair work and with the rain, my hubby will be inside to do it. Keeping my fingers crossed he can get it fixed quickly and not break anything else about it in the process. Smile.  (But I know he can fix it.)

Luckily my husband took yesterday off from work, and we did actually get out on his boat for the afternoon. It was quite an adventurous kind of day, with lots of "events". Some good, some bad, but happily everything worked out. I'll share those stories with you once I get the photos I took squared away because pictures will make the story better.

Today I have a tag for Sandie's Music/Musical  challenge at Tag Tuesday.

I had more musical notes on this tag until things went a bit wrong, and I had some 'fixing to do. But when fixing those mistakes, I covered up a few little notes. Too bad because I had a few on vellum and they did look good on the tag. I am happy with my fix though, missing notes or not. I did make a big musical note which I fussy cut and added though. 

I'm hoping with a dark Saturday to get some more art time, unless I'm required to be helper with the dryer repair that is.

Have a great weekend. 


  1. Lovely tag. I hope I remember to check back for the blog post with the photos. I'm hoping the dogs feature in the adventure. (My thumb / tendons / wrist issue is still hampering me, 9 weeks into the injury. Typing causes it to strain, so I'm limited with blog visiting.)

    It is sunny, hot, humid, and oppressive here in CT today (as it has been for the past few days). Thunderstorms possible each afternoon this weekend. We have a Flash Flood Watch due to how much rain we've had recently. Last Summer, we had a drought here. This Summer (so far), July has been very rainy. I think your weather has been very similar to ours, although maybe you've had more rain, because some days, thunderstorms tracked farther north of my area, so we got nothing.

  2. Very nice tag. It's dry here and the fires are burning Oregon up. Have a nice evening.

  3. A super Tag and just perfect for our challenge at Tag Tuesday. I love those cats...
    Thank you for joining in with our challenge.x

  4. So, you, also get something good with the rain with your Hubby working on the dryer :-)
    Looking forward to the boat story.

    Argh, your tag.
    I learned to play the piano at age 13 against my will.

    Let go at 14, Ingo bought a keybaord to play but I sadly really had no interest, cannot even read notes no more. I have the time on my hands but not the music.

    I once had a real bad dream... woke up... it was caused by cats making "music" outside ;-) How can those little animals be so loud?!
    It was screaming at each other, actually, not really music... In the field, outside, our window was closed!

  5. Fabulous tag for Sande's challenge, thanks so much! Love the colour and the musical cats. My Kitty used to howl if I listened to Opera, I got the feeling she didn't like it. Or perhaps she just wanted to join in! Have a great Sunday, hugs, Valerie

  6. Such a fun tag! Loving those musical cats 😉. Sounds like you had quite the adventure on your boat trip too! Take care and happy weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  7. Great tag Erika!
    It's apparently the hottest day of the year here today. I'm hiding indoors, I don't like it too hot. Fortunately my art room stays nice and cool.
    Alison xx

  8. sleeping late on a rainy or cloudy morning is really pleasant. Good luck with the dryer fix.

    best... mae at

  9. I am having trouble leaving comments. In fact, for nearly two days, even though I kept refreshing, there was no comment box at all. This was especially true for embedded comment boxes, but it also happens quite a bit on the pop-ups, too. It must have been a Blogger glitch.

    At least I'm glad I saw this lovely tag. I love the music theme and I think you pulled it off well. I am in love with the musical cats. They are cute and clever. this is a fun tag, Erika.

  10. Love the jazzy cats on your tag. Yup, have to make our own kind of music and fun during these wet days. Did you have wicked thunderstorms Sat. night? We had a lightning strike very close to the house that knocked out the Internet. More severe storms expected on Wed. STay dry and take care.

  11. I'm trying desperately to catch up on posts and probably have or will miss something. Every now and then, a rainy day is a good thing! Looking forward to the boat adventure. The fact that you are writing about means all must be relatively well in the end!

  12. Lovely tag Erica. Luv the bold lines added
    Happy Tag Tuesday


  13. It's been dark and rainy here, too. One of my FB friends had an eventful boat day recently that resulted in her losing half a finger but saving the boat. I'm glad to hear everything worked out in your case. Boats can be difficult. Jazz Cats! Cool, Man!

  14. Brilliant tag - love those cats! Chrisx

  15. They are such cool cats!! What a great tag. Shame about your vellum notes having to be covered but it still looks amazing to me Erika! Thanks so much for joining us at Tag Tuesday.


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