Friday, July 16, 2021

A Whimsy Summer Countryside View

 Hi everyone. Happy Friday. Another week has gone by quickly, and it is almost the weekend again.

We've had a bit of a break from the rain for a couple of days, but it is suppose to be back again tomorrow or later tonight. This has been one wet and not particulary sunny July.

My page today is a whimsical take on a summer flower garden. I am linking up to Alison's Summer Countryside challenge at Art Journal Journey This page is one that started as a piece of  cardboard recycled from a package. 

I began by stenciling with white soft modeling paste the line images you see on the background. Once they dried I used a couple of shades of ink as well as some yellow spray paint to give it color and some texture.

All of the images (except for the flower stems which I used a paint pen to create) are from an Art By Marlene punch out book. I did give them some white and black pen details, and on the sunflower girl I used some glitter glue to give her some shine. I finished off the bottom of the page with some red-orange velvet trim as well as some sheer ruffled trim underneath it.

Yesterday I forgot to include this view of main garden, but I did show you close ups views.  It has a totally different look from far off, not quite so meadow-sh, which is why I mentioned I am not sure if I need to thin it out more or not. From here it looks pretty good. 

I'm keeping this post on the short side as my husband is taking a vacation day today. As long as the weather people predicted correctly (as I wrote this post last night), we're heading out for a day in the boat. We haven't been out since June between all the rain and things going on. 

Enjoy the start of your weekend.


  1. Such a gorgeous page and I love the whimsy 😁. So pleased the rain is staying away today and you get to enjoy a trip out on the boat - yay! Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs, Jo x

  2. Your flower page is fun and reminds me of the flowers Alice in Wonderland talked to. Isn't it a surprise more rain on the way? Surprise, not. Enjoy the day on the boat.

  3. Gorgeous page, so bright and beautiful. Love those cut outs. Have a fun day with your hubby! Hugs, Valerie

  4. How fun this whimsical summer flower garden is! The background is great, the flowers and butterflies are awesome. I love your added details to the flowers and butterflies is what brings them to life. Your garden plans are coming to life from your dreams. I adore the shed scene. I’d love looking out my home window to that scene in the back near the woods. Not being a gardening type, I have no advice for you in that department. But from my point of view you’re doing a great job of it.

  5. tthis place is like a fairytale location!

  6. What A Wonderful Post - Stay Whimsical My Dear


  7. A delightful page, such a sunny, happy, colorful summer page :) Views of a garden close-up and from a distance look like completely different places, don't they?! I know the boat outing is a treat.

  8. what a cute little building, loved your whimsical page Have fun on the water-hugs

  9. What a fun page, Marlene's images always put a smile on my face, a fab gathering of quirky garden flowers. Love the trim you added it really grounds her. I'm so enjoying your pics of your garden, it's like you have your own little piece of heaven, makes me want to walk barefoot upon the grass.
    Hope you enjoyed your day out today, fingers crossed the weather is kind to you and the family this weekend.
    Wishing you sunshine & creativity Hugs Tracey xx

  10. Such a gorgeous page of a whimsy summerly view. and i LOVE your barn photo to i dont think you need to thin it out i should look wild and nature

  11. A gorgeous colourful page Erika! I love it!
    Hope you have a lovely weekend.
    Alison xx

  12. Great page, ohhh, summer! And your boat steals the show, how wonderful you have this! Are pics to come?

  13. Love that whimsical page, Erika. Her face is adorable and the whole page is happy and fun! Love it.

    Your garden is so lovely and fun as well!

    HOpe you had fun on the boat!!


  14. Both your whimsical garden and your actual garden are fabulous. It's grey and soggy here today, so this burst of colour is very welcome.

  15. Its a wonderful journal page and I love those magical and quirky flowers.
    Lovely photos of the garden, I would be happy to leave it looking as it does in the photo if it were mine.
    Hope you had a good time in the boat.
    Yvonne xx

  16. I love that view of the main garden. Is that the side of your house? I'm trying to get orientation. Our world looks like it's trying to decide if it wants to rain or be nice. (I'm voting for nice!) Hope your rain stops.

  17. Love your whimsical page. I do like the images from Art by Marlene and you have used them perfectly here.
    I just long for some rain - we are having a very unusually hot time here this month and it is set to stay util the end of the week. Too warm to sleep in the night time so am dozing during the day. Just not used to this heat.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  18. Quirky and whimsical. Gotta love those flowers and the girl. I can almost feel the texture of the background. This is so much fun and a different take on Alison's theme at Art Journal Journey.

    Your garden looks really great from that view. When is your husband going to let us see inside his shed?

  19. A fabulous cheerful page! Your garden areas are all truly beautiful! Hugs, Chrisx

  20. I absolutely love your page with those bright sunshine flowers popping with life and vibrant colour against the darks of the background. Wonderful photo of the garden too - it looks just perfect to me.
    Alison x


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